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[Sean's POV]

I couldn't help but smile as I sat down in front of my webcam, patiently waiting for Mark to finish in the shower so he could Skype me. I'd been out all morning and not contacted him once, causing him to worry, but I had a really good explanation. Daithi knew that I'd left for a meeting because I began my day at his, helping him pack a few boxes for his big move. I only helped for an hour or so but it was enough to make an impact on his spare room.

After the meeting I nipped into a few shops in town to buy him a housewarming gift for his home in America and a good luck card, I was going to miss him like crazy but five months was long enough. He'd wanted to spend a bit of time in America for a while now, and there was no reason to stop him so I smiled and let him know that I completely supported his decision. I'll miss having him around and going for the odd breakfast and coffee every now and then, but if he was happy, then so was I. (But I'd prefer if he did a house swap with Mark, it'd be so cool having Mark live here in Ireland for a while).

A new message popped up in the chat box on Skype from Mark's account,

MarkF2016: I'll be a few minutes, I can't find the top I was going to wear

MrMcloughlin: No worries but hurry!! I have exciting news

I sat back and waited for him to find a replacement top, as I did I watched Felix's new video. Like always, I was crying with laughter by the end of it. I definitely needed to fly over to England at some point this year and meet him, he was the guy that helped me get to where I am today and I owe him the biggest thank you.

A rush of excitement and nervousness flew through me when the Skype call sound began to play, I accepted the call and made sure the video quality was good enough for Mark to see me. I was surprised when a topless Mark appeared on my screen, but I couldn't complain. If he was comfortable, then so was I.

"Hey buddy! Sorry I took so long, I still can't find that top." I shrugged lightly,

"I would say as long as you have pants, then that's all that matters but that's a lie because I'm not wearing pants." I laughed, he rolled his eyes at me before laughing too.

"So, come on then. Tell me your exciting news!" He pressed, just the thought of it made me smile much wider than I was already.

"Okay, so. I went to a meeting this morning with some journalist and she started asking me about my YouTube career, and if I knew that I was the most popular gaming channel in Ireland. Of course I spoke to her about it and let her know and she asked me if she could take notes, so I let her. We spoke for a while and I brought her back here," Mark's face suddenly turned to a frown and he held his hand up at the screen.

"If you're about to tell me that you brought her back here and got laid, I'd rather not know thanks." I mentally face palmed before chuckling slightly,

"No, no. Of course not. I'm not that type of person. Anyway, she came back here and I showed her my set up and all that and she asked me if she could put me in the paper! I said yes to her and she took a few pictures of me at my desk, asked a few more questions then boom, she was done. So I'm gonna be in the paper!"

A loud cheer came from Mark and his frown turned into a gigantic smile,

"Sean! That's fantastic, wow," He said, brushing his hand through his wet hair. Something that was quite nice to experience, and would probably drive all the fangirls crazy.

"I'm so proud of you man, you deserve this so much. I told you things would get better, I promised you they would. Now look at you! You're gonna be in the paper, gosh I'm so happy for you." I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked down shyly,

"You're to thank for this though Mark, they probably wouldn't have been interested if you didn't help me get that vlog up and become more interactive. I owe it all to you." I looked up at the camera to see him staring at me, grinning slightly.

"You never take anything for granted and that's so precious, you know? Because you earned this for yourself, me and your viewers helped you but you did this. You deserve the credit and you will get it. You're such an important person to me Sean and seeing you do so well really warms my heart." The redness in my cheeks didn't fade, in fact it grew to a deep crimson colour.

"You mean a lot to me Mark and granted, I never credit myself but I do owe credit to you. You helped me a lot." I smiled, he tilted his head slightly before laughing.

"You're such a lovely guy, I can't help but smile at you. I'm thankful that you've stayed so genuiene and true to your channel, well done man." I ran my fingers through my hair,

"You're lovely too bud, I hate youtubers that just make videos for the money. I still can't believe that it's my job, it still feels like my side hobbie. Without it, I wouldn't have met you though!" I noticed a slight redness appearing on his cheeks, but he didn't react, the smile maintained plastered on his face.

"That's why I'm so glad that you set up your channel, you're one of my best friends and as much as I love you, I really need to get some sleep." I nodded at him,

"Well thank you so much for-"

"You're not going to say watching this video, are you?" He smirked, I rolled my eyes at him and we both laughed.

"No, I was going to say listening but you ruined the moment. Anyway, thank you for everything man, you've really helped me out." He shook his head,

"No need to thank me, I'm always here, but I really need to go. I'll text you, okay?" I nodded,

"Yeah, sure. Sleep well bro," He waved goodbye and I ended the call, letting out a loud breath and sitting back in my chair. I was still amazed that me, Sean Mcloughlin, was going to be in the newspaper for sitting at my camera and monitor. I must have been doing something right.

I shot up when my phone vibrated in my pocket, I raised an eyebrow when Mark's name appeared on my screen. I opened it up and read his message,

Markimoo: I forgot to ask you, but how do you feel about coming to PAX? It'll be your first time meeting Bob and Wade but we'd love for you to be there, don't worry about passes and stuff?

Jackaboy: Are you sure? I don't want to intrude on your group haha, I'd love to go. Just depends on money, videos etc

Markimoo: We would cover everything if you really needed us to, and don't be silly. You'd never intrude, they want to meet you 😊 and I'd love to see you again

Jackaboy: No no, you don't have to do that. I'll check my schedule soon and we can try and organise something, thank you again. I really want to meet them, they seem cool. I want to see you too, I miss you man

Markimoo: Okay buddy just let me know, it'd be awesome if you could come. I miss you too! Because it's your first time in America, I wouldn't mind sharing a room with you? It's a big place and you'd probably get lost in Boston on your own, it's completely fine if not

I smiled at his offer, he was such a gentleman. The majority of people would put you in a place and expect you to know where you're going and do your own thing.

Jackaboy: That would be alright 😊 I don't want myself getting lost, thank you

Markimoo: Stop thanking me! This is all for you man. I need to go but think about it, night

Jackaboy: Thank you 😉 night

I clicked off and opened up my Twitter, seeing that I had a tweet from Mark.

@markiplier: @Jack_Septic_Eye this is cute! *image attached at top*

@Jack_Septic_Eye: @markiplier I'll always be the little one!!

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