eighty four

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"I hate when you have to leave me," Mark whispered sadly, brushing my hair lightly with his fingertips. I let out a quiet sigh and snuggled closer to him,

"I don't like leaving you Marky, but this is my first event in England and I can't let the viewers down." Mark nodded slowly,

"I know angel, I know. Just promise me you're going to be careful and if you get anxious or panicked or worried you'll call me straight away, OK? It might feel like I'm a million miles away but I'll be here to make sure everything's fine." I raised my head slowly and pressed a short kiss to his lips,

"Thank you, and yes I'll ring you if anything happens. Which it won't - hopefully. I wish you could have come with me." I poured, wrapping my arm around Mark's neck and hugging him tightly.

"It was too short notice for me, besides Fanfiber have covered everything for you, I'd have to pay and book everything for myself which is pretty unrealistic at the moment considering we're paying for the houses and Christmas is just round the corner."

"I would have helped you pay." He smiled at me and brushed a part of my fringe off of my forehead.

"I don't want your money angel, you work so hard for it, treat yourself." I shook my head at him and nestled my head back into his neck.

"I've not even left yet and I miss you already." I mumbled, his free hand ran up and down my back giving me a little squeeze.

"I'm going to miss you so much, but I want you to go and have fun and not worry about me. Now come on, we need to make a move." Mark got to his feet and I clung on to him like a Koala bear, wrapping my legs round his waist and keeping my arms around his neck.

"As much as I love these bear hugs, you need to put some pants on." I let out a little giggle and clutched Mark tighter as he carried me to the bedroom, setting me down gently on the bed.

"Do we not have time for anything like this?" I whispered, nipping Mark's ear.

"No, baby, no," he spoke back weakly, using his might to move my lips from his ear.

"When you get back I'll have a nice little surprise waiting for you."

"Well I wouldn't say it's little but you know," I joked, standing up off the bed and grabbing a pair of jeans from the side. I peered over my shoulder at Mark who was trying to hold back both his shock and his laughter, I winked at him and shimmied into my jeans before pulling my blue hoodie on.

"I'm going to load your case into the car and then we'll leave OK?" I nodded at Mark and left him to sort the car out whilst I checked my hand luggage.


"So this is it," Mark said sadly, looking past me at the screen that had just announced my flight was ready to board. I nodded at him and hugged him tightly,

"I guess it is, but don't be sad, I'll be back before you even know it." I smiled, attempting to lighten the mood. Mark pouted at me and gave me a quick kiss,

"I have something really important to tell you angel and I want you to listen to me," I gulped and nodded slowly, waiting in anticipation as Mark moved his mouth to my ear.

"Maybe airports will be our always." He stepped back and erupted into laughter, giggling a bit too much at the joke he had just made. I rolled my eyes at him but pulled him into a tight hug,

"I love you so much," he pulled me closer to him and whispered "I love you too" in response.

"I really need to go Marky," he sighed and nodded at me,

"I know baby, give me a kiss and we'll go." I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him deeply,

"Be careful, text me when you've landed, you'll be fine." I nodded and secured my hand luggage onto my back,

"Text me when you're home, I love you." I heard Mark mumble his response as I walked away slowly. He was fidgeting with something in his pocket, staring at me as if he was going to say something but change his mind.

It felt strange leaving Mark, we'd barely been apart since I moved to America. We'd wake up in the mornings together, spend time recording together, editing together, going to conventions together; we were inseparable. But now I was leaving for England and he was staying in America with Bob and Wade. Granted he had amazing company, they're his two best friends that would go to the ends of the earth to see him happy. I just wanted to be at home with him, I wanted to see his messy bed head in the morning sprawled out across the pillow, or hear his groggy morning voice talking about what games he was going to record or how proud he was of his lovely community.

I missed him already and I'd only just boarded the plane.

Mark's POV

I left the airport with my head down and made my way back over to my car, I was trembling slightly but full of complete regret.

Why didn't I do it now?

I opened the driver seat door and hopped in, resting my head back and groaning out loud at myself.

It would have been the perfect moment.

I looked around me before reaching into my pocket and pulling out a small, black box. I passed it back and forth between my hands as I took my bottom lip into my teeth, I managed to build up the courage to ask him yet I just let it all go.

You should have asked him.

I opened the box slowly and peered down at the ring, sighing out loud.

I love him, I love him so much and I let the perfect opportunity pass to show him that I did.

I shook my head lightly at the box before closing it shut and stuffing it back into my pocket, jumping slightly at the vibration coming from my phone.

Wade: so did you ask him? 😁 x

Mark: No 😟 I was too scared x

I'm so so sorry this took so long for me to update! I'm still settling into uni and I've just started work again, my schedule is extremely busy!

I apologise if this isn't the greatest update but I wanted you to know Mark's intentions!

Were you surprised?
Do you think he should have asked Seán?

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