twenty eight

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[Sean's POV]

One week to go, just one week until I'm back in Mark's arms having the biggest hug I could possibly get. I genuinely couldn't wait, just being back with my best friend (now boyfriend), was the thing that was exciting me the most. Of course I was super excited to meet the viewers, alongside super nervous.

I was hoping they wouldn't be too touchy on the whole disappearing of YouTube act or asking questions about Klo, because honestly that was the last thing I wanted. I'd moved on now and I was happy with Mark, extremely happy to be honest, and I didn't want silly old memories coming back to ruin us.

It's crazy waking up every morning knowing that the man you owe pretty much your whole career to is now your boyfriend, somebody so successful and loving is somebody that you can now call yours. I love it. I love it so much that each morning I wake up I have to check that it's still real and I didn't just dream it, but each time I'm assured and I get the biggest butterflies possible and another massive grin on my face. He was my Mark and I couldn't ask for anyone better.

I stood in the kitchen inhaling the sweet smell of the bacon that was currently cooking, I was in between recording the videos to go up for America so it was time for a food break. I looked down at my phone as it lit up beside me and swiped across on Felix's name,

poods: Hey man, I've got some rings that I like but I don't know which one to go with. Can you give me your opinions?

Jackaboy: Sure man! Send 'em over

poods: *image received*
*image received*
*image received*

I clicked on the images individually and had a quick glance at them all, automatically removing the second one from the list because it didn't look as nice as the others. I took the bacon from the pan and placed it onto my sandwich before taking a seat at the table and replying to Felix.

Jackaboy: In my opinion, definitely not the second one. The first ones is really classy, I like it but the third one looks more detailed. I don't know man, the choice is yours

I took a bite of my sandwich as I waited for a reply.

poods: OK so second one is a no. I was thinking the third one when I was deciding but I wanted another opinion

Jackaboy: Well my only advice is that you managed to find more that you liked after the first one, so it didn't completely win you over. Yet you stopped searching on the third one, I think that tells you something

poods: Y u gotta go so wise on me 4?
but true, the third one it is 😊 I just need to go down and see a man about it then the ring should be sorted. I'm stupidly nervous

Jackaboy: Bc I'm a wise old Irish man damn it! And good choice. Don't be nervous, just don't buy breadsticks 😉✨

poods: I thought you were Scottish? and stop trying to be funny about the breadsticks, I'm scared man!!

Jackaboy: Really? Are we back to this joke again, damn. Don't be scared, chill! it will be fine 😄✨

poods: you're such a doof, I'm gonna give this man a call. Just one last thing, do you think when you guys go to PAX you could Skype me? With Bob, Wade and Mark? I need to talk to you all

Jackaboy: Do it! Of course we will, I'll let you know when we have some free time

poods: thanks man


A few hours later Felix had called again to let me know that he'd got the ring sorted and now he was deciding how and when he was going to propose to Marzia. I had recorded and uploaded todays videos and saved some for when I go away. I had also been into town and got some new clothes (again) as well as a creeper figurine for Mark when I see him in America. Finally, I had gotten some Irish candy to do a candy exchange with a YouTuber in Canada so I was getting it all boxed up and ready to go.

Jackaboy: Hoods, I didn't know what sort of food you wanted so I just grabbed anything that looked remotely Irish. Hope it's okay man!

Hoodie: Don't worry, I didn't know what to get either so you're in for a treat. Enjoy!

I took note of the shipping address and left the paper on top of the box, ready to take to the post office tomorrow. I decided to have a little break from everything and made myself a black coffee and took a seat at my desk, opening up Twitter. My mentions were going crazy with 'SEPTIPLIER!!' and 'JACK ARE YOU GOING TO ANSWER!' so I searched around to see what all the fuss was about. To no surprise it was a tweet from Mark,

Markiplier: 7 days until I get to see my little spoon Jack_Septic_Eye !!

I smiled and typed back,

Jack_Septic_Eye: bae !!

Of course that was enough to make even more septiplier comments fly in but they made me smile, because it shows what kind of support we would have if we actually came out to our youtube community (which we were hoping to do at some point).

I favourited a few of the replies to our tweets before shutting down Twitter and sitting back to catch up on some YouTube, however I was disturbed almost immediately by my phone.

Markimoo: Look at everyone shipping us, aren't they cute angel? 💝

Jackaboy: Of course 😊 makes me happy seeing comments like that 💝

Markimoo: Me too, they love the whole big spoon little spoon thing! 💝

Jackaboy: Which is quite odd considering you're the wife of this relationship 😉💝

Markimoo: Don't discriminate! The woman can be the big spoon if she wants to, you have to accept my wants and needs 😉💝

Jackaboy: Oh im learning to do that alright 💝

Markimoo: What's that supposed to mean? 😉💝

Jackaboy: Im sure your mind can wonder and think of that 😉💝

Markimoo: Excuse me Jackaboy!! 💝

Jackaboy: You love it 😜💝

Markimoo: Shush you doof, are you okay love? 💝

Jackaboy: Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just had a super long day 💝

Markimoo: Take a break and get some rest, I don't want you overworking yourself 😊💝

Jackaboy: I will do Marky thank you 💝

Markimoo: 💝💝

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