eighty eight

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I'd spend the whole night dressing up to Mark's extremely sophisticated and fancy standards, he was constantly reminding me that I needed to dress smart and the restaurant we were going to would not let me in if I looked scruffy.

I finished sorting out my hair before calling Mark into the bathroom,

"I'm thinking of going back brown, green was fun and all but I just miss the old Jack, you know?" Mark nodded and smiled at me,

"Absolutely, I miss the old Jack too." I chuckled at him and gave him a short but sweet hug,

"So when do we need to go?" I asked, looking down at my watch.

"The taxi is coming in about ten minutes so just finish up and I'll meet you in the front room." I nodded and watched as Mark walked away before brushing down my shirt and grabbing my phone. I took a seat in the living room and began replying to some comments on my video, and responding to a few tweets too. That soon came to and end however, as my notifications blew up and tweets were coming in quicker than I could read them.

I heard footsteps on the stairs and looked up at the doors, smiling proudly at my ma and pa that had just entered the room. They were dressed smartly too. My ma was wearing a beautiful, long blue dress and a pair of heels and my pa was dressed almost the same as me - just a little more fashionable.

"You guys look great!" I exclaimed, standing up and walking over to them. My mum gave me a little twirl before laughing and I handed Mark my phone so he could take some pictures of us.

We spent the final minutes of waiting taking pictures and I couldn't help but post a few on instagram, showing off the people that mean the world to me was always one of the best feelings. Especially with all of the lovely comments that people filled the comments section with, it was truly overwhelming but definitely heartwarming.

We all hopped into the taxi and chatted away as it drove us to our secret destination, Mark was sat in the front but I could see him twiddling his thumbs and shuffling a little.

"Are you OK?" He nodded at me, forcing a smile and remaining silent. I began to feel anxious myself but I guessed it was because we were going to somewhere fancy and we were not fancy at all.

When the car pulled up outside the most amazing looking restaurant, Mark was quick to hop out and open my door. I held onto his arm and we entered the restaurant, it was amazing. The decoration was incredible and it truly took my breath away.

I clutched onto Mark as we were led to our table and he pulled our chairs out, and we took our seats. My ma was looking round too, she loved fancy decor and she was speechless.

"The food sounds amazing," My pa said, scanning the menu up and down. I chuckled lightly,

"I have to agree, I'm so hungry." Mark picked his menu up and I could see he was still nervous as the menu was shaking in his hands,

"Do you need to go outside or something?" I asked, he shook his head.

"It's just the pressure of the fancy place," I nodded and we all began discussing what food we wanted to eat. Soon enough the waiter came over and we ordered and sat back and waited for our food.

Mark took this time to get to know my parents better and my parents decided that childhood stories and photos that made me cringe were the best way to do so. I heard many stories about how I'd run around in the field by the cabins in my cowboy boots, yelling 'I love nature' and copying the cows. Mark found the stories hilarious and I didn't shy away from the pictures, I was so small and sweet with my little tufts of brown hair. I was definitely going to dye it back to brown, the green was fun but I was ready to go back to the old ways.

Our conversation soon ended as our food was presented on the table, and my stomach rumbled with delight. I inhaled the amazing smell of my food and soon dug in, discussing our excitement for Christmas and presents.

We ate away and soon the plates were empty, leaving us with our drinks.

"I have something to say," Mark piped up, wiping his hands on his napkin. My parents fell quiet and turned to Mark,

"It is honestly such an honour to have you two here celebrating our first Christmas together, I'd always heard Sean talk about how sweet and supportive you two are and it's such a delight to be spending time with you. I can see how much the support you give Sean means to him and I really really hope that you support me in the decision that I - and maybe Sean - are going to make, so..." Mark pushed his chair out and my breath hitched as he lowered himself down onto one knee, pulling out a stunning ring in a box.

Could this really be happening?

"Sean, never in a million years did I think that our friendship would bloom into the most amazing relationship that I have ever been in - and I never want it to end. You fill my heart with love and joy and I want it to be that way forever. So will you, Sean McLoughlin, please ... please marry me?"

I was shaking insanely, my mouth was ajar and I couldn't believe that this was happening. The most beautiful man I'd ever seen and met in my life was here in front of me, pouring his heart out on one knee to me asking me to spend the rest of my life with him. How did I get so lucky?

"Yes," I mumbled, "a million times yes!" And with that I erupted into tears, Mark slid the ring into my finger and engulfed me into his arms. I sobbed and sobbed and my parents soon ran over and hugged me too. The whole restaurant began clapping and cheering and I began to feel a bit too overwhelmed as people were shouting congratulations and sending free drinks our way.

The cheers died down and we made our way outside to the front of the restaurant where Mark pulled me in for a picture, posing with my hand showing the new shiny ring. My heart was still racing and I'd never felt so much love for somebody in my whole life.

My ma was crying as my pat took the picture and I ran over to her and hugged her,

"Mark definitely has our approval, he's such a lovely boy and I - I love him. He's the best person to bring into our family." I cried as she spoke and we hugged more and more, and Mark and my pa shared a small hug too.

"I can't believe I'm going to be walking you down the aisle." My pa said, giving my hand a little squeeze. I shook my head as I thought about him walking me down the aisle,

"Do you approve?" I said in between sobs,

"Of course I do," he grabbed onto Mark's hand too, "seeing what you two have together is beautiful. Every moment you are together you are both glowing and you can see how perfect you two are. It's amazing. I love you both so much, and I'm so proud to say you're now part of the family." Mark wiped his tears and we all shared a big family hug.

What an amazing end to a perfect night.

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