forty six

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[Sean's POV]

I finished booking my plane ticket and sat back on my bed, sighing with relief. Most of my important things had been packed including my computer and desk, so I was forced to use my ipad or phone to do anything that required the internet. I heard a knock on the front door before the little ring went off, allowing me to know that somebody had entered.

"Jacky, it's me." I smiled at the sound of my father's voice and stood up from my bed to go and greet him. I found him in the kitchen, checking over the fridge.

"Just making sure you've cleared things that will spoil when you leave." I nodded and had a quick check with him too, even thought we'd done this task multiple times already, we were both bound to forget something - like father, like son, as they say.

"I'll run the last few boxes of your clothes down to get shipped now and then I'll bring back a pizza for us, where are the boxes?" I led him into the living room and pointed to the boxes under the windowsill,

"It's just those, everything else has gone now." He smiled and picked a box up, nodding towards the door for me to open it. I grabbed a box and followed him out to his car, dumping it in the boot and following him back inside.

"Be back soon son." I waved goodbye to him and collapsed onto the sofa, flicking the television on and loading up Netflix. I'd been on an Attack On Titan binge (even though I hadn't really had the time). I let the episode begin to play and lay down on the sofa, sprawling out lengthways.

Half an hour passed and my comfortable slumber was disturbed by a banging on my door, I got up, slightly confused, and made my way over to the door. I did, however, have a dead leg so I had to support myself against the door frame. I opened it to reveal a man from Amazon smiling widely at me,

"Package for Sean Mcloughlin?" I nodded and retrieved the package from him,

"Just sign here please." I scribbled my signature down and mentally face palmed as I drew a septic eye next to it. I'd been so used to adding it to the end of autographs that it had just become a thing, I handed the clipboard back to the man and laughed at the face he pulled when he looked at my signature. I shrugged my shoulders and shut the door before walking back to the sofa and sitting down.

I ripped the package open and grinned at the mini Rick character in a box, I knew Mark had been getting into The Walking Dead recently so this was the perfect thank you gift for him. I placed it back on the table and pulled my phone from my pocket, texting Mark.

Jackaboy: Got you a special something Mr 'iplier 😉 I know you'll love it 💝

Within seconds, a response came through from Mark.

Markimoo: I love you anyway but stop buying me gifts angel! I've got my special something right here 💝

I felt a crimson blush creep on my cheeks, I hated how easily Mark's words affected me.

Jackaboy: I love you too but I had to get you this, I'd hate myself if I didn't 💝

Markimoo: I love you more 💝

I chuckled at him and took his gift to my suitcase, moving some clothes aside and securing it in. I added a few socks around it for extra support before closing my suitcase.

I picked up my ipad and opened up Twitter, scrolling down my news feed, favouriting some tweets. I clicked 'compose tweet' and began;

Jack_Septic_Eye: Markiplier exciting stuff happening big spoon!! I'll be back with you soon 😄

I hit send and watched as dozens of responses flooded through, comments included 'WHAT'S GOING ON JACK TELL US' and 'ARE YOU HINTING AT SOMETHING HERE'. I replied to a few and smiled as a response from Mark came through,

Markiplier: Jack_Septic_Eye oh you know it Jackaboy!! can't come quick enough 😉

I knew that Mark regretted using the word 'come' as soon as sexual tweets spammed the responses, I fell about laughing as he defended himself. The trouble my man could get himself into was always amusing, no wonder I loved the big doof.

A DM came through from Daithi and I opened it,

DaithiDeNogla: so you're doing it?

Jack_Septic_Eye: I am!!

DaithiDeNogla: so excited for you bro! enjoy

I thanked him and clicked off Twitter, walking back to my living room and letting Attack On Titan continue to play.


A few hours later my dad had returned with the pizza and we were both sat down watching the newest episode of The Walking Dead,

"You know I'm proud of you right son?" My father asked, turning to me. I swallowed the pizza in my mouth before nodding,

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" He shrugged a little,

"I just - I feel like I don't tell you enough, you know? I remember a few years back when I'd sent you off to university to do hotel management and I told you I was proud of you then. But it's been a long time since then and so much has changed, but I don't want you to think that because you do YouTube as a job that I'm not proud of you." I wiped my hands on my jeans before fixing my hair,

"It's always been a worry of mine that you guys weren't going to like the fact that I chose youtube over hotel management, but it just feels more right." He nods,

"I know Sean, I know. And I can see how happy it makes you, there's not a day that goes by where you're not smiling or letting us know that you've had an awesome time doing one thing or another. I just feel like you might have kept some distance from us because you're doing YouTube." I lowered my head before shaking it,

"I didn't intend on distancing myself from you and ma at all, I just wish I had more time for you guys. I live and breathe YouTube now and I know I shouldn't, I know I should manage my time better but please, please don't ever think that I purposely distanced myself." I stood up and pulled him up too, hugging him tightly.

"I wish you had more time for us too sonny, but it is how it is. Just please don't lose contact with us when you're in America, it's scary letting our boy go to America." I squeezed him tighter and felt a stray tear fall,

"I'm so so sorry, of course I'll keep in touch. I'm not going for long and I -" I wiped my eye and laughed a little, "I don't know why I'm getting so emotional but I just want you to know that I love you OK? So so much." His arms ran up and down my back as he held me tightly,

"I love you too son."

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