insomnia56 experience!

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so you guys asked to here my experiences from insomnia 56, so here they are!


i walked up to sean and handed him a picture of him and said 'hii' and he was like 'helloo' and signed the picture. he then picked it up and was like 'im wearing the EXACT same thing now as i was in this picture' then we laughed about how ironic it was. then i took my present out of the bag for him (a f.r.i.e.n.d.s frame) and showed it to him and he was like 'oh my gosh, wow, thank you' and had a look at it, then he tapped a picture of him and mark and was like 'this was a real good day, i remember this day' and I laughed at him and said 'my twitter is on the back, i don't know if you recognise me but still' and he turned it over and had a look at the twitter before smiling and nodding and he turned to me like 'oh my god, yes! i do recognise you! I've tweeted you a few times, I remember' and i was basically like 'oh wow, thank you. yeah you have!' then he pulled me into a hug and he hugs so tight honestly I couldn't let go, then i gave him the bag and told him there was more presents in there and he took the book with the messages out and flicked through it and I told him I tried to complete it but i ran out of time but he was like 'no, no, it's okay. thank you so much. it's great thank you' and I told him his letter was in there too and he was all smiley and stuff and then put them on the side and we got a picture and I was shaking SO much it was unhealthy and he frowned and rested his head on mine and I rested my head like in the crook of his neck and he was like 'oh my god you're shaking so much, why are you shaking?' (quite concerned) and I was like 'because I'm nervous and I-' and he cut me off and was like 'oh but I've tweeted you before and im just normal, you don't need to shake, aw' and pulled me into another v tight hug. then i stepped back and thanked him and said

'i don't know if this matters to you or not but I found you through your voice. I was watching one of pewdiepies videos and I heard your voice in the background and found your channel that way, and I know that you used to be really insecure about your voice but you shouldn't be because you have an amazing voice.' and he literally stood and listened to everything I had to say with a big smile on his face and he was like 'aw, thank you, thank you so much. come here' and he gave me another hug and was rubbing my back and i thanked him and he said 'thank you for coming down to see me, I hope you enjoy the rest f your day' and he watched me walk away and my friend followed and was like 'thank you for making her so happy' and he glanced over at me and smiled and was like 'aw no problem' and did this thing with his hands then we left :)


okay so daithi was stood next to me and my friend whilst i was looking into the queue for sean and i didn't actually realise daithi was there until i turned to my friend to say something and spotted him, so i shouted 'daithi' and stood next to him waiting for a picture. but then a queue formed on the other side of him so i was stood waiting and he stopped and turned to me and said 'you've been waiting here a while so hey, hello!' and i laughed at him and was like 'it's true, i have. hii!' then he laughed and he was basically an awkward but cute potato. so then i asked him for a picture and he was like 'a picture? sure! let's do a prom picture, i think we should do a prom picture!' then wrappedhis arms around me so i was like 'yeah sure!' and did it back and then we were laughing at it becoming awkward so we took some 'normal' pics together. then he meta few more people and i waited and asked him to sign my programme to 'rayma' and he was like 'what?' so i said it again and he called me 'raymond, raymundo' literally everything but my name so i spelt it out to him and he spelt guy wrong haha then he said bye and he hopes i meet sean bc he had to go to his signing. i went to his signing room too though  and sat on the floor and was just watching him and he'd look over every now and again and smile and then when he was done i got up and walked over to him and he was like it's you again hii!' and I asked him for another pic and he said 'we'll all get one big one and become squad goals so come on!' so my group and his joined together and he made his brother take the pic. then i thanked him and he left and then i watched his q+a on stage!

and all that ^ basically happened with mini bc daithi did the q+a and meet and greet with him:)

but honestly i had the best experience ever, i didn't expect my time meeting sean was going to be so great. he was honestly so lovely and i was thankful that i got to spend around three minutes or so with him, when i met felix (pewds) i got about thirty seconds. and daithi was so funny too, he's one of the nicest guys i've ever met.

i'm not bragging by the way! you guys asked to here this, so here you go:)

leave a comment with your experience if you've met any of your favourite people! I'd love to hear your stories :D

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