sixty four

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*massive thank you to @/ArmyOfSeptic on Twitter for the incredible artwork attached! You guys blow me away with your talent*

"Sean, Sean buddy, hey," A soft voice said, I attempted to open my eyes and felt myself swaying from side to side. My eyes slowly batted open as the light crept in,

"Hey, you're coming round, can you hear me properly?" I blinked before leaning up and rubbing my eyes, looking forward and widening my eyes at the figure in front of me.

"D?" He nodded, placing his hands firmly on my arms and helping me sit up,

"You called me in a right state, what happened?" I looked around me, slightly confused.

"What - where's Mark?" He opened his mouth to talk but I cut him off,

"What happened? Daithi? Why - why does everything hurt?" I said, feeling my breathing begin to go shaky again.

"I don't know, I got here and you were out cold," I stared at him and attempted to reply, but my breathing became a lot heavier again and I felt myself tremble. I shook my head, frowning at how cold and anxious I felt,

"Sean - are you okay?" Daithi's grip on me tightened as I became weaker in his arms,

"Hey - hey, listen to me, I need you to listen to my voice, okay? Can you do that?" I nodded, panting.

"Okay, listen to me, can you name five things you can see around you?" I frowned and looked around me at the barren apartment,

"Y-you, uh, the erm, the door and window," I said, regaining my breath.

"Good, good, two more, come on," he said stroking my hair,

"The light and my - my phone." He smiled at me and held me in his chest, running his hands up and down my back.

"There you go look, you're aware of what's around you, just try and steady your breathing." I nodded and stayed silent, resting my head on Daithi's chest as I inhaled and exhaled deeply. Within a few minutes I'd managed to fix my breathing, but I was still a little shaky.

"Here buddy sit next to me," Daithi said, carefully lifting me off him and propping me up against the wall.

"I think you had a panic attack," he blurted, I furrowed my brows at him before shaking my head.

"I did? I didn't think I got them?" He nodded and took my hand in his.

"From the way you just acted then, I think you may have had one, but don't get worked up about it again, it's a completely natural thing. You were a mess when you were on the phone to me, do you remember?" I shook my head, lowering it sadly.


"It's okay, you scared me," he laughed, "that's why I came over, I think you may have worked yourself up that much that you passed out." I bit my lip, taking in the information.

"Am I okay?" He pouted at me before wrapping his arms around me,

"Of course you're okay." I stayed in his embrace for a short period before pulling away and scratching my stubble,

"Where's Mark? Did he come here?" He shook his head,

"No, no, you were alone." I brushed my fringe out of my face,

"I called him, I remember, and he was with Matt at the new apartment." Daithi's jaw dropped into an 'o' shape,

"Oh, well then, I think we should take you over there because you're in no fit state to be alone." I shrugged my shoulders,

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