sixty one

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*pic attached is a drawing somebody did of me and Sean, how cute is it omg!! If you guys do any artwork, vines etc for the story, be sure to tweet it to me @/septicloughlin or tag me in it on Instagram jxcksepticeye!*

I stretched my arms above my head and groaned, I'd just edited tomorrow's first video but I was starving and Mark had gone to get us food. However, he seemed to be taking a pretty long time. I ignored the rumble from my stomach and stood up, walking to the kitchen to see if there was something I could snack on whilst I waited - if this was the sims, all I'd need to do was drink juice and I'd be full.

I opened the treat cupboard and smiled widely as my eyes landed on a pack of Oreos, perfect. I reached out and grabbed the pack, and to no surprise, the front door opened, signalling that Mark was home. I sighed and placed the pack back in the cupboard before leaving to great him,

"Hey!" He cheered, placing the food down on our coffee table.

"What took you so long? I'm starving." I whined,

"I had to nip and see somebody, but I'm here now so we can eat." He said, removing his jacket and hanging it up. I frowned at him before taking a seat too, he slid a bag over to me and grabbed some cutlery before sitting down opposite me.

"Who did you need to see?" He shook his head as he fished his food out,

"That doesn't matter, everything's sorted now."

"Right, okay." I huffed, reaching into my bag and getting my food out. I picked up a box that made a weird sound and looked up at Mark confused,

"What else did you get me? I only asked for these things." He stayed completely silent and simply smiled at me,

"Mark?" He didn't respond so I placed the box on my lap and opened it, looking down confused then up at Mark.

"I think the worker put their keys in my food," I said, holding them up and showing Mark. He shook his head and placed his food down before scooting round to me and putting his arm around my shoulder,

"They belong to us," He grinned,

"Why did you put our house keys in the food? Are you okay?" He chuckled and placed his hand around mine which was holding the keys,

"I'm fine angel, promise, but these are keys to our new home. We're moving!" He cheered, I looked between Mark and the keys before shaking my head.

"Wait - what? We're moving? How?"

"I went to see a house on St. Figuerod Street and it was perfect, it has enough rooms for us and they even allow pets if we wanted one! It's still in LA so we don't have to move far, are you not excited?" He said, removing his arm and looking at me.

"I'm kind of confused, why didn't you ask me first?"

"Because I wanted to surprise you! You've been busy lately, I thought I'd take care of this."

"But this is a new home Mark, you've given me no warning or time to prepare any videos. What if I hate the place?" He ran his hand through his hair and looked at me, frustrated.

"I tried to do something nice for you, I tried to relieve some pressure but that doesn't seem to be good enough does it? I looked at so many properties because I wanted you to have privacy whilst you were here in America, is that not what you want?"

"Don't try leading questions with me. I know exactly what you're doing. Obviously I want privacy but I've just paid to move here, I'm still paying for my home in Ireland,I've just had my hair dyed. I don't have money to be throwing about with moving again."

"I've got to pay for it too, you're not paying for everything yourself." He snapped,

"And what about videos? I've had no warning in advance so how am I supposed to have videos to go up whilst we're moving? Because it's not an easy job you know? It stresses me out a lot."

"I do YouTube too you know? They won't mind if you break your schedule to move somewhere and regain your privacy." He said stubbornly, I stood up and walked away from him.

"I know you do, but I live and breathe YouTube. I've worked extremely hard to get my channel to where it is and I don't want to ruin the upload schedule, I owe a lot to the people that stuck by me when I had a breakdown and stopped uploading completely. It's not fair on them Mark, I'm not doing it again." He stood up and crossed his arms, laughing slightly.

"Nobody is fücking asking you to stop uploading Sean! I'm saying you could compromise, cut down to one video a day or something." I shook my head at him,

"That's not the point Mark! You gave me no heads up so now I'm going to have to work none stop to prerecord videos and get them up, as well as eating, sleeping and packing - it's not exactly an easy task is it?"

"Have you heard yourself? Most people would be thanking their partner for something like this, but no, not me. Instead I get shouted at and basically told that I'm second best compared to your precious YouTube channel." He scoffed,

"Bullshït!" I shouted, "I did not once say you were second best, don't put words in my mouth because it isn't helping."

"You said, and I quote, that you 'live and breathe YouTube', now because of that you're having a go at me, the person trying to help you."

"You don't even know why you're arguing anymore Mark, just sit down and eat your food." I groaned, turning my back on him and beginning to walk to my office.

"There you go again, walking away from the ones you love for YouTube. Typical. You know the day that bites you in the arse, remember that there were people you should have been putting first, kay?" I immediately turned round and looked him dead in the eye,

"Don't you dare say I walk away from the ones I love, I moved away from some of the most important people in the world to be here with you. If that's walking away from the ones I love for YouTube then you need to rethink us." I watched as he pinched the bridge of his nose,

"Just leave it Sean." I stormed away from him and into my office, slamming the door shut and slumping down in front of my desk. I dropped my head into my hands and let out a small sob, why was this happening again? Why did I mess up every relationship?

okay I'm sorry, pls put the guns down... pls

- thoughts on Mark?
-thoughts on Sean?
- should Mark have bought the house without telling Sean?
- what do you think will happen next?

QOTC: do you have any goals for 2016?

AOTC: work hard on both my fanfics and college/uni, hopefully meet Sean and daithi again. Meet more of my internet friends because I'd love to meet them and speak and get cute pictures and stuff ^.^

ALSO: please make sure you read my new jacksepticeye fanfic 'the art of nature' I've been working super hard on it and I'd love to hear feedback from you guys!

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