forty seven

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[Sean's POV]

I walked into the busy airport with my hands clasped tightly around the handle of my suitcase, I hadn't heard from Mark which was worrying but I knew he wouldn't abandon me at the airport.

I stopped and looked around me for a familiar face, but I wasn't greeted by any. Just blurs of colours as busy people rushed past me, I turned to the left and stepped forward, knocking into somebody and immediately feeling bad about it.

"Jesus, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, touching the persons shoulder.

"It was my mistake I'm so- wait, Jack?" I looked down at the girl who was staring back at me in awe,

"Jacksepticeye? What? Why? What are you even doing here?" I let out a laugh and held my finger up to my lips,

"It's a surprise but yes I'm here." A small grin appeared on her face,

"Well I won't keep you, but can I just get a quick picture?" I nodded and leant down next to her, pulling a goofy face at the camera as she took the picture.

"Nice to see you," I smiled, she walked away and I turned around so I could see the entrance. A few minutes later a flustered, raven haired man came dashing through the entrance and the smile on my face was immediate. His eyes darted round the room until they landed on mine and he made his way towards me, opening his arms and not giving me a chance to greet him.

"Angel, I've missed you so much." He whispered as he clung onto me tightly,

"I've missed you too Marky," he pulled away and smiled at me before shaking his head and laughing,

"I swear you get more beautiful every time I see you." I blushed before leaning in and kissing him softly, I'd craved his touch for so long.

"I can't believe this is actually happening," I breathed, resting my forehead against his as our hands entwined.

"Well believe it, I've got a taxi waiting for us and a perfectly tidy apartment ready for you to move into. Your boxes are in there but I didn't touch them, I wanted you to do it yourself so it felt like home." I pecked his lips before pulling away,

"Thank you, now let's go home." He slid an arm around my waist and we made our way out to the taxi, dumping my bags in the back and climbing in. I stared around at my new surroundings, it was certainly different from Ireland but I knew that with Mark by my side I could definitely adapt.

The taxi pulled up outside our home and Mark was quick to hop out and open my door for me, I stepped out and admired the building. I took my luggage from the boot as he paid the driver before following him inside, I could feel the excitement bouncing around inside of me, flooding through my veins. I was nervous too, it wasn't the first time I'd seen Mark's home but it was the first time I was seeing it as my own.

"After you," he said, unlocking the door and pushing it open. I thanked him and walked in, a strong scent of cinnamon hit me and I spotted a few candles burning in the corner.

"Did you go out and leave those candles burning?" I asked quickly, turning round to face him. He rolled his eyes at me,

"Really Sean? You've just got here and you're already nagging me." He attacked my sides with his hands and began to tickle me and I squealed with laughter,

"Ge-Ge Get off m- me" I said in between laughter, falling down slowly to the floor. Mark laughed too and helped me back up before kissing me,

"You made me do it. Now come on, let's go see your recording room." I followed Mark up the stairs and down to the end room, the door was shut tight and Mark stopped at it and handed me a key.

"It has a lock so if you're recording something where you really can't be disturbed, just lock it and I'll know." I thanked him and took the cold metal into my hand,

"And here it is," he flicked the light on and I gasped at the size of the room. I didn't expect it to be that big, it was nearly twice the size of my recording room at home.

"I got you a copy of the layout of the room so you can draw how you want the room to be laid out, and I have a quick question." I slowly walked around the room, stepping round the boxes and grazing my fingers across the walls slightly.

"Go ahead," I replied, stopping at the windowsill.

"Do you want to paint one of the walls green? I mean you have your blue screen, which is cool, but I thought maybe a green wall would help you more with editing and stuff?" I span round and widened my eyes,

"Really? I can paint it?" He nodded and I jumped over a box to hug him,

"You're the best youtuber boyfriend a person could ask for." He chuckled and kissed my forehead,

"As are you my love. Anyway, I'm going to leave you to shower and unpack the stuff in our room whilst I cook us dinner." I kissed him quickly and dragged my suitcase into our room, searching through to find the empty drawers and wardrobe space for me.


A few hours later I'd finished unpacking my clothes and little extra bits, I hadn't fully started on my recording room yet because it was vetting late and I could feel jet lag slowly creeping up on me.

"Marky, can you film a video with me?" I asked, entering Mark's room quietly. He turned round from his desk and nodded,

"Course I will, what do you need?" He asked, grabbing my hand.

"Just to do a quick update vlog to let people know what's happening." He nodded and glanced back at his screen,

"Let me just save this then I'll be out, we can record in the living room." I walked into my recording room and managed to find my camera, grabbing it and taking it into the living room. I placed it in front of Mark's television on the stand and sat down in front of it, adjusting the settings so the brightness wasn't off. I hit record and adjusted the focus as I waited for Mark to sit down.

"Okay angel I'm ready!" Mark cheered, plonking down on the floor next to me.

"That's what they all say." I said with a wink, letting out a loud laugh.

"You're so immature, come on." I looked towards the camera and began my intro,

"So, as you can see, I have a completely different background and I'm here with Mr 'iplier," I began, gesturing to Mark who gave a small wave.

"And I just wanted to make this vlog to let you guys know what's happening. I want this to be quick because I have such bad jet lag and Mark's been working his ass off all day,"

"It's true," Mark added, "My ass is that flat that I know slide straight off the toilet when I sit on it." I burst out laughing,

"Basically I'm going to be living in America with Mark until around new year time, then we'll see from there. I'm saying it now that this doesn't mean our channels are changing, he will remain Markiplier and I will remain jacksepticeye."

"You've gotta go easy on the little irish spud too, he's got to adjust to life here in America and it is definitely different to Ireland. So bare with us and hopefully things will be sorted pretty soon!" I turned to Mark and smiled,

"Do you want to do my outro with me?" He grinned back and nodded,

"One, two, three. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR WATCHING THIS VIDEO, IF YOU LIKED IT, PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE, LIKE A BOSS!" We both yelled, pulling our hands down before high fiving for the next section.


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