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[Sean's POV]

I rolled over and groaned at my phone ringing loudly from my bedside table, I picked it up and swiped the screen across. Frowning as Daithi's name appeared on the screen, I lay flat on my back and held the phone up to my ear.

"Daithi, buddy, hey!" I said, attempting to sound awake.

"Sean hey! I'm going to be near your area soon and I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for a coffee or something? It'll be nice to have a catch up." My mind was screaming no but my heart was saying yes, I couldn't just ignore my friends because I was still caught up in the breakup. I ran my fingers through my hair with my free hand,

"Yeah sure," I cringed as my voice broke, I'd literally just woken up so it wasn't ready for me to be talking.

"Sorry," I coughed, clearing my throat.

"Badgers, but sure that sounds great. What time do you think you'll be here?"

"In about an hour or so, is that long enough for you?" I checked the time before agreeing,

"Yes, that's fine. But, I was wondering if we could go somewhere else where they serve food? I'm starving." He laughed from the other end,

"Of course Sean, that's fine. Pizza Hut it is." I smiled widely, there was never a wrong time for pizza.

"Sounds good, I'll see you in about an hour."

"Bye!" I hung up and loaded up Twitter, my mentions weren't exactly quiet at the moment. They were full of concerns from people and requests for me to follow them so there wasn't really a point in going through them. I decided to tweet instead,

Jacksepticeye: meeting up with @DaithiDeNogla today! should be nice to have a catch up :D

Hopefully the ':D' reassured the viewers that I'm 'OK'. I knew for definite I was not though, all I'd done was cry and sleep. Nothing seemed to be getting better for me, I'd tried speaking to Mark about it but that really didn't help the situation. I just wanted to be back with Klo and happy again, but there wasclearly a reason why my happiness had been taken from me. I didn't deserve it I guess, when did I ever?

I forced myself out of bed and padded out into the landing, grabbing the door handle for the bathroom and pushing it open. I sighed when I spotted my reflection in the mirror, I still looked as bad as I did on the day of the breakup. My eyes were ten times more puffy than they were before and I just looked overall sad, nothing at all felt right within me.

I flicked the switch for the shower and stripped off before stepping in, letting the hot droplets pierce my skin. I didn't even have the energy to shower, I was too focused on replaying the memories of me and Klo. I never knew I'd be this hung up on a girl - I mean I know I had that four year relationship with the girl that took my V card - but this was different. I craved to be with Klo and just hold her in my arms, my life was just a gigantic mess that I could do nothing about.

I finished in the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist, for saying that I just sit on my bum all day and record/edit, my body wasn't looking too bad. Still, it wasn't good enough for Klo so maybe it was that bad.

I entered my room and picked out a pair of jeans and my GameGrumps t-shirt, drying myself off before sliding my clothes on. I towel dried my hair and pulled a beanie on, with the Irish weather being so unpredictable, I didn't fancy my chances of getting pneumonia.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time, I had about twenty minutes left before Daithi was going to be at Pizza Hut. I grabbed my wallet and put it in my back pocket before running and making a cup of black coffee. I carried it back into my room and sat down at my desk, I opened up YouTube and clicked Mark's new Happy Wheels video. Usually i'd be doubled over in happy tears but I only managed half a smile, not even Mark was making me happy.

Once the video had finished and I'd drank my coffee I left to meet Daithi, pulling on my blue hoody and beginning my walk. I looked around me at all the other people of the community, all happy and smiling.

They probably had problems too but they weren't showing them, me on the other hand, I was just a weakling. I turned the corner towards Pizza Hut but was stopped when I heard somebody shout 'Jack'. I turned to see two boys aged around twelve running towards me, to be honest I loved meeting viewers but I just wasn't in the mood today.

"Hello!" I said as they ran up to me,

"Jack oh my goodness! It's you." I forced a smile and nodded,

"It is, it's me. I'm actually in a bit of a rush," I lied, partly.

"Can we get a picture before you go?" I nodded and took a selfie with them.

"Thank you for stopping and saying hello to us! You're the real boss." I nodded and began walking away,

"Thank you too." And with that, I was gone. I rushed round the corner and into Pizza Hut, sliding into an empty booth and texting Daithi.

Jack: Where are you?

Daithi: Just round the corner, I'm coming now.

Daithi: Hold up, I've been stopped by two viewers. I won't be long.

I locked my phone and placed it on the table, grabbing the menu and scanning through it whilst I waited for Daithi. After around five minutes he finally burst through the door and joined me.

"Sorry, two young boys stopped me for pictures. I couldn't say no." I nodded and lowered my menu,

"I think they were the ones that just spoke to me too." He nodded as he removed his jacket and looked up,

"Gosh Sean, what have you been doing? No offence but you look pretty rough." I lowered my head, I didn't want to explain again. I knew I'd just cry.

"I - uh - I've had a little trouble." His eyes widened with concern,

"What do you mean trouble? Are you alright?" I felt the tears form in my eyes so I turned away from him, pretending to look at something outside the window.

"I, erm. Klo and I, just - we broke up." I wiped a stray tear from my eye and looked over at him, he pouted and rubbed my arm.

"Hey, come on. Don't cry, I know breakups aren't easy but you'll get through it. Who else knows?"

"Mark," I managed to say, sniffling a little.

"You should have told me man, I came here all happy and cheery! I thought you were having the time of your life." I shook my head and wiped my eyes again.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this, I'm just a mess in general. I understand if you just want me to leave." He rolled his eyes at me,

"Don't be so stupid Sean, I'm here as your support! We'll order the biggest pizza and have cookie dough ice cream and it will all be okay, I promise." I attempted to smile at him but he knew it was fake.

"Wait here, I'm going to order." I nodded and he slid out of the booth, I didn't care what he ordered to be honest. He knew my regular anyway.

My phone alerted in my pocket and I pulled it out and put it on silent, I'd been tagged in an Instagram photo. I opened it up and shook my head at the photo, it was the one I had just taken with the two viewers. I looked absolutely horrendous, my eyes were still as puffy as before and I wasn't even smiling. I scrolled down to the caption,

'met the boss jack today!! he didnt seem very happy though 🙁 barely had a chat with us! but he was in a rush, thanks Jack!'

I moved further down and scanned the comments,

'somethings wrong with Jack!'

'Why isn't he smiling? You would have thought he would have been happy to see viewers'

'He's keeping something from us'

'He looks so sad'

'Congrats!! but he doesn't look too good'

Just what I needed.

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