forty five

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[Sean's POV]

Jackaboy: I am 100% certain on moving in with you Marky 😊 I know I keep telling you but I have definitely made up my mind and I'm going to tell my parents 💝

Markimoo: How long are you planning on living with me for angel? I just need to let my landlord know. I'm so happy you're doing this 😊💝

Jackaboy: Maybe until the end of the year? It's May now, that gives us seven months, then we'll see from there 😊 I'm happy too 💝

Markimoo: Perfect angel, does that mean I get to spend Halloween and Christmas with you? 💝

Jackaboy: I hope so! I'll have to see my parents on Christmas but I'll definitely see you first 😊 Have you sorted out a recording space for me? 💝

Markimoo: I have love, one of my spare rooms will be perfect. I've already ordered you some foam pads for the walls so don't worry about that, and I've got a desk and chair on the way. Should be here tomorrow so I'll get Matthias round and we'll build it 💝

Jackaboy: You didn't have to do that Marky, I could have gotten my own but thank you hehe. I need to go home and pre-record some videos, I'll speak to you later 💝

Markimoo: Anything for you my sweet, don't work too hard, make sure you have a break and make sure you eat! 💝

Jackaboy: Alright dad calm down ;) I will 💝

I slid my phone into my pocket and looked up at the announcement board on the train, thanking silently that we were scheduled to arrive in my town in just less than a minute. I tapped anxiously on my knee as I waited for the train to pull up, standing up and dashing out and onto the platform. I manoeuvred my way around the train station and began to head for the door. Stopping, however, when my name was called. I stopped and turned around to see a girl smiling at me,

"Hey," I said,

"I'm sorry for stopping you, I know you're in a rush. I was just wondering if I could get a quick picture with you? I'm a real big fan." I nodded and crouched next to her, smiling widely as she held her phone out and took a selfie with her.

"Can you send me that picture so I can put it on my instagram?" Her face lit up and she nodded,

"Of course, I'll tweet it to you now." I got my phone out and waited for it to come through before retweeting the tweet and saving the picture,

"What's your name?" I asked,

"Dez." She said with a smile, I thanked her and uploaded the picture to instagram with the caption 'just bumped into this lovely fan Dez at the train station! I love meeting you guys :)' and posted the picture. I finished my conversation with her before leaving the train station and calling for a taxi to get home.


The following morning I was stirred awake by my phone, I groaned before leaning over and answering the call.

"Hello?" I said, attempting to sound awake.

"Hi Sean it's Chelsea, Erin said that you needed to talk to me regarding youtube. Can you make it to a meeting later at around three?" I opened my bedside table and pulled my notepad out, writing down Youtube meeting with Chels, 3pm.

"Yeah, that would be great, thank you."

"Alright Sean, see you then." I hung up and collapsed back onto my bed, running my hands down my face and yawning. That was one meeting prepared. I got out of bed and picked my phone and notepad up before heading to my kitchen, pouring myself some lucky charms (so stereotypical I know, but they taste good) and sitting at my counter. I dialled the number for my bank and organised a meeting for twelve pm, followed by a phone call to my landlord, Lissa, to see if she could come round as quick as possible and discuss keeping my flat. She told me she'd be there for half ten so forty five minutes to get ready.

I noted the times down on my notepad, finished eating my food, and had a quick shower. By this time it was quarter past ten so I walked into my recording room and set up my computer, ready to record once Lissa was gone. I'd spent the previous day recording all day but I had a few videos left to do before I could start to edit. I wiped my brow before picking up my phone that had just buzzed, it was Mark.

Markimoo: This is super random, but do you think I would look good with pink hair? 💝

I let out a laugh before replying,

Jackaboy: of course you would, any particular reason why? Should I be concerned about my hair being dyed green? 💝

Markimoo: I'm going to be doing a charity stream soon for bipolar and depression and I wanted the end goal to result in something good, so I was going to say if we reach the target I'll dye my hair pink. You could go green if you're brave enough 😉💝

Jackaboy: Definitely going to be donating! But I think you should do it 😊 and I'm brave enough, my locks are just too luscious at the moment 😉💝

Before I could read his response, there was a knock at the door. I jogged over and pulled it open, smiling at Lissa and letting her in.

"It always smells like vanilla when I come round here, I love it." She laughed as we entered the living room,

"I like the smell." We took a seat and she got her paperwork out, I explained about my move to America and about how I didn't want the apartment to be rented out to anybody else because I would be returning.

"Would you be able to continue paying rent, even though you're in America?" I nodded,

"I've organised a meeting with my bank for later so hopefully they can sort that out, but yes. I can." She scribbled something down before handing me a sheet,

"Take this to your bank, they'll know what to do." I thanked her and she packed her stuff up,

"Do you want anybody to check on the place whilst you are away or do you have a friend to do that?" I thought for a second,

"Could you send somebody over please?" She nodded,

"You know Daniel right? She'll keep an eye on the place for you. Have fun in America." I thanked her and let her out before checking the time and sighing, I needed to get into town as soon as possible.


After the three meetings it had been decided that I was moving to America in exactly a week, which was super exciting. I was given another worker named Adrienna in America who was going to hold meetings about Youtube with me there, and Jinan, another worker there, was going to sort out address changes and all of that jazz. I was actually calm considering the day had been so stressful. I took a seat on my sofa and rolled my eyes when my phone started ringing again,


"Sean, hey! So, you're big project, we need to talk about it. I've been told you're moving to America, is that correct?"

"It is, until the end of the year." There was a shuffling of paper on the end of the phone,

"That's fine, we're just going to have to have you work with some of our staff in America so the project still runs smoothly. Are you still interested in it?"

"Definitely, I can't wait for the viewers to see it. It's going to be awesome."

"Nice to hear that you're still so passionate, I'll organise a meeting for you a week after you've moved to America so you've had time to adapt. But we're going to need a fair bit of your time to get the project done and organise what's happening next." I took into account her words before agreeing, America was going to be a big change, but I was so ready.

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