fifty seven

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My friends won't love me like you, we're not friends, we could be anything if we tried to keep those secrets safe, no one will find out , if it all went wrong they'll never know what we've been through' - Ed Sheeran, Friends

Mark stared back at me, a look of disbelief crossing his face.

"I'm sorry - what?" I laughed and stepped back, shaking my head.

"Don't try and act innocent Mark. Ever since I moved here you and Matt have become the next Romeo and Juliet, and don't pretend you haven't. You've had no time for me, and sometimes I feel like I'm overreacting but I know for definite I'm not now." The expression on Mark's face stayed pretty stern,

"You are overreacting Sean, I've been helping Matt out not sucking his d*ck. You need to get a grip." My eyes widened at him and I began to speak, however he cut me off.

"You and Daithi have been together constantly, do you know how shit that makes me feel Sean? No? Well it makes me feel absolutely awful. It makes me feel like you don't have the time for me, not the other way round. No matter what I do it seems like all you ever do is run to Daithi. And that video! What on Earth? I thought you had respect for me, but clearly not if you're off getting sexual with another man." I pinched the bridge of my nose before laughing.

"We weren't getting sexual at all Mark, don't start making things up to make you seem like the innocent one. I haven't been running off to Daithi, he's just been there for me when you haven't! I try my best with you and show you how much you mean to me, but some days you really throw that back into my face and run off with Matt and some days, I really think that you find his company a lot better than mine." Mark shrugged and turned to look out of the window,

"I don't know what to tell you Sean, you're being so stupid right now. I love you, not Matt. You're just too blind to see that clearly." I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm not blind to it at all, you're just showing similar affection to Matt." Within seconds he span round and locked eyes with me, turning slightly redder in the face.

"You're an actual joke Sean! Why can't you see the damage you're doing too! You're trying to play innocent and pretend that this whole thing is don to me when you're acting like you're having a bloody affair on the side! I'm sick of appearing as second best to you, I moved you out here to make you happy and help us get closer. In reality,you've just pushed me away even more. Why can't you see it Sean? Please tell me why you're so narrow minded that you can't see what you've done? Why?" My jaw dropped at his words, was he being serious? Me?

"I think you're the blind one Mark, running off to Matt all the time. It appears you're the one that's likely to be having an affair."

"You know what Sean? Sometimes Matt is better company than you." I shut my mouth tightly and tutted before grabbing my backpack off the sofa,

"Where are you going?"

"To hook up with Nogla seeing as though that's what you think we do whenever we're together. Bye." I pulled my bag onto my back and pulled the door open, stepping out and ignoring the shouting coming from Mark. I marched down the street with my head held high, I wasn't going togo back, if I did I'd just do something stupid.

I turned a few corners and grimaced when I spotted Matt walking up the street, he smirked at me and I stared blankly at him.

"Are you okay bud?" Matt asked, stretching an arm out to touch my shoulder.

"Don't - just don't." I snapped, shoving him off and walking past him. H watched me walk away with a confused look on his face before shrugging and continuing his walk, I pulled my hood up and text Daithi, telling him I'd be at his pretty soon.

Around fifteen minutes later, I finally reached Daithi's apartment and banged on the door. Within seconds he pulled it open and pouted at me, 

"Are you okay?" I shook my head and let a few tears fall. This wasn't what America was supposed to be like, not at all, and yet, here we are, like one big mess. He escorted me into kitchen and propped me up on the counter, grabbing a tissue and wiping my eyes. I thanked him and scratched the back of my neck, the ache in my heart getting bigger by the second.

"Breathe, please. I'm here for you." I nodded and lowered my head, letting out a big sigh. Daithi stood in between my legs and grabbed one of my hands,

"Can you tell me what's happened? Please." I nodded again and began playing with Daithi's hand,

"Well Mark - he erm - well, the video we've just recorded. He hates it. Absolutely hates it. He thinks we were shipping ourselves with each other and giving the viewers some kind of idea - I don't know. Then he got mad and we got into some argument and for some crazy reason he thinks we've been all over each other and I'm just tired D, I'm tired of fighting and feeling like this." I sobbed, my voice breaking slightly at the end. He held his arms out and I hugged him tightly,crying into his shoulder.

"Is that everything?" He whispered,running his hand up and down my back.

"I confronted him about Matt, he got mad at that too. We just shouted at each other and said some horrible things and I'm scared it's all over D, I'm scared that I've lost him just like I did Klo and I'm going to fall back into that hole again. I can't do that, please don't let that happen to me again Daithi because this time I don't think I'll escape. Please." I begged, he hushed me and held me in his arms as I cried. He said no words and just occasionally held me tighter, reminding me that he was here for me and I wasn't alone. 

"Sean, buddy, I promise you that you won't ever be alone, okay? You haven't lost Mark, he loves you so much, he's hurting just like you. You've got to be strong and face this head on. I think you should go home, being here is only going to make the situation worse."

"But it hurts D." I croaked,

"I know buddy, I know." I wiped my eyes with my sleeves and pulled myself from Daithi's grip.

"I told him I was coming here to hook up with you." I confessed, looking at him with watery yes. He leant forward and wiped my tears again,

"Well that was a silly thing to do Mcloughlin." I nodded,

"I know." We both fell silent and he stepped back, pulling me down off the counter.

"You should go Sean, go home to Mark and talk it out with him. You've both let it out, now go and fix it. You know you don't want it to be over, and he definitely feels the same. Now go on, go and get him back. If you need me, just text me and I'll come right over, but please talk it out with him. As for the fanfiction video, we'll scrap it. I don't want anything to get in the way of you two." I smiled weakly at him and pulled my bag onto my back,

"Thank you so much." He shook his head and led me to the front door,

"You don't need to thank me."




- do you think either of them overreacted?

- will they make up

- thoughts on daithi's actions?

- thoughts on sean?

- thoughts on mark?

QOTC: fave movie?

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