eighty five

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I pulled into the drive and let out a loud sigh, I should have asked him. I raised my head and smiled at Wade who was propped up against my gate, waiting for me to get out of the car and greet him. I removed my seat belt and stepped out, locking the car behind me and walking over to my giant of a friend. Without hesitation he pulled me into a hug and ran his hand up and down my back,

"What happened man? I thought you had this?" I slumped my shoulders and pulled away,

"I thought I did too, but something just didn't seem right. I don't think it would have been fair to ask him to make one of the biggest decisions of his life then leave and get on a plane, he'd have no time to celebrate and if he said no it would have just been more awkward. I don't know." I mumbled, opening the front door and leading Wade inside. He kicked the door shut behind him and nodded,

"I understand. It was brace of you to even consider doing it, I didn't think about what was going to happen afterwards. Are you going to wait until he comes back?" I fished the box out of my pocket and opened it up, looking down at the ring and smiling.

"Yeah, I think so. I want to be able to see all of his reaction, I want to see his pretty blue eyes beam with excitement like a child in a toy shop. I want to hear his thick Irish accent tell me yes, that he wants to marry me and be mine forever. I want to be able to wrap my arms around him and whisper how much I love him without thinking about him leaving me. I just want it to be perfect, you know? Like those movie scenes." I felt my cheeks hint red as the end of my sentence drew near, I peered at Wade who was smiling sheepishly.

"You, my friend, are so whipped. But I am so glad. I imagine it's going to be perfect for you, we both know how much Sean loves you, I doubt he'll ever say no." I smiled at the mention of Sean's name, it was true, he does love me and I love him more than I've ever loved anything in the world.

There was so much I loved about him, the way his highlighter green hair fades to a swampy green colour, how his bellowing laugh echoes in my ears when he finds a game with whacky physics, the way he cuddles up to me at a night time and tells me that I'm the best thing to ever happen to him. All these little things made me realise how lucky I am, and how I definitely wanted to spend the rest of my life with the little Irish man.


Hours had passed and I was on a mad tidy of the house after Wade had left, we'd had loads of PO Box deliveries so there were stacks of cardboard and press releases scattered everywhere. I'd had to do tonnes of washing so Sean had enough clothes to take away with him, therefore meaning the contents of his drawers and wardrobe were scattered all over the bedroom floor. We'd not had time to cook so there was empty takeaway containers overflowing on the kitchen counters, there was just a lot to clean.

I tackled the kitchen first, making it look like a kitchen rather than a dump. The bedroom was my next task and I don't think I'd ever hated hanging clothes on hangers more than I did that night. I'd taken the recycling out and tidied the PO box goodies into our spare room. The last places to finish were our recording rooms, as I wanted to tidy Sean's for him whilst he was away so when he returned he could just go back to recording without any chores or jobs to do first.

I entered his room and headed straight for his desk, collecting all the empty bottles of water and chucking them into an empty cardboard box. I searched high and low for every bottle before sliding the box aside and moved to the letters. I picked the stack up and groaned as one individual letter fell on the floor, I opened Sean's letter box and dropped the others in before crouching down and picking up the last letter. A frown was immediately drawn to my face as I saw what the letter read:

Mr Mcloughlin,

We are pleased to inform you that your offer has been considered and confirmed. We look forward to seeing you in Melbourne. We will be in touch soon regarding prices and further confirmation. Thank you for choosing us,

Best wishes,

The Etihad Team.

I stared at the letter in confusion, what interest did Sean have in Australia?

I shook my head and chucked the letter onto Sean's computer chair, tidying the other letters away and polishing his desk. I came to a halt when my phone began vibrating in my pocket, informing me I had a FaceTime request from Sean. I took a seat on his computer chair, holding the letter on my lap before accepting the call and waiting for Sean to appear on the screen.

His happy face appeared on my phone screen within seconds and he began to wave,

"Hey Marky!" I waved back,

"Hey buddy, how was your flight?"

"It was good! I landed at Birmingham airport and was greeted by a driver named Steve, ironic I know, and he drove me to my hotel! So this is where I am now, I've got the comfiest bed ever. My rooms not too big but I'm not here for long. Daithi's here too and I'm just waiting for him to finish settling in and stuff and then we're going for dinner, I think Craig might be joining us too." I nodded slowly, listening to Sean ramble on about the hotel and how he was already excited for the convention, despite it starting tomorrow.

"Marky?" My eyes shot back up to the phone screen,


"What's wrong? And don't say nothing because I know when there's something wrong and when you're lying." I bit my lip and slowly raised the letter until it was in shot,

"I found this on your desk whilst I was cleaning." Sean squinted at the screen as he tried to make out the words, "care to explain?"

Sean shook his head lightly,

"You weren't supposed to see that yet. I can't tell you what it is or what it's about." I raised my eyebrows at him and laughed.

"What do you mean you can't tell me? It's a fricking letter about Australia! What relation do you have to Australia?!" I stared at Sean waiting for a response but he just stared back silently,

"Marky please, just let it go. I'll tell you when I can."

"Why can't you just tell me? Cause it seems like you are just jetting off to Australia with absolutely no explanation at all!" I exclaimed, Sean's attention turned away from the camera and to the left.

"Look Daithi's here now, I can't talk to you about this now. I'll call you later."

And with that, he hung up.

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