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[Sean's POV]

My eyes were sore from the constant rubbing of my sleeves and the crying, it had been roughly three hours since the break up and I hadn't been back at my desk since. My camera cut off recording on it's own but my phone and computer continued to alert me, telling me I had new messages. I wrapped my duvet from my bed around me and shuffled over to my desk, plonking down into my chair and wiping my eyes once again. I opened up my Skype account and sighed at the messages,

Markimoo: Sean, where'd you go? Getting booze? 6:36pm

You there? 6:39pm

Sean? 6:44pm

Are you going to record with us or? 6:46pm

What's happened Sean, why have you disappeared? 6:49

*missed Skype call with Markimoo*

I'm worried now, where are you? Why aren't you answering your phone? 7:05pm

Are you okay? 8:13pm

The last message hit me the hardest, of course I'm not OK. It's strange how a simple sentence can feel like a blow to the head. I still couldn't believe this was happening. I picked up the headphones from my desk and pulled them onto my head again before pressing the call button next to Mark's name. I looked at myself in the camera and stared back disgusted. My eyes were extremely puffy, red and sore. My nose was red too. My whole face was sad and ruined and I looked extremely messy all wrapped up in this duvet.

Who knew what a breakup could do to you?

I managed to keep the tears in as Mark's face appeared on the screen, he was shuffling in his seat and adjusting his headphones before he finally looked up. His eyes widened a little at the sight of me,

"Oh my - Sean, what's happened?" I felt my lip begin to tremble,

"She's gone Mark, she left me." He continued to stare at me, confused.

"What? Who? Klo?" I nodded and his face saddened before he fixed his fringe.

"Oh sean, I'm so so sorry. I genuinely can't believe it, you guys had been going strong for so long. I can't imagine how you're feeling." I continued to stay silent, biting my lip to prevent the tears.

"Please talk to me Sean," He begged.

"I don't know what to do Mark. She meant so much to me, how could I lose her so quick? Fùck, I'm so stupid." I muttered, wiping my eyes with my sleeve once again.

"Hey, come on Sean. You can't blame yourself for this, did she tell you why she wanted to end things?"

"She said I had no time for her. That I was too busy with Youtube to communicate with her. I told her I'd take a break from Youtube if that's what she really wanted but she ignored it." Mark leant back in his chair and sighed,

"I guess I can understand where she's coming from but I don't think she should have broken up with you. There must have been another reason because you offered her time away from Youtube and she turned it down, if time with you was really the problem then she would have accepted the offer." I nodded but my heart panged at the thought of there being another reason, was there somebody else? Were they giving her the time I had failed to give?

"Just proves how bad of a boyfriend I was." I sighed, Mark shot up in his seat and shook his head at the camera.

"Don't you dare say that Sean, you know you were one of the best boyfriend's you could have been to her. You didn't expect your channel to explode like it did, you had no control over that. You were always sending her messages when we were recording, you were not a bad boyfriend." I smiled weakly at him,

"I feel like a bad boyfriend though, what reason did she have to break up with me?" Mark bit his nail anxiously.

"Sean please, stop calling yourself a bad boyfriend. You're making me emotional and I've not even the one going through the breakup. I don't want to see you cry, you mean a lot to me Sean." I let out a little laugh at him but the smile was soon gone off my face.

"I can't stop crying Mark, I ju-" I cringed as my voice broke before clearing my throat.

"Ergh - badgers - anyway, I don't want you to be emotional. You didn't do this, it was me. Well technically it was her, but I was to blame. I'm rambling now, sorry. I just feel really down Mark, I don't know what to do without her."

"You'll be fine without her OK Sean? I'm here for you, all your bosses are here too! They'll cheer you up."

"As much as I appreciate them, I don't really want them to know. I'd rather keep this private just so everything on the channel stays the same and it's not just sympathy comments." He nodded,

"Of course, well either way they'll be there for you even if you just say you're having a bit of a down day. I'm sure Daithi and Felix will be there for you to talk to, I bet Bob and Wade would have a chat with you if you asked. There's so many people ready to help you through this, and I'm going to be here to support you every step of the way." He smiled widely at me and I smiled back, I'd never been more thankful to have my Youtube channel until that very moment. Without my viewers I would not have met Mark and I would not have the incredible support I get daily.

"Thank you Mark, it truly does mean a lot. I'm humbled at the amount you want to help, I'll man up and be alright."

"It's okay not to be okay, but just don't be not okay alone." I rolled my eyes at his attempt to be deep but thanked him again.

"Sorry for ruining your recording earlier by the way." I added, Mark held his alcohol up to the camera and chuckled.

"You didn't ruin it, we just didn't record. We'll wait until Wade's back, you aren't in any fit state to get wasted and record with us." I picked up my pint on the desk and showed it to him,

"I was prepared earlier but now I gotta tip this whole thing away, waste'a drink if you ask me."

"I would say drink it, but I don't want you to be sad and wasted." I smirked and took a sip of the drink, regretting it immediately as I felt the burn in my throat.


"Mark!" He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"Put the drink down, please, for me?" I set the drink down and held my empty hands up in the air.

"I promise I won't drink anymore, even though I could probably drink my single self to death." Mark's eyes widened as he got more concerned.

"Listen to me Sean, there is nothing wrong with being single. Single life's pretty great for me." I stared through the camera at him,

"Too soon Mark, too soon."

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