forty four

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[Sean's POV]

I was woken by the sound of an incoming call on Skype, grumbling as I reached over and picked up my phone, I pressed the answer button and smiled as Mark appeared on my screen.

"Morning angel," I squinted at the brightness of my phone before yawning slightly,

"Mm, morning." I whispered, resting my head back down on my pillow.

"I'm sorry that I woke you, but I thought you would have been awake." He said apologetically, I shook my head.

"No no, it's fine. I should be up but I was up late trying to decide what to do." Mark rested his chin on the palm of his hand, ruffling his hair with the other.

"Your sleep is more important silly, you should have left it."

"I just wanted to have a decision ready for when we talk, and I think I've decided but we need to talk first." I said, pushing myself up from my lying position and sitting.

"Of course love, go on." I cleared my throat,

"Well as you know, I spoke to my parents last night about the move and it was emotional and stuff but it helped me realise that I need to do the things that I want to do. Because I could put this off and never have the chance to do it again, you know what I mean?" He nodded slowly, listening carefully to every word I said.

"So I'm gonna do it, I'm going to move to America with you." He shot up and smiled widely at me, staring at me through the webcam.

"Oh my - Sean - I, I'm so happy thank you." A little grin appeared on my face as I felt my heart flutter, just that simple sentence put the biggest smile on my boyfriend's face and I would do anything to see that daily.

"We've got to sort a few things out though, like bills, a moving date, recording, flights, banking."

"Well we'll get started whenever you're ready, I'll sort out a recording room for you. Quick question, you don't want your own bedroom, do you?" I laughed quietly,

"That's a leading question Marky, psychology would prove that, but no, I'm happy to share with you if you will have me." He stuck his tongue out at me before scribbling something down on paper,

"I'd have you any day," Both of us fell silent for a minute before looking up at each other and laughing.

"I did not mean for that to sound as dirty as it did, but you know, that too." he said with a wink, I pinched the bridge of my nose before shaking my head.

"You're lucky I love you."

"I am." I attempted to fix my bed hair in the screen as Mark finished jotting down whatever he was writing.

"I've made a list of things to do to help with the move, I was thinking you could ask Daithi for some advice too because he's already done the temporary move." I nodded and clicked off the Skype call, sending a quick text to Daithi, asking him to contact me when possible.

"Don't pause me bítch." Mark joked, I opened Skype back up and raised a brow at him.

"Don't call me a bïtch, bítch." We both laughed before Mark announced that he needed to leave to go and see Matthias.

"I'll speak to you soon angel, I love you, goodbye." He blew me a kiss before hanging up, I set my phone down and scratched the back of my neck.

What to do Jack, what to do?

I lay back down on my bed, groaning and burying my face back into my pillow. I felt so tired and my throat was aching a lot. I got up off the bed and headed for a shower, stepping in and letting the hot water run down my body.

I grabbed the shampoo and lathered my hair in it, using the back of my hand to cough into and sighing. I leant back and rinsed the shampoo out of my hair before lathering it up with conditioner, I coughed loudly to try and clear the tickle in my throat before finishing off and stepping out. I took a seat on my bed and grabbed my phone, sending a text to daithi.

Jackaboy: Exciting news!! I'm moving to America for a while with Mark 😄 do you have any advice?

MrDeNogla: That's great! so happy for you guys 😊 erm, I'd just say make sure you're comfortable and that you have good wifi. Money will be the easiest thing, but you need to learn the currency and adapt to the time zones. We'll have to meet up when you're up here! would be great to see you again

Jackaboy: Thank you D 😊 and Mark should have good wifi, but I'll make sure it's better. The currency is gonna be a pain in the ass but I'll get Mark to help me out with that. We'll definitely meet up buddy!

MrDeNogla: Get Mark to do it all 😉 Yes! See you then buddy

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