thirty two

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[Sean's POV]

I looked back at Mark confused, setting my towel and clothes on the dresser before walking over to him.

"What? What is it?" He continued to stare at the phone silently before shaking his head a little,

"Mark," I repeated, there was still no sound from him.

"Let me see." I grabbed the phone from his hands and fixed my eyes on the screen, my mouth fell open immediately and I stared at it, shocked.

"This is bad," I exclaimed, "Oh this is really bad." Mark looked up at me before chewing his lip nervously.

"What do we do?" I took a seat next to Mark on the bed and sighed, looking closer at the screen. The more I looked the more I felt terrible, I could feel my hands begin to tremble and Mark noticed to, so he took the phone from me.

"This is all my fault Mark, I'm stupid and clumsy. I should have seen this coming." I said sadly, standing up from the bed and walking over to the window.

"I fūck things up like this all of the time." Mark remained silent so I returned my attention back onto him,

"Mark, say something damn it." He looked up at me sadly before shrugging,

"What can I say?" I sighed and looked back out of the window.

"Just saying nothing proves that it is my fault. I told you I mess things up all the time and this is just evidence of it. I tried to be careful, I did. I just wasn't careful enough I guess, now my face is plastered all over the Internet without any explanation from me myself."

"It's not just your face though is it Sean." He mumbled, clicking on something on his phone.

"Are there comments?" I said, he nodded and chucked the phone to me. I caught it and looked at the responses to the picture, there were so many different comments coming through but I wasn't prepared for this.

"Shït Mark, what do we do? Should I DM the person and get them to take it down?" He stood up and took the phone from my hands before sliding it into his pocket,

"And what good would that do? Thousands of people will have seen it by now." I scratched my arm sadly before lowering my head,

"I was just trying to think of suggestions." He let out a short laugh.

"I suggest you come up with something a lot better than that." I bit my lip as I felt the tears form in my eyes,

"I shouldn't have to fix this mess on my own though Mark! You always go on about being there to help me and support me but right now you're being a total asshöle."

"I am here to help you Sean, I'm not making you do this alone but just standing there and crying isn't going to fix this."

"So help me then!" I shouted, pulling my sleeve down and wiping my eyes.

"I'm just as powerless in this situation as you are, you can scream and shout at me all you like but it won't make a fūcking difference."

"I'm not screaming or shouting, I just -" I shook my head,

"You're just blaming it on me, I feel like you're giving me no support." He walked over to me and linked our little fingers,

"I'm trying to support you but you're just pushing me away. Shouting at me won't help this issue."

"Then what will? Do we just go out there and scream and shout at them? Do we stay here in dwell in stupid thoughts that are just making us argue? I wish you'd fücking tell me because I'm so helpless right now."

"I just told you shouting won't make a fûcking difference Sean." He said, ripping our hands apart.

"I never said it would Mark! Why aren't you listening to me?"

"Because I'm panicking Sean, I don't know what to do. We're as hopeless as each other." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Do you not think I'm panicking too? I told you I ruin good things before they even happen but did you listen? No."

"You've not ruined anything Sean! It was bound to happen at some point, stop making this all about you."

"Well you're not taking any of the blame." I snapped back,

"Okay, fine. Yes Sean, we kissed, we fūcking kissed and somebody decided to pap us outside. What should we do? God knows, what can we do?"

"We can stop shouting at each other if that would help." I mumbled,

"its a heated discussion, there's bound to be raised voices." I let out more tears as the reality of what's happening hit me,

"I told you about this Mark, I told you that I'm no good with long distance relationships and that I always manage to mess something up. My mistake this time was not checking that the curtains were shut before sharing a kiss with you, but that makes me sad. I shouldn't have to sneak around and hide my boyfriend from the world."

"Well don't make it seem like it's my fault we're hiding because it's not, I'd happily go outside and announce it to the world but you were scared. You didn't want us to be outed."

"Of course I wanted us to be out Mark! just not like this, I wanted to be the one telling the viewers that I'm happy that I'd found someone and do it officially. Instead we have a picture of us kissing plastered all over the Internet for people to see."

"Well you can't do it all cosy and sweet now can you? You've seen the picture, all the viewers have seen the picture. I hope you have a back up plan on what to do because we're going to be surrounded by people with lots of questions tomorrow!" He shouted back at me, I lowered myself to the ground and sobbed into my hands.

"Stop shouting at me." I cried,

"I'm not shouting Sean! I'm just letting you know what I think and what I have to say. I agree that it's not all your fault but we need to do something about this and quick because it's just getting bigger." I continued to cry and shake, I knew that all of the bad things were going to happen to me and this made me sad. But not as sad as I felt currently because my boyfriend who was supposed to be supporting me was running his mouth off at me.

"What can we do though Mark?" He fell silent before letting out a frustrated sigh,

"I don't know Sean. I don't know." I raised my head as I heard the hotel room door open,

"Mark, where are you going?"

"To see the other boys and cool down." And with that, the door was slammed shut.

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