eighty nine

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After many, many overwhelming days me and Mark finally made the decision that the time was right to announce to the public that we were engaged. We kept it quiet at first but I couldn't help but let Daithi know, and he was completely over the moon. My family responded in the sweetest way, sending flowers and cards to our house and sending me lovely messages about how happy they are for me.

Mark's family were lovely about the situation too, they came to visit us for the new year and left early this morning - as today was now January 1st.

I readied my hand and snapped a picture of my ring on my finger, then used Mark to snap another one of our hands interlinked.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" He questioned, sitting down on the sofa and pulling me down next to him. I nodded excitedly and added the pictures onto my Instagram, with the caption:

'Never in a million years did I think I would be going into the new year engaged to the most wonderful man in my life (besides my pa, love you). This might come as a shock to some of you after the year I've had but spending so much time with Mark has proven to me that I have found the one and to let him go would be the biggest mistake of my life.

On another note, I know many of you will be wondering about my living arrangements as we head into the new year. So... exciting news! Mark (and Chica) have made the decision to move with me, but not to Ireland! We are moving into a home in Brighton for the next year, and from then we will see where feels right for us! I hope you all respect our decisions and enjoyed Christmas and had a wonderful new year x'

I posted the images and within seconds supportive messages started flooding through, from both other content creators or viewers of our channels and my heart was filled with joy. The viewers had no clue about the troubles me and Mark had faced during our relationship, which was probably for the best, but I knew in my heart that we could overcome these and we were destined to be together. It sounds sloppy but it's true.

"I guess we best finish packing!" Mark said, patting my knee and standing up off the sofa. I rolled my eyes and groaned, packing was the bane of my life and I certainly didn't want to do it. But hey, new year new me and all that rubbish.

I set my phone down, grabbed some boxes and began getting to work.


Months had passed and me and Mark had settled into Brighton so much better than I ever expected. Chica was super happy to be on the beach and running round with the other dogs, including Edgar who she had become pretty good doggy friends with. We'd moved into a house not far from Felix so we were able to spend a lot more time with him, and even met up with a few friends that lived in England that I hadn't seen in a long time or ever actually met - it was crazy.

I'd spent a lot of time working on my secret project too, I'd dropped a few more hints here and there and some of the viewers had a rough idea of what the project was, but it was fascinating seeing the amount of guesses coming from everybody. The new year had brought about so many more opportunities and chances for me to broaden my work load and work with new individuals, and even create my own team to help finish my project off.

I'd signed all the papers I needed to and my project was days away from being ready to announce to the public, Mark was doing well with his work and had found a love for 24 hour streaming for charities, and our wedding plans were well under way.

I'd learnt that despite all of the past issues and problems we may have faced, nothing could truly come between us, and we can look past anything to create a healthy relationship. So here's to the future Mark, and here's to who we are now and who we are going to be - Mr and Mr McLoughlin-Fischbach.

I'm so sorry this story took so long to end but here it is, the sweet ending. I'm sorry if you dislike it but it all needed to be wrapped up, there is plans for a sequel if anybody wants it! But I don't know how many people actually read the story still so let me know - the sequel will include Sean's project reveal, the wedding and possibly a bigger family for the pair 👀

but thank you all so much for your love and support for this story! Let's see if it continues!

UPDATE: the sequel has now been posted 💜

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