fifty nine

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It was around half six at night and I'd spent the whole day recording, editing, uploading and working on my secret project. My management had gotten in contact with me and said they had some big plans to go alongside the project, and honestly, hearing about the news was the best thing to happen to me. They had listened to everything I had to say and all of the things I wanted to do and actually made it happen, and I knew the viewers were going to be pleased with it.

I just wasn't allowed to tell Mark.

He'd been creeping in and out all day but I had to keep hiding my project work from him, and relationships rely on honesty so it was stressing me out that I had to keep this hidden from him. He didn't seem to mind though, he'd simply press a kiss to my forehead and tells me he understands before leaving so I can continue.

I heard a knock on my door and was distracted from my thoughts, so I closed the lid of my laptop and called for them to enter. A wide smile grew on my face as I watched Mark stroll in, two hot drinks held firmly in his hands.

"Can you take a break angel? The new Walking Dead is about to come on and I want you to watch it with me." He explained as he took a seat, handing me a cup of black coffee. I held it up to my nose and inhaled the sweet scent, the smell of coffee was one of my favourites.

"I've just got to finish this email and then I'll join you, does that sound okay?" He nodded and sat back in his chair,

"I'm not moving from here though, I like sitting in your office." He said cheekily, I chuckled at him and placed the cup on the table, grabbing the laptop and resting it on my knee. The email was regarding my merch because they wanted to sell signed posters, so I had to spend pretty much all of tomorrow signing them so they were out to people in time before I had to start recording for the next convention. I looked down at the screen and began typing away, telling Fanfiber that I'd pick the posters up tomorrow and get them done as quick as I could. I hit send and smiled, I'd been super productive today and I felt a real sense of accomplishment.

"I seriously love your smile so much," Mark said, eyeing me as I shut my laptop and placed it on the desk. I grinned and walked over to him, sliding onto his lap and placing my legs on either side of him.

"Yeah? Well I seriously love you so much, so..." I trailed off, blushing slightly as he placed his hands on my hips.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked, his voice in a quiet whisper. I nodded and tilted my head a little, ready to listen to what he had to say.

"When I first saw you, like in real life, there was this light in your eyes that I've never seen anybody look at me with, and it was so beautiful. I couldn't look at you without feeling like I was looking at my everything, the everything that I'd been looking for for my entire life. It was magical Sean." I raised my hands up and cupped his face before kissing him softly, 

"I don't know what to say," I confessed, resting my hands on his shoulders and smiling. He shook his head,

"You don't need to say anything angel, I just wanted to tell you. Now come on, Walking Dead time." He stood up and I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck so I didn't fall, he giggled at me and placed his hands on my bum to support me.

"Quick question, Dominos or Wagamamas?" He rolled his eyes at me as he carried me into the living room,

"One day you're going to get fed up of pizza, you know that right?" He said, standing in front of the sofa and lowering me down onto it. My legs dropped but my arms remained around his neck, lowering him down to me so I could kiss him again.

"I love it as much as I love you, so there is no chance of me getting fed up." He laughed at me and mumbled 'I love you too' before grabbing his phone and ordering the food. I tucked myself up into a ball on the sofa whilst I wanted for him to return, and when he did he spread out and lay on his side, pulling me into him and spooning me as we waited for the programme to start.


I woke up the following morning still on the sofa, my legs tangled with Mark's. I groaned at the ache in my back, but soon brushed it off and shot up when I realised I needed to go to my management's office and sign the posters. I ran to the bathroom and cringed at the state of me, my hair looked like a mop on my head and definitely needed washing, but I had no time todo it. I quickly brushed my teeth and used the toilet before changing into my Game Grumps top, some jeans and and my black NYC hoodie. I dug my phone out of the mess in my office and grabbed my headphones, selecting the Undertale soundtrack and heading out to the office.

I reached it around fifteen minutes later and sprinted up the stairs to the room I had booked for myself, internally groaning at the mountains of posters that were stacked on the table. It was definitely going to be a long day.

I'd gotten through around two hundred posters when my phone rang, I smiled tomyself as Mark's name flashed on the screen. I accepted it and held it up to my ear,

"Hello you!"

"Where are you?" I frowned,

"I'm at the office signing posters, why?"

"We were supposed to have our hair dyed today, don't tell me you forgot." My jaw dropped and my mouth formed an 'o' shape, I had forgot.

"No - no, I didn't forget. I just thought that I - maybe I could, erm,"

"You forgot, great. Well I'm going to get mine done now, I'll rebook yours for tomorrow. Make sure you show up." He huffed before hanging up, I bit my lip before sighing. I had a lot going on, it wasn't my fault that I forgot.


this probably sucks so bad omg im so sorry, the next chapters will make up for it


- any idea what seans project is?

- should he tell mark?

- should he tell daithi?

- is there anything in particular that you would like to see in this story?

e.g events, characters etc


would you guys like to hear my experience? if so, do you want sean, daithi, mini or all?:)

p.s sean gives the best hugs in the world and i'm sad bc i miss him so much omg 

QOTC: what presents have you got your friends/family for christmas?:)

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