twenty three

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[Sean's POV]

I woke the following morning and laughed at Mark and I, of course we were in our usual spooning position, but I had to disturb him. I wriggled out of his strong arms and made my way over to the bathroom, grabbing some clothes on the way. I stepped into the shower and pondered about last nights actions, I don't actually know what happened. Were we just emotional wrecks, or was this something that both of us had been waiting for?

I always knew I was bisexual, but I never thought I'd be kissing my best friend, who was a guy, not long after he came out of hospital. I pushed the thoughts of Mark aside and finished up in the shower before changing and heading back into his room, I grinned at the sight of him all dishevelled and rough looking in his bed. His black hair was spread out on the pillow and he had the duvet covering the bottom half of him,

"You're up early," He mumbled, I opened up my suitcase and put my clothes inside.

"My plane leaves at twelve, me and Aaron have got to leave soon." Within seconds Mark shot out of his bed and grabbed some clothes from his drawers.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have been up and ready to get breakfast with you's before you leave." I shrugged lightly and fixed my hair in the mirror.

"I wanted you to rest, you've been in hospital, remember?" I said, smiling at him in the reflection of the mirror.

"I know, I know. I just don't want you guys to leave without a proper goodbye, come on." He patted my arm and we made our way out to the other boys who were all dressed and lounging around on the sofas.

"We still have time to go and get some breakfast if you want to?" Aaron asked, looking down at his watch. All the boys agreed and we decided to go down the road to Mark's favourite restaurant.


I scratched my neck as my flight number was called out and turned to the rest of the lads,

"Well, this is my plane," I said sadly, watching as Mark's smile slowly faded off his face.

"I'm gonna miss you buddy." He said, reaching his arms out and pulling me into a hug. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and he ran his hands up and down my back, squeezing me slightly.

"I'm gonna miss you too man, we'll be back together soon though, I promise." I whispered, holding the man tighter.

"Have a safe flight." We pulled apart and I hugged the other guys before turning to Aaron and nodding,

"Well I'll see you soon guys, bye!" I felt my eyes get a little watery as I walked away from my group of friends, all of those men meant so much to me and I hated leaving them behind. I knew I had to though, me and Aaron only booked to stay for a little while, but I wish I had chosen longer. I only chose a couple of days, however, because it was my first time meeting all of the guys except Mark and Daithi. So if any issues or problems occurred whilst I was there, I had a leaving date and I knew I was going to get back safe.


I jogged up the stairs and into my apartment, dropping my suitcase and collapsing on my bed with a sigh of relief. The flight felt like it had gone on for days, even though I had slept through most of it, but I was glad to be home. I fished my phone out of my hand luggage and felt a little buzz of excitement when I spotted that I had a text from Mark,

Markimoo: I hope you got home safe, I was worried buddy! I miss you already man, can't wait for you to be back here 💝

Jackaboy: I got home fine, I just wish I was tired. I miss you too, wish I could have stayed longer but I didn't have enough videos recorded 😉 You holding up without me? 💝

Markimoo: Good, otherwise I would have some pilot asses to kick! I wish you could have stayed longer, one night just wasn't enough. You'll come back soon though, promise? It's hard without you but I've been with Bob and Wade today, they left about an hour ago 💝

Jackaboy: Now now Markimoo, no need to get angry 😉 I promise you that I'll be back before you know it 😊 They're such great guys, I see why you're friends with them. Anyway, I'm going to record a video, I'll speak to you soon. Bye 💝

Markimoo: I have to be angry if I'm defending you 😊 I love them so much, not as much as you of course, but I love them. Take care love, bye 💝

I chuckled at the message and set my phone down before slipping into my famous blue hoody and sitting down in front of my camera. I decided to do a 'Reading Your Comments' video to show that I was still super interactive with everybody.

I searched #septiccomments on Twitter and was overwhelmed by the amount of questions about my visit to Mark's place and the surprise, to be fair, I wasn't aware that anybody knew. But there were screenshots from a video of Mark's which meant he must have updated everybody, I screenshotted a question from 'shippingseptiplier' that read: Jack who's idea was it to surprise Mark? #septiccomments

I screenshotted a few more before sitting back in my chair and beginning my recording,

"Jack, who's idea was it to surprise Mark? In case you guys didn't know, I flew over to America for a few days to see Mark after he came out of hospital because I wanted to see him. It wasn't just me, there was Yami, Daithi, Bob, Wade and Ken too, but it was my kind of whole idea to have everyone there for Mark's return? It turned out really well though and my time there was awesome, like really awesome. It was my first time meeting some of the other guys and I absolutely love them, man they're so fun to be around..."

I scratched my neck and thought back to my last time seeing them at the airport,

"But it soon hit me on the day of Mark's return because I realised I have to go home tomorrow. I can't like meet these people again tomorrow and I had to like, get on a flight and go back to Ireland," I let out a little laugh as my eyes watered,

"Why am I fuckin' tearin' up talkin' about this stuff but, I - I really regretted the way I said goodbye to everybody." I cringed at my voice breaking due to the tears because it was true, I owed so much to these guys and it was a little 'goodbye, shake hands, hug, leave' and they deserved so much more than that. I let a few more tears fall before looking back up at the camera and wiping my eyes,

"What am I doin'? This is stupid," I laughed, "Sorry, anyway when I was on the plane and everything I was just sitting here thinkin' I'm not gonna get to do this for a long time again - erm - it's gonna be a while before I get to go to a convention, so I was really sad and coming back here and I'm just sitting here alone again. Uh - I really wanna go back and just talk to people and be with my friends again. I'm gonna make the most out of it the next time I go and really appreciate every little thing and cherish every moment."

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