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[Sean's POV]

"THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR WATCHING THIS VIDEO, IF YOU LIKED IT, PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE, LIKE A BOSS! AND, HIGH FIVES ALL ROUND! WA-PISH, WA-PISH! BUT THANK YOU GUYS, AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES, IN THE NEXT VIDEOOO!" I giggled as my voice cracked and I lowered my arms, I finished the little clip that goes at the end of my videos and cut off my recording. That was the fifth video I had recorded today to go up whilst I was in America, I had quite a few to pre-record but I needed to go out shopping quite urgently.

I pulled my hat off my head and chucked it onto my desk, standing up and grabbing my jeans off my bed. I slid them on and grabbed my shoes, checking the time. I had enough time to ring Daithi before I went into town, I grabbed my phone and clicked on his number.

"Hello?" I laughed at Daith's groggy morning voice, something his girlfriend apparently loved hearing.

"Daithi, buddy, hey. I can't talk for long but I just wanted to know how Bob and Wade are getting on? Are they still alright with travelling to Mark's place?" He cleared his throat before answering,

"Yeah, yeah, they're fine. I think they are meeting up beforehand then travelling down together, kind of like you and Aaron." My mouth fell into an 'o' shape as I looked at the date on my computer,

"I forgot he was coming today! I didn't know the date until now, it is the twenty seventh he's flying over, right?"

"Yes, please don't leave him stranded at the airport," He laughed, "He'll be expecting you, so get a move in with whatever you have to do." I finished up my conversation with him and put my phone away in my pocket, grabbing my wallet too. I made sure everything was turned off before taking my keys out of the door and jogging down and out onto the front, calling a taxi to take me into town.

I'd been into at least fifteen shops and managed to find a card and a gift for Mark, but I still needed clothes for myself and to pick up my dollars. I headed straight for the exchange shop and gave the woman my name, retrieving the money from her and placing it into my backpack. I had a quick glance at the time and bit my lip, it was 4:00pm. I had two hours until Aaron landed and I needed another gift, clothes, a new bag and some food for me and Aaron tonight. I found myself dashing around Topman, searching high and low for some nice clothes. I picked out a red long sleeved top, a grey long sleeved top, a black NYC hoodie, a new backpack and a few more pairs of jeans. After paying I headed into an entertainment shop and picked up the Game Of Thrones box set, I already owned mine but I was determined to get Mark to watch it all. I had a look at the time and rolled my eyes, there was no time to pick food up before meeting Aaron so we would have to wait until then.

I climbed into my taxi and jigged my knee up and down as the taxi drove me to the airport, I checked my phone to see I had messages from both Aaron and Mark.

Yami: Landing soon, are you here?

Jackaboy: Just round the corner, be there in a sec 😄

We pulled up into the taxi waiting bay and I explained to the driver that I would be back after I'd picked somebody up, so I clambered out, leaving my bags behind. I pushed my way through the busy crowds and into the airport, stopping when I reached the spot where Aaron said to meet him. I took this opportunity to read Mark's text,

Markimoo: I'm so happy that I'm out of that place now, it wasn't nice. Mom is looking after me though! Are you okay? 💙

Jackaboy: Hospital's are foul, I'm glad you're out! Your mom is great 😊 Wish I could meet her! I'm great buddy, you? 💚

Markimoo: Agreed, agreed and yes 😊 I'm fine but I need to eat, I'll speak to you soon 💙

I put my phone away and looked up to be greeted by a smiling Aaron, opening his arms and pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him back before pulling away and smiling,

"Good to see you man, how was the flight?" I asked, picking up his bag and walking towards the exit.

"It went pretty quick, only forty five minutes." I nodded and showed him to the taxi, putting his bag in the boot and climbing in.

"That's a lot of bags, you been busy?" He joked, I explained that I'd been shopping and we sat back in the taxi and spoke away. This was my first time meeting Aaron but I felt extremely comfortable around him, besides Daithi and Mark, this was the only youtuber I had met. He felt honoured to be the first British youtuber too, I was his first Irish.

We pulled up at my home and grabbed our bags, I paid the driver (Aaron hadn't exchanged his pounds for euros) and we headed inside. I showed him to the guest bedroom and let him get comfortable before we went out to eat, it was only half six but we needed to be in bed by at least eight because we were up early to fly to America.


I shuffled in my seat as the pilot announced that we were ready to land, I was excited to see Daithi again as he was the one who was meeting us both at the airport. I nudged Aaron and he blinked slowly, frowning.

"We're about to land, wakey wakey." I joked, he sat himself up and ruffled his hair, waiting for us to land. Once we had landed and grabbed our bags, we glanced around the airport for my fellow Irish man. A massive smile spread on my face when I spotted him running towards us, engulfing us both in a tight hug. We hugged him back and said our hello's before following him out to the cab that was taking us to Daithi's.

"You guys might as well sleep for a bit and we'll set off to Mark's place when you don't look like cast members of the walking dead." Daithi laughed as we entered his home. He left us to settle in and I stripped down to my boxers and climbed into bed, plugging my phone in and checking my messages.

Markimoo: Thank you so much for being there for me Sean, even though you're miles away, I still appreciate all of your support. I just wish I could thank you in person, I miss you little spoon 😟💙

I smiled sheepishly at my phone and text him back,

Jackaboy: You don't owe me any thank you's, like I said, you were there for me when I needed you and I will be there for you when you need me. I wish I could see you in person, but I still don't want a thank you from you. A hug would be fine though, I miss you too big spoon 😟💚

Markimoo: I just want you to know that I am thankful, you mean a lot to me. We'll see each other soon! PAX isn't too far 💙

Jackaboy: It can't come quick enough (if I come). I need to sleep, night 💚

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