sixty six

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*some more lovely fan art, I can't believe how many people are submitting drawings to me. Thank you all so so much, I love you all*

'From the day that I met you, I knew that I would love you til the day I die.' - Zara Larsson, Never Forget You.

I sat tapping my fingers on the desk, looking around me at the busy people working away.

"Can I tell Mark yet?" I questioned, focusing specifically on Joe, the main guy who was leading my secret project. He shook his head at me and propped himself on the edge of the table,

"No, as much as I'd love for you to be able to we just can't take the risk yet. You know the consequences if something goes wrong," he mumbled, I nodded and looked down at the papers in front of me.

"I know, I know, but hey, these are looking pretty cool right?" I said, spreading out the papers onto the desk and admiring them all.

"Yeah, Davey's been working on some designs for them, but we're leaving them entirely down to you. We've got Carl looking at different places too, it's all slotting together nicely." I got up from my Seat and walked over to Davey, peering over his shoulder as he opened his project book and flicked through it with me.

"So these are the rough designs, I've only managed to do two so far." He explained, I nodded and studied the images, they were designed so well.

"The viewers are going to love them, good work buddy, I especially like this one." I said, pointing towards the one on the right.

"I'm happy you like them, I spent ages on them." I cooed at him and pulled him into a little hug,

"I think the one on the right is going to be my favourite, thank you so much." He grinned at me and lightly shook his head,

"No, no - thank you for giving me the opportunity to do something like this." I smiled back at him before returning to my previous seat,

"How long do you think this is going to take?" Joe tilted his head to the side as he thought about the answer,

"We are hoping to have it done by February at the latest, we want the release date to be on your birthday." I felt a rush of excitement run through my body, that would be one of the best birthday presents I could ever have. I knew the viewers were going to love the project and I knew Mark would too, I just had to wait to reveal it to all.

"Your boyfriend's nearly at nine million subscribers, that's pretty crazy." I shot my head to the side, following the voice to find Caggie climbing the stairs with drinks in her hands. She placed them on the table and looked at me with a smile,

"It is, it blows my mind to think that so many people enjoy gaming content." She nodded at me and there were a few hums around the room that told me other people agreed too, they continued to discuss YouTube so I took the opportunity to send a quick text to Mark.

Jackaboy: Never forget that I'm so, so proud of you xxxx

I hit send and grinned to myself, I was super proud of Mark. Even after everything he'd been through, he'd always returned to YouTube and made something out of himself and his channel. He was always going to conventions and doing livestreams for charities, heck, he'd even just dyed his hair pink in aid of a charity. It was fair to say he was the person I looked up to the most in YouTube, alongside Felix. They were the two people that didn't late the fame of YouTube get to their head, and they always showed so much love and respect for their viewers - if you wanted to aspire to be like any youtubers, they would be the two I would suggest.


I walked into the apartment, swaying my hips side to side along with Spider Dance from the Undertale soundtrack. The music was SO good I literally wasn't listening to anything else, I just had to get round to playing the game. I danced my way into the living room and stuck my tongue out at Mark who was sat at the table, his hair brushed back out of his face and his glasses perched on the end of his nose.

"Hey you," he said warmly, opening his arm out and sliding it round my waist as I stood next to him. I pulled my earphones out and put my phone on the table, leaning down and pressing a sweet kiss to Mark's lips. He squeezed my waist as I shimmied my jacket off and plopped myself down on his lap, looking at the two packs on the table.

"How was things with your project?" He asked, wrapping his other arm around me and resting his head on my shoulder.

"It was really good, things are coming along so well. I just want to share it with you now." I pouted, he chuckled and kissed me quickly.

"It's okay, I can wait. Your pack from PAX arrived today look," he said, releasing one arm from me and pulling one of the packs over to me.

"So we're going to Seattle, as you know. We're staying in the same hotel as Bob and Wade, I think their girlfriends are joining them too but I'm not one hundred percent sure. We have a joint room and we will remember to shut the curtains this time," I rolled my eyes at him and opened the programme, skimming through it.

"I'm really excited to see those guys again, I mean I know they don't live far away, but I just never have time to see them."

"They're excited to see you too, I can't wait to get back out and meet people." I agreed with him and I stopped on the events page.

"This says we have a panel?" He looked at me excitedly,

"Yeah! I forgot to mention it but we're going to be doing a joint panel as well as joint signings, but don't worry about that stuff, we'll all be there to help you. I can't wait though, the dream team will be reunited." I rested my head on his and sighed happily,

"I can't wait either. Thank you for all of this Marky, I know we've not been on the best terms lately but I do appreciate everything you do for me. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have half of the opportunities I have now so thank you." He took my hand in his and linked our fingers, looking down at them.

"You've earned these things love, you did all of this yourself. Yes I may have guided you along the way but this is all you, especially this," he said, ruffling my green hair, "and I'm so proud of you."

I turned to him and stared directly into his eyes, moving my hands so one was on his shoulder and the other was on his face.

"I'm so lucky to have you Marky, I don't think you understand how much you mean to me. There's so many people in the world that would love to be in my place right now and honestly, I can't believe I'm here. A few years ago I could only dream about being friends with you, now to call you my boyfriend - well, that still blows my mind. And you're close to nine million and I promise I'll treat you when you hit it, I just want you to know that I do love you, so so much and that won't change okay? You're my big spoon." I said cheekily, running my thumb over the stubble on Mark's face.

"And I love you, my little spoon."

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