twenty six

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[Sean's POV]

Jackaboy: Marky, are you busy? I could really do with talking to you, if not, I'll wait for you 😊💝

Markimoo: I always have time for you love, and Marky? That's a new one 😉💝

Jackaboy: Marky will only stay if I'm the only one calling you it 😊 it's quite an important topic so are you sure you have time 💝

Markimoo: I'd drop anything to hear what you had to say, so yes, I have time + Marky is all yours 💝

Jackaboy: Cutie. Anyway, this whole thing is quite important to me and that's why I wanted to talk to you when you actually were going to listen. I know I bailed out on you the other day and left you hanging, and I feel awful for it. No person should ever have to go through that, and I regret it Marky, I do. But I've spoke to people about it and I've had some time to sit and think, but I want to talk to you about it on Skype, if that's OK? 💝

Markimoo: You don't need to regret anything, things happen for a reason. I understand and yes, of course. Call me when you're ready 💝

I set my phone down, my hand shaking slightly, and opened up Skype on my computer. It was pretty late here in Ireland but I knew that I had to talk to Mark sooner than later, so this time was right. I contemplated putting a top on but my room was way too hot, and it was only Mark, he's seen me half naked anyway. I ruffled my hair before clicking the call button on Mark's profile, a few seconds later his sleepy face appeared on the screen and I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Before we talk, can I just ask why you're still awake at three am?" We both laughed,

"This thing has just been on my mind and I couldn't sleep, so I decided to sort it out now." He nodded and pulled his duvet up closer to his face, I smiled widely at him. He was obviously tucked up in bed and using his phone to Skype me, he had the camera propped against the bedside table and he was holding himself up by his propped elbow.

"It must be serious then, anyway, carry on." I felt my hands become a lot more clammy than they were before and my heart felt like it was beating way too fast.

"Like I said, I'd been thinking about what happened and stuff and I spoke to Felix and he's helped me realise what I want and that's you Marky..." My heart was thudding against my chest as I finished my sentence, I watched as a blush grew on Mark's face and he ran his fingers through his hair with his free hand.

"I want you too Sean, so much." This time the redness was apparent on my cheeks,

"You're so cute, but we need to talk about it. Thankfully the feelings are mutual and honestly, I really want to make things official with you. I know we're quite far away from each other but I really like you Mark and there's this little voice in my head that's telling me that I can do this, and that I will be a better boyfriend than I previously was if you want it too." I trailed off, looking up at the camera. My eyes met Mark's and he took his bottom lip into his teeth,

"Of course I want you Sean, I have done for a long time. That kiss was enough to help me realise that I had to have you, and I'm so happy that you want me too. It's crazy though because you're this charming Irishman that is so handsome and I'm this silly half Korean male that may be lucky enough to call you my boyfriend, how did we get to this?" The line fell silent and we both just sat and smiled at each other, the moment was perfect. We both knew what we wanted and we both knew that we were going to get it.

"If we are going to do this though Mark, I need you to promise me one thing." He nodded at the camera,


"I don't want things to go wrong like my last relationship, I was an awful boyfriend that couldn't keep a long distance relationship. I don't want to do the same to you, so you have to promise me that if you start to feel like we aren't working or at any point you are sad, tell me and we can stop okay? I don't ever want to hurt you like I did Klo." He nodded once again,

"Okay silly, I promise that if I am feeling hurt or sad in any way then I will tell you." I thanked him and we both sighed with relief, the line going silent once again. I scratched my neck anxiously before looking back at him,

"Mark?" He looked up,

"Yes love?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" A massive grin appeared on Mark's face,

"Of course I will you doof, I'd be stupid not to." I smiled back at him before chuckling lightly at myself,

"Never in a million years did I think that I'd be asking the Markiplier to be my boyfriend." I joked,

"Well you probably would, but just as a viewer of my videos, not as my best friend." I rolled my eyes at him,

"Very true. I can't wait to see you again Marky," I said sadly,

"It won't be long love, I promise you. And when you get here, we'll have the best time ever full of cake and cuddles. I just want to have you in my arms again." He said, looking down at his empty arms and pouting.

"If I could be there now, I would. If I do decide to come to PAX then it is literally a few weeks again and we will be re-united."

"I can kiss you whenever I want to this time though, last time I had to refrain myself from scaring you away." I blushed a little again,

"You could never scare me away, I like you too much, but I'm looking forward to it."

"Me too, now can you please get some sleep angel? It's got to be about half three in Ireland now and I don't want you to be falling asleep when you're recording. I'll be here when you wake up, so go to sleep." I nodded and said goodbye to him before slipping my jeans off and clambering into bed, plugging my phone in to charge. However, just as I went to roll over, the screen flashed signalling I had a message and illuminated the room.

Markimoo: It won't be long until I'll be saying goodnight to you in person and joining you in bed, I miss you my little spoon. Sleep well 💝

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