thirty eight

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[Mark's POV]

I sat back and smiled at the sight of Sean waiting anxiously for Marzia to make her way up the aisle, he kept giving reassuring nods to Felix who was rubbing his hands together nervously. The door was pushed open and the music began, so we all took to our feet and turned to look at Marzia. I was blown away by her appearance, she looked beautiful. Her hair was faintly curled and the veil was fitted nicely in her hair, her dress was long and flowing behind her. I turned to look at Felix who couldn't hide the smile on his face, tears were forming in his eyes at the sight of Marzia. I smiled as Sean placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and Marzia was handed over to Felix, we all took our seats and the wedding began.


The vows were completed and they were given the approval to kiss, so their lips connected and the photographer snapped away whilst everybody else clapped and cheered. They linked hands and made their way down the aisle and out of the church, with the flower girls both in front and behind to make the walkway pretty. I walked out onto the aisle and smiled at Sean who made his way over to me, I took his hand in mine and we followed behind the newly weds. We all walked outside and got into positions for pictures and once the photographer was done with us, he took Marzia and Felix aside to get some family shots. I turned to Sean and took his hand again,

"This could be us one day angel." He looked around in awe at the beautiful scenery,

"One day." He whispered, leaning forward and pressing our lips together. My arms snaked around his waist as I pulled him into my chest, he rested his head in the crook of my neck and we stood holding each other for a while until Daithi and Aaron found us. He pulled away from me but stayed by my side,

"How wonderful was that? I was crying!" Aaron said, laughing slightly.

"It made me tearful, especially when Felix saw Marzia." Sean added, I gave his hip a little squeeze and turned to Daithi.

"Are you coming to the after party?" He nodded,

"I am indeed, my plane leaves at about half one in the morning so I'll have to leave for about eleven to pack and that."

"It's a shame you couldn't stay man," Ken said as he walked up to us, placing a hand on Daithi's shoulder.

"I know, I've got a pretty important meeting that couldn't be rescheduled though. How we getting to this party?" I stepped to the side and pointed to a row of cars parked up at the side of the road,

"Those, Felix has hired some out for different people. We've got two between us." We all continued to talk about the wedding until Felix and Marzia made their way over to us.

"Congratulations guys!" I cheered,

"You honestly looked so beautiful," Sean complimented Marzia, giving her a short hug.

"Thank you, I was really scared." She confessed, half smiling at Felix.

"I'm scared for the speech I've got to give." Sean laughed, nudging Felix's arm.

"Don't worry bro, you'll be fine." He looked around at us before turning to Marzia and shaking his head slightly.

"I really can't get over how beautiful you look," Her cheeks turned a dark crimson red as Felix placed his hands on her hips.

"I love you so much." He leant down and kissed her and we all smiled,

"Right guys, to the cars!"


[Sean's POV]

"And now a speech from Felix's second best man, Sean Mcloughlin!" Applause filled the room and I stood up from my seat, smiling down at Mark and taking the microphone.

"So, erm - I did have this big ass speech planned that was supposed to be all sentimental and stuff, but now I've stood up it's just completely vanished out of my head," A few laughs escaped people's lips,

"I'm just gonna speak from me heart. The first time I ever spoke to Felix was incredible for me because I was just this little youtube fanboy that spent hours watching his videos, I was absolutely amazed by him and the person that he was. When I saw that he was holding a contest and was going to give a shout out to a smaller youtuber, I thought I'd enter, not knowing that one of the best friendships I could ask for was going to come out of it. So when I found out that Felix had chosen to give me, lil ol' Jackaboy, a shout out, I was close to tears," I bit my lip before continuing,

"From that day onwards I continued to speak to Felix and what started as a youtuber talking to a viewer soon turned into two youtubers talking to each other. We had so many hilarious late night conversations about all kinds of things, and a melix wedding was one of those. Now look at you poods, you're here, happy and married to the love of your life. Marzia, you're such a beautiful lady and Felix is so lucky to have you. You've helped him through so much, and you've helped me too. I'm so happy for the both of you, you give me faith in both life and relationships because you two have made yours work so well. I couldn't be happier that my best friend married such a wonderful girl, I love you both so much. I wish you all the best for the future Felix, just," I was cut off by my own tears and my voice breaking,

"Bloody badgers," I joked, earning a few more laughs.

"Just, don't forget about me OK buddy? I love you more than life man." Felix got up from his chair and walked over to me,

"Come here you big softie" Claps filled the room as Felix pulled me into his arms, giving me a warm hug. I hugged him back and apologised for crying, but he just shook his head and wiped my tears.

"I have no idea why you were so nervous about the speech, it was great." I thanked him and the speeches were rounded off.

"Now if the newly weds could make their way to the dance floor for the first dance, then everybody else can join in." Felix held his hand out to Marzia and led her to the dance floor, taking her into his embrace as the music started. I stood aside and rested my head onto Mark's shoulder as he held me round the waist. We watched the happy couple dance until they called for everybody else to come onto the dance floor, Mark took no hesitation into pulling me onto there with him and resting his hands on my hips. I linked my arms round his neck and rested my head on his as we swayed back and forth,

"I can't wait for the day that we'll be having our first dance." Mark grinned, the butterflies in my stomach exploded at the thought of my wedding day with Mark.

"I can't dance though sweetie." I smirked, he shrugged his shoulders lightly.

"I'm the man of this relationship, I'm pretty sure I'd be guiding you anyway." I rolled my eyes at him,

"Who decided you were the man?" He raised an eyebrow at me,

"You did when you bottomed." My mouth fell open as I lightly hit the back of his head.

"Don't be so rude." He laughed lightly,

"I'm the man because it's my duty to protect you and take care of you whenever you need me to, you're my little spoon." I leant towards Mark so our lips were just touching,

"I love you big spoon."

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