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[Sean's POV]

I looked up at Mark and beckoned for him to continue,

"So, as you know, Indy Popcon is coming up soon and it would honestly be so great if you could be there, you get along with Bob and Wade so well and I miss you so much when I'm in America." I shrugged lightly,

"I've not long got back to Ireland though, is it not too much of a rush?" Mark's fingers ran through my hair softly, a little smile playing on his face.

"If you don't want to go to Indy Popcon then you could come to PAX Prime? You'll have time to prepare and it's in Seattle." I tilted my head slightly and reached up to Mark's free hand, taking it in mine.

"In all honesty love, I don't know. I absolutely love going out there and spending time with you guys, and meeting viewers is the best feeling in the world. You just don't see the stress I have to go through before I go. I tire myself out so much and the doctor's have told me it's not good for myself, but I don't want to let people down both here and there. You know what I mean?" He nodded.

"I know exactly what you mean, thankfully I live closer to the events so my preparation isn't that bad, but I don't want you to come to events if it's going to make you ill angel. That worries me." I took my bottom lip in between my teeth before sighing slightly.

"I think it showed in my most recent videos that I'd exhausted myself. My stomach was grumbling like crazy in one recording so I was forced to get food to make it shut up, you just forget to eat and stuff though when you're recording four videos a day."

"I know angel, I know. I don't want your job making you ill though, that's not what you're doing it for. It's supposed to be fun for you." I smiled and placed my hand on the back of his neck, lowering him down so our lips met.

"It still is fun for me Marky, without it I would not stand a chance at being in this position right now. It's brought some pretty incredible things into my life, you, Felix, Bob, Wade, video games, my community, so much." I said proudly,

"Well I'm proud to say I found you before Felix did." I laughed at him before shuffling and resting my head on his lap again.

"Speaking of Felix, I heard that he's thinking of attending PAX Prime." Mark added, my eyes widened as I looked at him.

"Are you being serious?" He nodded,

"Oh man, I have to go! I've never been to a convention with him because he doesn't really go to them." Mark held his hand up to his chest and scowled.

"So you'll go for Felix but not for me? I see where I stand in this relationship." I grabbed his hand and linked it with mine, resting them on my chest so you could feel the beat of my heart.

"This is where you stand Marky, right here in this special area." He rolled his eyes at me before pressing a short kiss to my forehead.

"And you say I'm corny?"

"I was trying to be romantic you big doof, of course I want to come to these events for you. I'd spend every second of my day with you if I could, it's just not that easy."

"I know, it was cute but you're still corny. We could find a way of making it easier? I'll adopt you." I widened at my eyes before I fell about laughing.

"Please - Please don't ever suggest that again." I said in between laughs,

"What? Why? I was trying to be nice!" He said defensively,

"Can you imagine the amount of daddy comments you'll get if you adopted me? I know septiplier away and all that but daddy is madness." He raised an eyebrow at me before shoving me off his lap and onto the floor, now taking his turn to laugh.

"You're so rude Sean! I just meant I'll adopt you so you're forced to live with me, no daddy stuff was in mind." I laid flat on the floor, laughing at both myself and Mark.

This was one of the happiest moments ever for me, I was genuinely smiling and laughing because of the most important person in the word to me. Just looking at Mark I could see that he was truly happy too, he had tears falling from his eyes because of how hard he was laughing and the way his eyes were wrinkling slightly. Both of us were in the happiest place we could be and we wouldn't change it for anything.

I hauled myself up off the floor and returned to my previous spot on the sofa, dropping my head onto Mark's lap, causing him to squeal.

"Please, please, please be careful where you're putting your head. You nearly killed me." He said, I held my hand over my mouth as I laughed into it, apologising.

"Anyway, back to PAX and Indy Popcon. I really want you to be there Sean, you have such a blast with us and we love you being there. Me more than the others but still, we all want you there."

"I want to go, I really do. I love it, I haven't had a dull moment with you guys but it's just a lot of work and preparation. Indy Popcon is only round the corner, I think Daithi and I have been invited to another Irish convention, then there's PAX. There's so much going on." I moaned,

"Hey, I will help you with anything if that means you are going to come and spend time with us again." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, flights are a pain and so is converting money. I just don't like the whole build up to it." Mark fell silent as he ran his fingers through his hair,

"Well I have an idea angel that will make this a whole lot easier." I tilted my head back so our eyes were locked and nodded,

"Go on, tell me."

"Come live in America with me for a little while."

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