forty eight

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[Mark's POV]

I rolled over and smiled at my angel fast asleep next to me, his arms were above his head and his chest was rising and falling slowly. The admiration I had for this man was unreal, I wished I could explain his eyes and how the sound of his voice gave me butterflies. Or how his smile made my heart skip a beat and how every time I'm with him, I always felt complete. He had honestly made my life so much better and I couldn't thank him enough.

I quietly slipped out of the bed and pulled the covers over him, making my way to the kitchen and fetching the bacon out of the freezer and cooking it. My stomach grumbled at the beautiful aroma filling the air but I wanted to make Sean's breakfast before mine. As the bacon cooked, I toasted some bread and got some tinned tomatoes ready to go alongside it; finishing it off with scrambled egg and smiling. I placed a caramel latte pod in the Tassimo for myself before changing it to an Americano for Sean, stirring the drinks and placing them on the tray.

I carefully walked back to the bedroom and crept through the door, my heart melting at the sight of my boy stirring awake. His eyes slowly fluttered open and a small smile appeared on his face as he spotted me,

"Morning Marky," he mumbled in his gruff morning voice.

"Morning you, sleep well?" I asked, walking over to the bed. He nodded a little and raised an eyebrow at the tray,

"I made you a little something." I grinned, placing the tray on his lap and slipping into bed next to him.

"I love you so much, you know that?" He said shyly, pulling me towards him and kissing me softly. My hands slowly cupped his face as we shared a sweet kiss,

"I do, and I love you too." I said as I pulled away, he rested his head on my shoulder as I took my latte off the tray and drank it.

"Eat up little spoon, we've got to go shopping after to get you some clothes, so you can stop stealing mine." I smirked, prodding his chest lightly.

"I like wearing your clothes though," He giggled,

"Are you sure you're the man of this relationship?" I winked, he rolled his eyes at me and began to eat his breakfast so I grabbed my phone and responded to a text I had from Wade.

Lord M: Maaaaaaark
answer me
I see how it is
you don't love me anymore
you've found a new best friend
I've been replaced
goodbye my lover, goodbye my friend
but seriously Mark where are you?

Markiplier: Wade, chill out, I'm here. What's up?

Wade: Finally!! Hope I didn't disturb anything. I need to know if Sean's coming to PAX so we can organise passes and stuff?

I turned to Sean who had tomato juice running down his chin, I let out a laugh before grabbing a tissue off the nightstand and wiping it.

"Wade wants to know if you're coming to PAX with us because he's sorting the passes out?" Sean nodded slowly, taking the tissue from me to cover his mouth as he spoke.

"If I'm allowed to then sure."

"Of course you're allowed silly." I looked back down at my phone.

Markiplier: You didn't, don't worry. Yes he's coming 😊

Wade: Great!! Looking forward to it 😊

Markiplier: Me too 😊

I had a quick look on Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr before plugging my phone back in to charge and turning to Sean.

"All done love?" He nodded and I took the tray from him,

"I've got something for you when you come back." Sean revealed, watching me as a climbed out of the bed.

"Is it what I think it is?"

"It's a dïck in a box!" Sean chirped, opening his arms wide before collapsing into the duvet laughing.

"No, but seriously it's a present." I nodded and left the room, placing the cutlery and plates into the dishwasher. I returned to the bedroom to find Sean sat cross legged on the bed with a wrapped box in his hands,

"Come on!" He begged, I took a seat opposite him and took the box off him. Slowly peeling the wrapping paper off, I noticed Sean's eyes were fixated on me. I pulled the final layer of and gasped before looking up at Sean happily,

"This is incredible Sean, thank you." I said, admiring the Walking Dead themed present.

"I know exactly where to put it too," I said, grabbing Sean's hand and pulling him off the bed and into my office. He trailed behind me and I placed it on a shelf above my desk, however Sean's eyes weren't watching me.

"Is that a picture of me?" He asked, pointing to a frame on my desk next to my monitor. I felt my cheeks heat up,

"Maybe?" He turned and wrapped his arms around my neck, cuddling into me.

"You really are the cutest Marky, if it makes you feel less embarrassed, I have one of you too." I chuckled and squeezed his sides, causing him to shriek a little.

"Go get dressed and we'll head into town." He nodded and dashed out of the room, I had a quick check on my YouTube to make sure that my videos were still ready to go up before joining Sean in the bedroom and getting dressed.

"I don't know whether to go red or blue." Sean laughed, picking up his two tops. I turned and scrunched my nose,

"Red, it has a v line so I can see more of your chest." Sean's jaw fell open in a playful way and he held his hand up to his chest,

"Is that all you love me for? Ma sexy body?" We both started laughing as I made my way over to him, placing my hands on his hips and smirking.

"I love you for so many other reasons, but your body is a big turn on." Sean took his bottom lip into his mouth and I shook my head lightly,

"What now?" He questioned playfully,

"Just - when you do that it's so - ugh, you know?" He smirked at me before biting his lip again. I slowly pushed him back towards the wall and locked our fingers together, placing them above his head. I lowered my head and kissed him roughly, stepping closer to him each time.

Eventually our hands unlocked and Sean's found their way to my hair, tugging on it slightly. Mine made their way round to his back, running them up and down before finally landing on his bum. He smiled into the kiss as he pulled me more towards him,
I pulled away and rested my head on his.

"Changed, now." I grinned, he slowly moved me out of the way and walked over to the dresser, turning back and saying

"Assertive daddy mode." I rolled my eyes at him and we both fell about laughing.

"I swear you just provoke these daddy comments, giving all the shippers everything they want." He shrugged as he pulled his top on,

"Somebody has to."

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