seventy eight

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*video attached is the video I mention*

"Can you believe it's nearly the end of October already?" I heard Mark say as he entered my recording room, I turned round to face him and grinned as he stopped and stared at me, slightly confused.

"Is there any particular reason as to why you're dressed as Spider-Man?" He laughed, I buried my face in my hands momentarily and laughed along.

"It's for my Halloween video, I'm gonna play happy wheels dressed as Spider-Man, because I'm cool and all that." Mark shook his head at me, continuing to laugh as he approached me.

"Well, you're not very spooky,"

"Spoopy," I corrected him,

"What? Alright... You're not very, spoopy, but you do look very handsome."

"That's why they call me handsome Jack," I replied in a voice much deeper than my usual one, brushing my green hair out of my face.

"Will you stop referencing games? You're such a nerd." Mark joked, I giggled at him before pulling myself away and taking a seat at my desk. I opened up happy wheels before spinning round in my chair to face Mark who hadn't moved.

"Did you want me for something moo?" I questioned, he nodded,

"I did, actually, have you seen the email about the Halloween party?" I perked up in my seat and shook my head,

"What? No, I haven't checked my emails yet,"

"Do it! They're throwing a big Halloween party over here for loads of youtubers!" I shot round in my chair and refreshed my emails, instantly clicking on the one from YouTube as it appears in my inbox.

Mr McLoughlin,
We would like to invite you to what we call "spooktube's greatest Halloween party" yet where you will be surrounded by some of YouTube's greatest entertainers. We would be delighted for you to join us, if you wish to attend could you please RSVP back and we will send the details right through. Thank you and happy Halloween from us here at YouTube!

My heart practically leapt out of my chest as I read the email, I loved Halloween and the fact that I was going to be spending it with some of the most amazing people around me was one of the greatest feelings. I clapped my hands in excitement as I turned back to face Mark,

"That is awesome! Man I so want to go, have you replied?" He nodded at me,

"I got the information to see if it would be possible for us to make it and it seems like we're free, so I'm happy to go if you are?" I nodded eagerly,

"I'll RSVP now, this is so exciting," I said giddily, typing a quick response and hitting send. "Do you know anybody else that's going?"

"Yeah, Bob, Wade, Ryan, Matt, the other Matt, Amanda, I even think Joey got an invite too. Apparently they invited a bunch of British youtubers too, so that'd be great if they came."

"I wonder if Daithi got an invite," I asked curiously, I'd love to see him again, it's been a while.

"I'm sure he will have, if not he can be someone's plus one." Mark smiled, I smiled back at him before turning back round to the computer, feeling a rush of excitement as my email tone echoed through the padded room.

"Ooh they sent the details ... Okay ... Nice ... The theme is film nut! How cool!" I cheered, "so you dress up as your favourite character from your favourite film," I trailed off,

"OH CAN WE BE SPIDER-MAN AND DEADPOOL PLEASE PLEASE?" I begged, Mark let out a hearty laugh and placed his hand on the shoulder of my Spider-Man costume.

"Calm down boo, but yes, yes we can. I'll work on getting my costume sorted whilst you record your video okay?" I nodded and stood up, switching my camera on before returning to my seat.

"I'll fetch us some good too whilst I'm out, I love you," Mark said happily, leaning down and kissing me quickly.

"I love you too."


"Daithi got invited to the party," I whispered, entering the living room and carefully taking a seat next to Mark on the sofa.

"Okay, so why do you sound so sad about it?" He questioned,

"Because you two aren't the greatest of friends but I want to be around you both at the party," I sighed, lifting Mark's arm up and crawling underneath it, snuggling myself into his side. He moved his hand down to my waist and pulled me closer, his other resting on my leg.

"Hey, we are friends actually, it just so happens that we had a very nice phone call earlier." I peered up at him through my eyelashes and frowned,

"Really?" He nodded,

"We did, we spoke things out and talked about the situation, and we both realised that we were just being stupid and fighting over something that didn't need attention." I opened my mouth to speak but Mark continued,

"And I also, maybe, kind of, just a little bit suggested that he stays here on the night of the party rather than booking a hotel." The words flew out of Mark's mouth like word vomit and he couldn't contain the guilty look on his face,

"No way!"

"Yes way! I invited him and Matt and Ryan too, oh speaks of Matt and Ryan, they seem to be getting a little, you know, close lately." The grin on Mark's face was the mirror image of what a child is like when they find out their friends crush, he was already gushing over them and they weren't even dating.

"Aw well that's cute, they're cute, you're cute." Mark rolled his eyes at me and prodded my side with his finger,

"Stop saying cute."

"Why? It's cute!"

"Stop!" Mark laughed, moving his hands and tickling me softly. I threw my head back in laughter and let out a few girlish screams as I tried my best to get him off me,

"I'm gonna wee! I'm gonna wee!" I exclaimed, flopping about on the sofa like a wet fish. Mark's head fell back with laughter this time as he grabbed my foot and began tickling it,

"Mark! Seriously I'm - I'm gonna wee - stop it!" I begged inbetween laughs, Mark shook his head and pinned me down on the sofa.

"Oh it's on Mr. 'Iplier"

okay so I know not much happened in this update but it's just building up for future events, and there was no fighting just like I promised! (Unless you count a tickle fight)

thoughts on Mark letting daithi stay?
- thoughts on them all going to the same party? What do you think is gonna happen?
- who do you want to see at the party? Let me know with what person they'd dress up as and I might just put them in!
- did you ever use the 'I'm gonna wee!' Excuse as a way to stop somebody from tickling you?

thank you so so much for all of the continued support on this story, I know the updates have become slower but it's exam season lmao, despite that you've all been so lovely and sent me some really nice messages! It makes me so happy to hear feedback from you guys, and I'm still mind blown by the fanart that's come for this story. You're all incredible and I love every single one of you to bits, please remember that I see every comment and every vote and I couldn't appreciate it any more! Thank you, thank you so much x

(I think I just said thank you as much as Sean does in any milestone video lmao)

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