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I stepped (well fell) out of the taxi, giggling pretty loudly as I waited for Mark to pay the cab driver (cab, eh, because I'm in America and all that) and fetch Daithi before announcing that I was going to run inside and lock them out forever.

I ran up the stairs and counted as my foot hit each one before stopping outside of the white door and peering over my shoulder to see if the others had caught up, they hadn't. I pushed open the door and walked in, wailing my arms in the air and shouting

"HONEY I'M HOME!" I frowned to myself when a small chihuahua ran to my feet and yapped at me,

"Hey little buddy," I whispered, petting it's head.

"Why are you in my house?" I whispered again, picking it up and looking at it.

"I think the question is why are you in my house," I shot round to see a confused lady in a pink dressing grown glaring at me,


"Why are you in my house?" I looked to the left and to the right before realising id made a pretty big mistake. I lowered the dog to the floor and scratched the back of my neck,

"I wasn't - I'm not - you know?" She continued to stare at me,

"I'm drunk." I slurred, attempting to make the situation better.

"Leave or I'll call the cops," I held my hands up in defence and slowly backed towards the door,

"Sean what the - why are you in here?" I turned and spotted Mark dashing up to me, grabbing hold of my hand before turning to the angry woman.

"I am SO sorry for this, he's drunk and he doesn't know what he's doing, forgive him." And with that, Mark pulled me out of the door and slammed it shut.

He lectured me on the way back to our home about how I could have gotten in 'so much trouble' or 'been arrested' but she seemed like a nice lady, she had a chihuahua and they're not exactly the scariest of dogs.

"Now go strip off and get in bed, I'll be there soon." Mark huffed, kissing me softly. I nodded and traipsed up the stairs, squinting at the light before turning it off and continuing my climb in the darkness.

I stumbled and tripped a few times before finally reaching the top of the stairs and pushing open the bedroom door, attempting to take my clothes off. I eventually stripped down to just my boxers and clambered onto the bed, lifting the duvet and climbing underneath before shutting my eyes.

I lay in silence for a few minutes before feeling something move next to me and smiling,

"You didn't take long," I mumbled, rolling over so I was closer to Mark who remained silent.

"I'm sorry I kissed Daithi, can I make it up to you?" I giggled, placing my hand on his thigh.

"Erm - Sean - wrong person." My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly, turning the bedside lamp on. Daithi scrambled up next to me before erupting into fits of laughter, but holding his head at the pain.

"why are you in my bed?" He questioned, I looked down and sighed, not again.

"I thought I was in my bed," I groaned, standing up and reaching to pick my clothes up.

"Sean?" I looked up to see a confused Mark, this wasn't the best scene for him to walk in on.

Both me and Daithi stripped down to our boxers, a messy bed and me bending over to pick up my clothes that had been chucked all over the place.

"It's not what it looks like, I got in the wrong bed." I confessed, picking up my belt and brushing past Mark to go to the right room.

"You know one day I'm gonna struggle to believe that." He replied, following behind me and shutting our bedroom door.

"Why?" I asked defensively,

"Because I've seen you two together, a lot of people like you as a couple, I think-" I silenced Mark by dashing up to him and cupping his face, forcing our lips together. He hummed into the kiss and grabbed my waist, picking me up so my legs wrapped around him and he was holding me.

"People can say what they want to, but I'm in love with you." I reassured Mark, nipping at the skin on his neck.

"You - God Sean don't do that -" Mark struggled to say, I raised my brows before reattaching our lips and clinging onto Mark as he carried me over to the bed.

"Did I find your soft spot?" I said giddily, Mark brushed me off as he lowered me to the bed and ran his hands up and down my exposed torso.

I grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged it, lifting it off Mark as he raised his arms in the air, leaving him bare on the top half.

"You're so beautiful you know?" I mumbled, admiring Mark's build as he hovered above me. Everything about this man was beautiful, inside and out, and I was so lucky to be able to see this all of the time.

"You'll make me blush, stop," he said shyly, lowering down and pressing a kiss to my lips.

"It's true," he shook his head at me and we shared a passionate kiss.

I crept up the bed and pulled him with me, waiting until he had stripped himself of his clothes before cuddling up to him and resting my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry for kissing Daithi," I said, taking Mark's hand in mine.

"I know you are,"

"It didn't mean anything, I was trying to help him pull," Mark hushed me and used his free hand to stroke my hair.

"All I want you to do is promise me that he's just your best friend,"

"I can't promise that," I felt Mark tense slightly,


"I can't because he's not my best friend, you are," he relaxed and laughed lightly,

"You scared me then," I stuck my tongue out at him,

"I know, I know, I'm sorry," I pulled him down and kissed him,

"I'm sorry for how drunk I got too," he shook his head at me,

"Don't apologise for that, you're allowed to have fun. Now come on, sleepy time." I rolled over and felt Mark wrap his arm around me so I was the little spoon,

"Goodnight angel,"

"Goodnight Marky."

lmao I'm so bad at updating but I have one exam left then they're done !!

I've literally had no time to update and this one is just a slightly shorter filler to get things rolling again!

I'm sorry for not updating, but exciting news is that I'm working on a new septiplier story for when this one ends!

I hope you're all doing well despite the sadness in the world at the moment! take care of yourselves and each other :)

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