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I sighed and stretched my hand out, I'd been signing posters since Mark had left to have his hair done and my hand was beginning to ache more and more. I tilted my neck side in an attempt to loosen some of the stiffness but snapped round to look at the door when it opened, my eyes widened and I couldn't help but laugh. Mark walked in with the biggest derp face possible and did a few poses,

"No need to fear, Wanda is here!" He cheered, spinning around and flipping his hair. I got up from my chair and fell about in fits of laughter, but I was soon stopped and grabbed my Mark.

"Hey, you're not supposed to be laughing at me, you're supposed to be supporting me." I stuck my tongue out at him and ruffled his hair,

"You do look pretty handsome, I have to admit. It's just going to take me a while to get used to it." I turned round in his arms and rested my head on his shoulder,

"My hand aches from all the signing Marky." He wrapped his arms around me and ran his hands upand down my back,

"Well take a break from signing angel, just sit down and I'll make you a coffee." I leant up and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips before releasing him and taking a seat, I smiled as he walked into the kitchen and opened my phone to scroll down twitter. A few minutes later I got a notification from Instagram alerting me that Mark had posted a picture (yes I do have his notifications on), I clicked onto it and cooed at the selfie Mark had posted. He'd clearly just taken it in the kitchen but he looked beautiful. I screenshotted it and opened up twitter before composing a tweet and attaching the picture,

Jack_Septic_Eye: the most beautiful man i have ever laid eyes on  !!

I tweeted the picture out and chuckled at the floods of replies that stormed in, there were loads of tweets that were freaking out about septiplier, a few telling me they agreed, a few asking me normal questions - just the usual responses.

"You're such a softie," Mark said as he walked into the room, two mugs firmly in his hands. He placed one down in front of me and took a seat,

"Me? A softie, oh please." I scoffed, smirking a little at him.

"Don't smirk at me boy," He winked, I laughed and looked at the table.

"What have you got left to do now baby?" I scratched my head before pointing to different sections on the table,

"These are the ones left to sign, these are ones for my family and friends that I need to sign, then all of them need putting in those boxes over there ready to be shipped." Mark nodded, following my finger as it pointed around.

"I can help you with boxing them." I thanked him and got back to signing as he began loading the posters into the boxes.

Around an hour and a half later we had finished signing and I was boxing up the last ones, all was complete for both the viewers and my family/friends. I looked up to see  Mark just staring at me in silence, a little smile playing on his face.

"What? What is it?" I questioned, looking round me confused. He shook his head and continued to smile,

"It's nothing angel, promise." I raised my eyebrow at him but left it,

"Did you manage to book me a new hair appointment?" I asked, stacking all the poster tubes into one big box.

"Yes! Your appointment is at eleven, don't be late." I nodded,

"I shall do my best, are you coming too?" He shook his head,

"I can't, I have somewhere to go." I frowned,

"Oh, okay." 


The next morning came around pretty quickly and I was now sat in the salon, having my hair washed to get all of the dye out.

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