thirty nine

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[Sean's POV]

I held onto Mark's hand and pulled him out of the airport with me, we'd just landed in Ireland after saying goodbye to the other guys before we left.

"So how long are you staying for love?" I asked as me and Mark climbed into the back of a taxi,

"Not long, i've got to get back and record." I squeezed his hand slightly,

"Well you're welcome to stay at mine as long as you like, I never want you to leave." He grinned slightly and gave me a quick kiss,

"I'll stay for at least two nights, but then I will probably have to get back. Do you have that convention tomorrow?" I nodded and stuffed my hand into my pocket, pulling out some money for the taxi driver. I handed it to him and we got out of the car, heading up to my apartment.

"Yeah, Daithi's here too. He's visiting his family so we both got put on the list to go, I'm excited." Mark's arm slithered around my waist as we walked into my apartment, dumping the bags on the floor and collapsing onto the sofa together.

"You've had such a busy past few months, take a break angel." I rolled my eyes at Mark as I rested my head on his chest,

"I'm back home now, I can take a break. I just have this convention to go to and then im done until I get invited to another." He leant down and pressed a kiss to my forehead,

"I just don't want you to overwork yourself, now come on we need to go to bed." Mark lifted me up from the sofa and guided me to the bedroom, we both stripped off and clambered into bed.

"I love you little spoon, come here." Mark whispered, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer to him. I shuffled back and cuddled into him, closing my eyes slowly.


I was awoken the next morning by Mark calling my name pretty loudly, I slowly opened my eyes and spotted a smiling Mark holding a tray in his hands.

"I got you breakfast and a black coffee," He beamed, setting the tray on my lap as I sat up.

"You didn't have to do this Marky." He slid into bed next to me and pressed a short kiss to my lips,

"I wanted to make sure you'd ate before you left to meet Daithi." I thanked him and tucked into my breakfast as he spoke to me about a new series he wanted to start on his channel, he spoke away and I nodded every now and again.

"I'll wash up and you can shower." I grabbed a towel and headed for the bathroom, thanking him on the way.


A couple of hours had passed and i was stood with Daithi at our meet and greet area, preparing myself for the first person to come and meet us. Security let the first girl come across and she came over to us, handing us both fan art and letters. We thanked her and set them on the table behind us as she got her picture with Daithi, then it was my turn.

"Hey! I'm really nervous," She laughed, moving her hair from her face.

"Don't be nervous! It's just me, what's your name?"

"Rylie, I got you this too." She handed me a jacksepticeye themed hat and I popped it on for our picture, thanking her as she moved on. The second girl had already spoke to Daithi and made her way over to me, I titled my head at her because I recognised her face.

"Are you Charlotte?" She nodded, grinning.

"As in America Charlotte?" She nodded again, I opened my arms and pulled her into a hug.

"I can't believe you're in America too! Did you fly all this way?"

"Yeah! I was originally going to come because Daithi got confirmed but then you got added to the list so I had to!" I thanked her and posed for a picture,

"I got you this too." She handed me a gift bag and I opened it, pulling out a giant Walt teddy from Valiant Hearts. My eyes lit up at the sight of it,

"This is incredible! Wow, thank you so much." We shared another hug before she was ushered to move on, so I waved goodbye to her and thanked her for coming.
Two girls named Emily and Esther made their way over to us next, giving us personal thank you letters and getting pictures before moving on. After them came Ciara, Ava and Áine who brought us life is strange dolls. I thanked them all and got individual selfies, hugging them all and waving as they moved on.

Next came Louise and I was in stitches at her gift, she got a picture with me before handing it over.

"I got you a pinwheel because you said you wanted a pinwheel." I showed it to Daithi and we both fell about laughing,

"This is so funny, thank you." She moved on to get a picture with Daithi and Ciara came over to me.

"I got you a present but somebody already gave you it," She said sadly, I put my arm around her and gave her a hug, shaking my head slightly.

"No, no, don't apologise, I'll probably still love it!" she handed me a box and I opened it, pulling out a little Walt.

"This is great! Thank you so much, this one can sit on my desk." She smiled at me and we got a picture before the next group came along. I got into a group picture with them all and learnt that their names were Karissa, Krystyna, Irene, Brian, Phoebe, Gabi and Arissa. I got a gift from each of them too and set them all out on the table to take a picture of once the meet and greet finished.

Daithi helped me box up the gifts and we finished at the convention centre before making our way out to the taxi's to go home,

"I've had such a blast today, it's great doing things like this." I said, shoving the box onto the back seat.

"Me too, it was great to see you too." Daithi replied, I agreed with him and we shared a hug before I got into the taxi and waved him goodbye. I reached home within minutes and called Mark to come grab the box, I couldn't help but coo at him as he came down in one of my hoodies and some joggers.

"Looks like you made yourself comfortable." I winked, he flipped me off before taking the box and heading back inside. I paid the taxi driver and followed him in, asking him to set the box in my recording room for a vlog. I changed into comfier clothes and lay down on the sofa, grinning as Mark joined me.

"So, how was it?"

"It was great, I met so many lovely people and Daithi had an awesome time too. Some of the gifts were insane too, I'm so glad I didn't miss it." We shared a kiss before I lay back down and continued to tell Mark about my day as he ran his fingers through my hair,

"Speaking of events love, I've been asked to talk to you about the next ones coming up in America."

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