thirty four

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[Sean's POV]

I stood behind the curtain with the other boys and waited for security to instruct us to move to our meet and greet areas, considering a lot of drama had happened in the fandom, there was still A LOT of people waiting to meet us. I had been given my own space again but I was worried about what questions were going to be asked, what comments were going to be said or if anyone was actually going to join my queue to meet me. Most of the viewers were here for Mark, Bob and Wade, I was just an extra at this convention.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Bob asked, tilting his head towards the curtain. I looked at Mark and we both nodded,

"People have paid money to come and meet us, we can't bail on them because of what happened yesterday. I'd pick my viewers over my feelings any day." Mark confessed, I felt a little guilty because I kind of bailed on my viewers not so long back because of my feelings, but I was prepared to go out and see them today.

"Right boys, come on." The security man said, we followed him out from behind the curtain and the room was filled with screams and cheers within seconds. We were all led to different places and waved at the crowds of people waiting before organising our areas and getting ready for the first person to come over. I smiled at the length of my line, people didn't hate me. They were stood clutching gifts with the biggest smiles on their faces, and I was hopefully going to make this a day to remember for them. The security men all nodded at each other and the first person made their way over to us, I opened my arms and hugged the petite girl that was first in line.

"I'm so happy to see you here," She smiled, I smiled back at her.

"I'm happy to see you here! Thank you for queuing to meet me, what's your name?"

"Charlotte." She said,

"Is it okay if I give you my gift before we continue?" I nodded.

"Yes, of course. Thank you so much for getting me something." I said, she opened up her backpack and pulled out a pretty giant Septic Sam. My eyes widened at the size of it and I was gobsmacked that somebody took their time out to make it,

"Wow Charlotte, this is incredible! Thank you so much." I gave her another hug and we took a few pictures,

"Before I go, can I give you something to give to Mark? I can't queue for him because I have a panel that I want to go and watch." I nodded,

"Of course." She pulled out a Tiny Box Tim pillow and handed it to me.

"Thank you Jack." I shook my head,

"No, thank you." she waved goodbye to me before leaving the queue and the next girl was sent over.

"Hey! What's your name?" I asked,


"Hi!" I said with a little wave, "Your flower crown looks lovely." She smiled widely at me before handing one in her hand to me.

"Can you wear one too for my picture?" I nodded and handed it back to her,

"You can put it on so it looks right." I lowered down to her level and she fixed it onto my head before looking back proudly,

"Selfie?" She nodded and handed me her phone so we took a few selfies,

"You can keep the crown, but I also did you these." She said, getting a letter and a drawing out of her bag. I took them from her and gasped at the fanart, it was me in battle with Quadratus from Shadow Of The Colossus. I thanked her and complimented her on her work before setting it down on the table and sharing a hug with her.

"Thank you for being here Jack, you've really made my day."


"We'll hopefully see you all next time!" Mark cheered as we were led into the behind the scenes area of the convention,

"Man, that was crazy. Five hours straight, my hand is aching." Bob said, rubbing his wrist.

"My face hurts from all the smiling." Wade laughed.

"How did it go for you guys?" Bob asked, looking between me and Mark.

"I had a few comments congratulating me on the relationship but there wasn't much." I said happily,

"I had a few people tell me that they knew it, some said they wished I was dating them, overall I got a positive response. I  did have one girl tell me that she knows I won't bottom, that was an awkward conversation." I felt my cheeks redden a little.

"Okay boys you're free to go, cars are waiting for you." Linda, one of our security ladies, announced.

"It's that time again," Wade said, pouting at me. I looked back confused before sighing sadly,

"You're right, it's time to say goodbye." I walked over and pulled him into a hug, wishing him a safe travel back an thanking him for getting me out here. I did the same to Bob and Aaron made it over to us just in time,

"It's been great having you here!" He cheered, hugging me softly.

"You too man, I'll have to come visit in England some time." He smiled before nodding and saying goodbye to the other boys. Mark said his goodbye to Aaron and told him he'd Skype him once he was home and we left to get in our car, saying one final goodbye.

We reached the hotel and I trudged after Mark, groaning about how tired I was. The day felt like it had gone on forever but I was super happy with the amount of people I managed to meet, I felt guilty that the line had been cut off at some point but I did a quick run through and high fived a few people before getting taken back by security.

"Should we just order room service tonight?" Mark asked as we entered our hotel room, I nodded and walked in, collapsing onto the bed.

"I'll take a guess at what you want," He said, picking up the phone and calling down. I got my phone out and had a quick look on Twitter, favouriting the tweets from the viewers that had been at the convention. I'd given piggy backs to people, worn flower crowns, posed for fake proposals and even played dead on the floor. I was tired with a capital T.

"Food will be here in about twenty minutes," Mark said, climbing onto the bed next to me. I had a quick glance at the curtains, ensuring they were shut, before grabbing the back of Mark's neck and pulling him down for a short kiss.

"I don't want to leave tomorrow." I said sadly, he connected our hands and pulled me up the bed with him so we were leaning against the headboard.

"I wish you didn't have to go. Swap houses with Daithi." He said, I laughed a little.

"I wish, he's loving it in America. But I miss him."

"I bet he misses you too, but I miss you more." I rolled my eyes,

"You can't miss me yet, I've not even gone."

"But you will do tomorrow..." We both looked down at our connected hands sadly,

"Felix's wedding is soon so we haven't got long to wait until we're back together again." I grinned,

"Thank goodness, I don't think I could go months without seeing you." I gave him a  quick kiss,

"We can make this work Marky, I promise."

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