twenty two

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[Sean's POV]

It was beautiful, mesmerising, adorable, every nice word I could think of - the look on Mark's face when he saw us all appear from behind his furniture will never be forgotten. The first emotion was shock, which was obvious because he wasn't expecting any of us to be there at his apartment.

The second was realisation, as his watery eyes looked around the room at us all he took in who was there and that it was actually us, there in the flash. The final emotion was happiness, his eyes watered so much and his jaw dropped. He couldn't get a word out and instead we all leapt into his arms and hugged our raven haired friend tightly, it was such a spine chilling experience as we all let out cheers and a few sobs. He hugged us tighter as Ken joined in the group hug and let out lots of shaky breaths,

"I - I can't believe you guys are here, wow." He said, pulling away and looking at us all.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world." Another tear fell from his eye as he pulled us all back in, squeezing us all and clutching onto our clothes for reassurance that we were actually there.

We all pulled apart and Mark turned around to Ken, punching his arm lightly.

"You were in on this all along?" He nodded and Mark engulfed him in another hug, repeating 'thank you' as they swayed back and forth. He released Ken and turned around, shaking his head.

"I can't believe it," He said, ruffling his hair.

"Even you're here!" He called, grabbing hold of Aaron and clinging onto him tightly. I left him to hug everybody and walked into Mark's room, grabbing the bags of gifts and bringing them all out onto the coffee table in the living room. Mark's eyes followed me but soon diverted back to Daithi who was now taking his place in Mark's arms, I smiled at him before bringing the cake over from the kitchen and setting it down too. I set out a few take away menus on the table and glanced over everything, making sure that it was all perfect. However, I was soon ripped away from the table by a pair of strong arms. I was span round and my body collided with another, but I soon released the tension and melted into Mark's arms. I felt a few tears fall as I realised I was holding my best friend in my arms, and he wasn't strapped up to a hospital bed just like the other week.

"Sean, I can't believe you're here," Mark whispered, squeezing my body slightly.

"I had to see you," I replied, my voice in a low whisper.

"I've missed you so much, just seeing you made me forget about everything that's happened in the past month and I'm so happy you're here." His voice cracked slightly as he let out another small sob,

"I've missed you too." I nuzzled my face into his neck as we clung on to each other, neither of us loosening our grip. It felt magical, having one of the people that mean so much to me be in my arms right now. It's not just YouTube that Mark has helped me with, but also my personal problems and achieving a lot of my goals in life. I used to look up to him a lot, kind of as a role model, but now I see him as a friend, a best friend, and I love him lots.

We eventually pulled apart and we all got seated, Mark sat down next to me and I placed my hand on his knee, giving it a little squeeze.

"So, Mark, we couldn't show up without gifts so we all got you a little something." He shook his head,

"You didn't have to get me anything guys, just being here means the world to me." Wade looked over at me and grinned, he knew he would be right so I let out a small laugh.

"Well we did, so enjoy it." Aaron said, handing Mark a batman gift bag. He smiled at him as he opened up the bag and pulled out a black and yellow checked shirt, he turned it around and laughed at the big 'M' on the back in yellow.

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