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[Mark's POV]

I grumbled as I rolled onto my side, squinting and looking at the room around me. I was confused at first but I soon remembered that I was in Sean's guest bedroom, I ruffled my hair and sat up, frowning when I could hear loud cries. I clambered out of the bed and crept over to Sean's room, slightly opening the door and peering in.

However, Sean was nowhere to be seen. I turned on my heels and attempted to follow the cries, they led me down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I rushed in and gasped, spotting Sean on the floor surrounded by what I made out to be a broken cup. I walked over to him and lifted him up off the ground,

"Sean! What happened?" He looked up at me sadly and then around at the mess on the floor.

"I was - I got mad. I'm sorry. The cup was a gift from Klo and I thought I could use it but it just brought back bad memories and I-"

"Sean breathe," I said, butting in. He stopped rambling and lowered his head.

"Come here look, sit down and I'll tidy up this mess." I lifted him onto the kitchen counter and placed my hand on his knee, smiling.

"It was an accident Mark," He said, I couldn't help but smile wider at the way my name sounded in his Irish accent.

"I'm not blaming you, just sit there and calm down." I turned back to the mess and swept it all up, making sure I was extra careful with where I stood, I didn't want to cut my foot. I chucked the broken cup in the bin and turned back to Sean who was inspecting his hand, so with natural instinct, I stepped over and grabbed it. I looked down and grimaced at the bit of cup that was stuck in his hand,

"I'll clean that up too." I grinned, he laughed and thanked me as I removed the cup and plastered his hand.

"You need to be more careful next time." He nodded, as I took a step towards the kettle, I felt a little tug on my arm that pulled me back. I turned and stood in between Sean's leg as he sat on the counter, he let go of me and played with his hands.

"Thank you Mark, for just being there whenever I need you. I mean, if that would have been me having to clean that up, I probably would have done a lot worse than this little cut on my hand." I gave his thigh a little squeeze and walked away, flicking the kettle on.

"You don't need to thank me Sean, I'm here for you whenever, wherever." I felt a warmth inside me as his cheeks tinted red, he was the loveliest man ever.

"Tea?" I asked, getting some new cups off the drainer. He nodded and I made him his drink, leaving out the sugar because he's a fan of it being unsweetened. I leant against the counter opposite him and sipped my drink, glancing over at Sean every now and again.

He looked so weak and innocent, like he'd been facing the end of the world all by himself. I'd never seen him this way before and it was a little bit scary, I will admit it. My little Irish buddy was always the one that would cheer me up if I was down, he never failed to put a smile on my face and he made my internet life so much more better (along with my viewers).

I watched as he drank his drink, not saying a word. That was also unusual for Sean, seeing him so quiet worried me. I'd always called him 'Loud Mouth Mcloughlin', but the state he was in now made him appear like the complete opposite. That's why I was glad I was there, I wanted to help him be stronger and go back to his usual self. The loud, cursing Irish man that I love and know.


A few hours had passed and I'd left Sean upstairs, he said he was going to do some YouTube work so I'm sure he wouldn't mind letting me use his set up to record a video for my channel. I got up off the sofa and jogged up the stairs to Sean's room, pushing the door open and walking in. I could see the back of Sean's head and the top of his headphones,

"Sean, buddy." I began - no response. I frowned and walked over to him, turning his chair slightly. I couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of me, Sean was fast asleep with Sam tucked into his hood. His head was tilted slightly and his arms were crossed, I didn't want to wake him but he needed to get in bed to sleep. I crouched down in front of him and patted his leg,

"Sean, hey, Sean." I said, not too loud. His eyes slowly opened and he looked down at me,

"You fell asleep buddy, come on. Get in bed and then you can go to sleep again." He nodded and I stood up, guiding him over to the bed.

"Let's take Sam out of your hood," I chucked, removing the little guy from his hood. I placed him on his beside table as Sean sat on his bed and pulled his hoody off, chucking it on the floor and tucking himself up under the duvet.

"You don't mind if I record a quick video do you?" He shook his head,

"Go ahead." I thanked him and walked over to his desk, sitting down and preparing myself for recording.


A few hours later I'd finished recording and editing, Sean was still asleep when I finished (which I'm surprised about because I was quite loud during the session), so I left him to keep sleeping. I went down the stairs and watched American Sniper whilst I waited for him to wake up.

As the film finished, the living room door opened and a sleepy Sean walked in. He had an oversized hoody on and was rubbing his eyes, I immediately smiled when I spotted him.

"Hey buddy, did you enjoy your sleep?" He laughed and nodded.

"Sorry for just leaving you whilst I slept, I'm such a bad host." I shook my head and patted the sofa next to me, he sat down and looked at the TV.

"Nice film choice." I smirked and nodded,

"One of the best, and don't apologise for sleeping Sean. You clearly needed it." He looked at the clock on his wall,

"Do we have time to go shopping? I've not really been out of the house and I'm running low on food." I nodded,

"Of course! Let me change and we'll go."

QOTC: If you could only watch one YouTuber for the rest of your life, who would you pick?

AOTC:mines pretty obvious, sean haha :)

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