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[Mark's POV]

I was once again woken by loud banging and sobs, this time I was certain that they were coming from Sean's room. I clicked the button on my phone and frowned at the time, 3:08 am. What was Sean doing awake at this time?

I slowly got out of bed and made my way over to Sean's room, attempting not to make too much noise in case I startled him. I popped my head around the door and sighed when I spotted Sean sat on his bed, crying to himself and looking down at his hand that he had hurt yesterday. His eyes locked on mine as he watched me enter the room and I walked over to his bed, clambering onto his bed next to him.

"What's happened now?" I asked sadly as he turned to me, he stayed silent but diverted his eyes to his hand. I looked down too and lightly shook my head, his knuckles were bright red and his hand was trembling. The bandage that I had put on to help the cut was gone and there was a little trickle of blood, but not too much.

"Stay there," I said quietly, getting off the bed and running down the stairs and into the kitchen. I got the same equipment I had used previously and took it back to Sean, he was still sat silently. I shuffled closer to him and took his hand in mine,

"Please tell me what happened Sean." I pleaded as I cleaned up his hand again.

"I, I had a dream and got mad over Klo again. I could just see her smiling and laughing with another guy and I want her to have that, I just don't want to think about it." I nodded, it was normal for him to be having these dreams.

"Sounds more like a nightmare to me, what happened to your hand though?" He managed to crack a smile as he looked to the side of him at his bedside table.

"I tried to go all rambo on my bedside table, basically I punched it and just hurt my knuckles." I laughed at him and chucked the med stuff onto the floor, taking Sean's hand in mine and massaging it slightly.

"I'm sorry for waking you again Mark, you're not here to take care of me." I ran my thumb over his knuckles and smiled.

"You don't have to apologise Sean, I came to see you and help you get better and if that means waking up in the early hours of the morning to help you then so be it. Now lie down and get some sleep, you're exhausted." He bit his lip before nodding and sliding back under his duvet, laying so he was still facing me.

"Aren't you going to get some sleep?" He mumbled, closing his eyes as I continued to massage his hand.

"I will soon, I'm more concerned about you at the minute. Go sleep buddy." He breathed out loudly and shuffled so he was more comfortable, I half lay down too and continued to sooth the pain as he fell asleep.


I couldn't help but smile when I woke up, I'd fell asleep in Sean's bed (unintentionally) and we were now lay together 'spooning'. Of course it meant nothing because we're best friends but it was heartwarming to see him actually sleeping peacefully. Me, being the giant I am, was the bigger spoon and I was okay with that. I moved my arm from round his waist and nudged his shoulder lightly,

"Sean buddy," I said in a low whisper. He mumbled but his eyes remained closed,

"Sean, wake up." He rolled over and his eyes slowly opened, a grin forming on his face when his eyes met mine.

"Mark, sorry. What?" I laughed and sat up,

"I'm going to have a shower and then I was thinking we could go and grab some breakfast at a café, if you're up for it?" He nodded and pulled the duvet up closer to him.

"That sounds great, I'm starving." I chuckled and climbed out of the bed,

"The towels are in the box in the bathroom, everything else you need should be there." I thanked him and headed for the door, stopping midway and turning back to him.

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