thirty five

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[Sean's POV]

I looked up at the board before lowering my head, it was time for me to get on the plane.

"That's your call," Mark said, looking down at our linked hands gloomily.

"I know," I whispered back. We both raised our heads and locked eyes, I hated this feeling. Knowing that I was going to fly so far away from my boyfriend honestly broke my heart, I just wanted to stay here so I could be there for him when he needed a shoulder to cry on or a hand to hold. But it can't be that way yet, and we both know that, but it still sucks that it has to be like that at all.

"I don't want you to go." Mark whimpered,

"I don't want to go Marky but I'll be back with you soon." A stray tear fell from his eye and I used my thumb to wipe it away,

"Please don't cry baby," I gulped, he bit his lip to fight back the tears before pulling me into a hug. His hands ran up and down my back as I sobbed into his shoulder, his body shook in my arms, informing me that he was also crying.

"Please, please, please call me as soon as you get back," Mark hiccuped, "I want to know that you got back safe and th - that everything's okay." I nuzzled my head into his neck and squeezed him tightly.

"Of course, I'll call you if it's not too late. Please stop crying for me Marky, it's hurting me seeing you so upset." He pulled away from me and pressed his lips to mine,

"I'm so sorry angel, I'm trying my best but it's hurting me having to say goodbye to you again. I'm not doing this on purpose," I nodded and placed my hand on his cheek, wiping his tears again.

"I really need to go Marky," He nodded and cupped my face in his hands before connecting our lips, we shared a passionate kiss before I pulled away and gave him one last final hug. I picked up my bags and we walked together down to the gate,

"I'll call you when I get home Marky." I said, giving him another quick kiss.

"I'm gonna miss you love, go on." He waved goodbye to me and I headed down the tunnel to the plane.


It had been a few hours since I'd arrived home but I hadn't managed to get any sleep because of jetlag, so I decided to record my vlog about PAX. I set my camera up and took a seat in my chair, swinging my arm round and doing my intro.

"Hello! I am back! In case you guys didn't know, I have been at PAX with Mark, Bob and Wade and I got back a few hours ago. It was such a crazy experience, I loved it so much. That was all thanks to you guys! So many of you came out to see me and I even got some gifts!" I shouted, picking up the gifts I had been given and holding them up to the camera.

"I met so many lovely people and - wait, was the girls name Charlotte? I think it was, anyway, I gave your gift to Mark Charlotte! He's got it in his luggage somewhere." I shuffled in my chair a little before picking at my thumb,

"Speaking of Mark, there's something I want to address in this video that happened at PAX. Somebody posted a picture of me and Mark kissing, if you didn't see it then I'm sure it's around on the internet somewhere, but we were absolutely gutted that it came out. I made a video with him about it so I will link it in the description if you haven't seen it but we basically announce that yes, it is a real picture and we are in a relationship. However, it doesn't change anything about us or our channels. I understand that some of you may not like that but it just needs to be said that I am happy and nothing was rushed or forced. He helped me get over my breakup with Klo and I can't thank him enough for that, but I'm with him now and not Klo so I'd appreciate if comments and questions about her could be removed." I moved on and explained my appreciation for everybody at PAX and stuff before rounding the video off and sitting down to edit it.

I opened Twitter and had a quick look, immediately regretting it as I came across some comments on a picture of me and Mark at the airport. I scrolled down them and felt the words stab be harder and harder each time I read them, some people were being extremely homophobic and rude. Insults such as 'fag' were being thrown around and it was making me want to cry as I read them. I clicked off the picture and grabbed my phone, sending a text to Mark.

Jackaboy: I'm so sorry Marky for any comments you're going to get because of me and you 😟💝

Markimoo: Angel, don't apologise. Some people won't agree with us, some will, you can't win them all 😟💝

Jackaboy: I just don't want you to be spammed with homophobic comments and insults 😟💝

Markimoo: There's some in my mentions but I'm ignoring them, just like you need to okay? They're irrelevant to us because we're happy and nothing can change that ☺️💝

Jackaboy: True, I'll try but it's hard not to read them when they're there 💝

Markimoo: Read my texts instead, then you'll see the kindness and adoration I have for my fave 💝

Jackaboy: You're so corny 😉💝

Markimoo: You love it though 😉💝

Jackaboy: True 😱💝

Markimoo: You're so cute, but i need to get some sleep love so I'll speak to you when I've rested 💝

I put my phone down and finished editing the video, uploading it and setting it to go up for 5pm.

My attention was snapped away from my computer by my phone ringing, I picked it up and smiled at Felix's name before accepting the call.

"Felix, bro, hey!" I chimed,

"Sean, hey! This is only a quick call but we have the date planned for the wedding and my stag!" He boomed, I cheered loudly.

"All of you guys need to get to England for May the thirteenth, for suit fittings and stuff, the stag is on the fifteenth and then I'm getting married on the nineteenth. So be prepared for quite a while in England!"

"Oh I'll be prepared alright! That's so cool man, I'm excited. Is there anything I need to do or pay for or?"

"No, no. We have everything covered, all of you can fly to London and I'll be there waiting with Aaron. We'll stay over in a hotel and go for a fitting the following day, take the suits and travel back up to Brighton. You'll stay at my place because Marzia is staying with Zoe and all of her girly friends at some spa place and then we'll have the stag, then I've got Ken at my house until the big day. I booked you and Mark a hotel, for privacy. I'll have Aaron with me too. Bob, Wade and their girls are at some other hotel too." I scribbled down all the dates and the plan as he spoke.

"I am stupidly excited for this, it's all so grown up." I giggled,

"I know, don't remind me, I'm nervous enough already."

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