eighty six

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The time Sean spent at Insomnia was killing me, every time I brought up the letter he completely blanked me and changed the topic of the conversation. It was hard enough finding the time to talk to him as his schedule was so busy, but the little time we had to talk was not enough for me to be happy with.

I paced back and forth in the airport as I waited for Sean's plane to land, every now and again peering up at the board and hoping that his plane would speed up and land already. I needed answers and I was going to get them, but I also needed Sean. Spending time away from him is one of the hardest things for me now, especially when I'm used to hearing his loud, Irish voice screaming away in the room next to mine or hearing his quiet little snores when we're cuddling in bed. It sucked being away from him, and I was hoping he was feeling the same separation anxiety too. I ran my fingers through my hair and perched myself on the end of a seat. Within five minutes the announcement that Sean's plane was landing had come through and I had positioned myself at the front of the queue waiting to see him. I'd attempted to avoid being spotted by wearing a black hoodie pulled up over my head, but if people were going to spot us it would be due to the green beacon that was just about to enter the building at any moment.

I tapped my foot against the floor anxiously as people made their way out, airports always gave me mixed feelings because they seemed to be the place of emotions for me and Sean. We laugh, we cry, we hug, we say goodbye and eventually we say hello again and it's all one big, emotional circle that we can't escape. I looked up and felt my heart flutter slightly as I spotted Sean making his way down towards me, however I soon frowned when I spotted him talking to a slightly taller, dark haired figure. I blinked a couple of times and squinted as they made their way towards me,

"Daithi?" I questioned, the Irish man turned to me and smiled widely.

"Hey man! Wassup!" He pulled me into a half hug and I continued to stare at him and Sean, slightly confused.

"He's here to stay with a friend for a few days before he goes home for Christmas so I told him he could stay the night at ours tonight so he's ready to leave nice and fresh tomorrow!" Sean exclaimed, a huge grin plastered across his face. I lightly shrugged my shoulders and pulled Sean into my arms,

"Well hello to you too angel," I commented, he pulled away and pouted at me.

"Don't be like that Marky," I held my hands up defensively before grabbing hold of Sean and hugging him again,

"I'm not being like anything, just a little heads up would have been nice. How was the flight?" They both burst into conversation about the flight, and some little boy that would not stop saying Jacksepticeye or something. I zoned out of the conversation and carried Sean's bags out to the car, chucking them into the boot before clambering in and driving all three of us home.

"So what did you get up to whilst Sean was gone?" Daithi asked from the backseat, I shot him a glare in the mirror and sighed.

"I was actually Christmas shopping, if you must know. I have a lot of presents to buy and a lot of people to see and not a lot of time. So yeah, that and YouTube, obviously."

"I need to do Christmas shopping." Sean groaned, tilting his head backwards.

"Me too! We can nip out tomorrow morning if you want before I leave to go to Chris'?" I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and quickly glanced at Sean who had returned to a normal seating position.

"Yes! I'm in, we can get breakfast too." I sat quietly awaiting my invitation, but it never came. Instead they sat and continued to talk about what they were going to do tomorrow, and also reminiscing memories from Insomnia. I was cut completely from the conversation, but it did not bother me as much because Sean was back here with me now, and that's all I wanted.


A few hours later Daithi had crashed in the spare bedroom due to jetlag, but Sean was running round like a child that has had too much sugar. I continued to answer emails on my laptop as he darted past me and quoted Rick and Morty as it played away on the TV,

"Why are you being grumpy? Play something with me!" He chirped, poking my arm.

"I've got emails to answer Sean," I huffed, hitting send and opening up the next one.

"You can do them another time! Come on, have some fun!" I rolled my eyes at him,

"I'm pretty sure you've got some emails to respond too, how about that one I've been asking you to explain for the past five days?" He stopped rushing around and lowered himself down on the sofa next to me,

"Mark please, let that email go, I cannot tell you what it's about." I slammed the lid shut on my laptop and placed it down on the table,

"and why is that Sean? Cause I bet Daithi knows, and I bet you'll go and discuss it with him tomorrow morning whilst you're out getting breakfast and I'm here all by myself trying to figure out what the hell is going on." I immediately regretted what I had said once I had said it, but it all came out of my mouth like word vomit and there was no stopping it.

"Is that really what all of this is about? Daithi? He has no idea what the email is about, he doesn't even know it exists. It's to do with my project, if you must know, and the only reason I'm not telling you is because I don't want to jinx it. I feel like if I talk about it, it'll slip away straight out of my fingers and I'll just let myself down. I want to face any disappointment alone and fix things my way, but if you really want to know then go through the rest of my emails. I'm sure you'll find all of the answers you want there, but if it all goes to shit, then I'm blaming you." I stared blankly at Sean and immediately felt guilt rush through me, I knew exactly how he was feeling but I couldn't stop myself from talking.

"You know what, I just might. It feels like you're always hiding something from me Sean, and I know how much this secret project means to you but it's nearly at the stage where you can tell me so why can't you just tell me early? I'm sick of it coming between us."

"It wouldn't be coming between us if you just had some patience." An awkward silence fell on the room and Sean's head slowly lowered, I hated myself for making the atmosphere so tense.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, Sean's head raised and slowly shook.

"You're not,"

"I am," I butted in, "I'm sorry for being so impatient but it's exciting, and I want to be part of the smiles you have when you come home bouncing off the walls. I want to know why places like the Etihad Stadium are involved and I want to know what all of your hard work is going into. But I'll wait, I promise, I will wait until you can officially tell me and I won't let it bother me any longer." A little smile tugged on Sean's face and he scooted closer to me,

"Please don't be mad at Daithi, he's done nothing wrong. I know you feel left out regarding breakfast but now you know how I feel when you make plans with Bob or Wade and I'm never invited. I'm not going to see him now for at least a month, it's just breakfast, and then I'm all yours." He pressed a short kiss to my lips and linked his arm with mine,

"I promise."

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