twenty seven

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[Sean's POV]

Markimoo: Angel 💝

Markimoo: Sean 💝

Markimoo: Jacky

Markimoo: Jackaboy

Markimoo: Answer me love

Jackaboy: jesus Marky, can't I take a shower in peace? 💝

Markimoo: Not if I have anything to do with it, no 😉 ANYWAY I HAVE EXCITING NEWS GUESS WHAT 💝


Jackaboy: Calm down Mark im trying to get dressed 💝


Jackaboy: Fine, fine. What? I honestly don't know

Markimoo: I got you on the list for PAX!! They want you here with us! 💝


Markimoo: Anything for you 😊 now we can look at hotels, if you still want to share a room with me? 💝

Jackaboy: Of course I do! I'd be stupid not to, can you get one that's not too close by, for privacy reasons? 💝

Markimoo: That's fine by me, I know a nice place not too far that are happy to have us 😊 I can't wait, can you get your flight booked? 💝

Jackaboy: Yeah, I've already looked around so I just have to confirm the flights 😊 I'm super excited!! 💝

Markimoo: Do it quick love, I don't want your seat to be taken! I seriously can't wait, I miss you like crazy 💝

Jackaboy: I'll do it now, I can't let an opportunity to see you pass 😊 I miss you too my silly, but in two weeks we'll be together! 💝

Markimoo: Go do it now!! I'm getting some dinner with my mum so I will call you later okay? These two weeks can't go quick enough, take care 💝

I put my phone down and clicked onto my bookmarked tabs, scrolling down and opening up the last flights I looked at. I searched around the page a little and checked to see if the tickets I wanted were still avaliable, which surprisingly they were, and booked them all ready for PAX. I smiled at myself and ticked it off my check list before logging onto Twitter,

Jack_Septic_Eye: I am SUPER excited to announce that I am going to be attending PAX East with Mark, Bob and Wade! Buy tickets and I'll see you there 😃

As soon as I hit send, tweets flew in about how excited people were that I was going, some said they wished they had brought tickets and some were sad because they didn't live in America. I answered a few tweets before logging off and picking my phone back up, I made my way over to my windowsill and took a seat.

I strolled down my contacts until I landed on Felix's name and hit the call button, biting my lip nervously as I waited for him to pick up.

"Sean! Hey man!"

"Felix, hi! How are you?"

"Yeah man I'm great, you?"

"I'm fantastic, incredible, all the good words!" I laughed, watching a family down the road from my apartment playing football.

"Does your mood have anything to do with Mark?" A little smirk grew on my face at the mention of his name,

"Just a little. I took your advice and we spoke about it and we've decided to give things a go, but please don't tell anyone."

"Oh my - Sean that's great! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you," I said, blushing slightly. "Your advice really helped me."

"I am glad, but dude I've got some pretty awesome news to tell you too!" The excitement in Felix's voice was clear,

"Go on man I'm excited!" he mumbled a quick 'one sec' before a loud shuffling sound was heard on the other end of the phone, I rested my head on the window as I waited for him to return.

My eyes landed on the family, it was quite a lovely sight to see. There were two women and a young boy and girl all chasing each other and grabbing each other to stop somebody from saving the goal, each time a little one scored the women cheered and scooped them up in their arms to celebrate. Each time one of the women scored they shared a short little kiss as a congratulations, it was such a nice thing to see.

"Alright dude I'm back, I had to get away from Marzia." Felix practically whispered,

"Erm - okay, why?" I laughed, I heard him breathe out heavily.

"I think I'm going to propose to her." My mouth fell open and I felt a sudden rush of excitement in my bones,

"FELIX!" I shouted, I heard him laughing on the other end.

"That's so cool man, wow. I'm so happy for you! She's such a lovely girl as well, I'm so happy you want to tie the knot!"

"Thank you so much, but to be honest I am so scared to do it. I can picture a perfect scenario in my head but knowing me I'd completely mess it up and end up swallowing the ring or something." I tilted my head back and laughed loudly at him,

"You're such a muppet Felix, just be sure not to have the ring on a breadstick when you're giving it her." He laughed back at me,

"But seriously, I can't wait. I hope it all goes well, most importantly I hope she says yes." A small smile tugged on my lips at the thought of one of my other best friends settling down and being happy, him and Marzia were the cutest couple I knew and he's never had a down day since he's been with her. She accepted me straight away as a friend and is always making sure I'm okay, it makes me happy knowing one of my best friends may be marrying such a wonderful lady.

"Of course she'll say yes you doof, if she doesn't then there's something wrong. It's obvious she loves you and vice versa, so you will definitely get a yes from her. If not I'm sure Ken won't mind stepping in." I joked,

"Quit it you, I hope she does say yes. I love her so much, she means the absolute world to me and this is the final way of showing it to her. You'll be at the wedding right?"

"Of course I will, try keeping me away!"

"Thank you, anyway I need to go. It's date night, have fun at PAX and we'll speak soon buddy. Bye"

"Bye." I hung up and walked away from the window, collapsing onto my bed and grabbing my notebook to see what videos I can pre-record to go up whilst I'm in America.

After thirty minutes of searching and deciding I took a seat at my desk ready to start recording the videos, checking my phone before I hit record.

Markimoo: I hope they're all booked, I'm dying to see you 😌💝

Markimoo: Also, we need to record together soon 💝

Markimoo: And just one final thing angel, two weeks!! 💝

I smiled and typed a quick response back,

Jackaboy: All booked Marky! I'll be there 😊 im counting down the days 💝

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