forty two

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[Sean's POV]

"I hate these goodbyes." Mark said sadly, looking up at the board that had just announced that the passengers needed to board the plane. I lowered my head sympathetically too,

"So do I Marky, but it might not have to be this way soon. It might just be hellos." A tiny smile formed on his face,

"I hope so, I miss you a lot when I'm away from you angel." I nudged him slightly and laughed,

"Stop being corny you big doof, you know I'll always come back to you. I can't stand being away." He rested his forehead on mine and took his bottom lip in between his teeth.

"You need to go, I don't want you to miss your flight," his eyebrow raised a little, "well I do, so you can stay here longer with me, but I don't because I want you to get home safe so I can go and see my family." Without responding Mark pressed his lips to mine in a sweet embrace, cupping my face in his hands and smiling into the kiss.

It was moments like this that I felt so grateful for my viewers, moments like this would have been imaginable without all of those guys and I couldn't picture this being any other way.

"I love you," I whispered as we pulled apart,

"I love you too angel." We smiled before connecting our lips one last time,

"I'll call you when I land OK?" I nodded and we shared a short hug before he grabbed his suitcase and headed towards the gate. He stopped once he was approved and turned around, waving to me with a grin on his face. I waved back and watched as he disappeared into the tunnel, this was it, I was alone again...


The taxi pulled up outside my parents house and I paid the taxi driver, thanking him as I clambered out of the car with my overnight bag. It felt strange being back in the desolate woods, with only nature and horses as my friends. I did, however, love the atmosphere that I was greeted by. It was a cool day with more of a whiter sky than blue, but not crisp white to the point it would snow, but an ashy white that made me feel right back at home.

I pushed open the gate and wandered over to my parents cabin, opening the door and walking in. I was greeted by a loud squeal from my ma who immediately wrapped her arms around me,

"I've missed you Jack." My arms snaked around her smaller frame and I hugged her tightly, I had to admit, I was definitely a mama's boy.

"I've missed you too." She pulled back and smiled, running her eyes up and down my body as her eyes became a little watery.

"I promised myself I wouldn't cry but look at you!" she exclaimed, "You're so tall and handsome and you look so happy." A cheesy grin appeared on my face,

"Of course I'm happy ma, I've been having the best time of my life." She nodded and we turned as my father entered the cabin, patting my shoulder and sharing a short hug with me.

"How have you been son?" I nodded slightly,

"Good.. Great, you?"

"We've been fine." He smiled and placed a kiss on my ma's cheek,

"Go and put your bag in the cabin then we can have a catch up." I followed his instructions and walked out and into my cabin, which was now set up for my brother. I walked in and inhaled the wooden scent, smiling like a Cheshire cat. I'd missed this smell, the homely, wooden scent that occasionally had a hint of cinammom or vanilla (depending on which candle I'd recently burnt).

I dropped my bag on the bed and looked around my old room, picturing where I used to sit and record and laughing a little at all the black marks that had been left by my foam pads. I would sit and shout for hours in here at my computer screen, and this was where it all started; little ol' Jackaboy in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, cursing at a computer screen and spending hours watching Mark and the Game Grumps.

I left the cabin and made my way back to my parents who were now sitting on their couch,

"You need to tell us all about America!" My ma said happily,

"I will, but does anybody want a cuppa before I do?" They both nodded and told me what they wanted, so I got to work on their drinks.

"Well, it was my first time meeting a lot of the guys and it was such a cool experience. Because I never expected to be hanging out with any of them the whole thing felt extremely surreal, but they welcomed me just like family and made the whole time there amazing." I began, pouring the hot water into the cups,

"Then we had Mark's hospital situation and I felt absolutely awful knowing what had happened, so I booked a flight out and surprised him with the other guys. He was so pleased and he loved it, a lot." I continued, bringing the cups over to the table and sitting down opposite them.

"And that is when we found out we liked each other." I said with a shaky breath, I looked up at my mum who was staring back at me, the same smile still on her face.

"Well go on, tell us about it." So I did, I sat back and explained everything (well, not the sexual stuff), starting with Klo and ending with the goodbye we had just shared at the airport.

"I'm happy for you son, very happy. Mark seems lovely and you're literally bursting with excitement." I blushed slightly,

"Mark is great, honestly, I can't wait for you to meet him." They shared small talk with me about what opportunities are coming up next, but I was distracted by Gizmo jumping onto my lap.

"Gizmo, hey buddy, what's up?" I said,

"Think Giz would enjoy a walk whilst we get showed and dressed for dinner." My mum said, standing up from the sofa.

"You'd like that wouldn't you doggy?" I grinned, tickling Gizmo's tummy.

"The lead is by the door, be back here in thirty." I nodded and put the lead on Gizmo before heading out into the forests.

We'd been down multiple roads and round multiple bends and were now a lot closer to the village and the shops. I held Gizmo close to me as we wandered round, taking in the nature and calming atmosphere that I had missed a lot.

"SEAN!" I halted and turned around, looking to see who had called my name. A massive smile appeared on my face as I spotted Eoghan running towards me, I opened out the arm without Gizmo's lead on and gave my old college buddy a hug.

"It's been ages since you've been back here!" He exclaimed,

"I know man, I know. Been super busy with youtube and travelling though." He began to walk with me as we continued to talk,

"So what brought you back down this end then?"

"Mark asked me to move to America with him for a little while and I don't know whether to or not, so I came to see my ma about it." He patted my shoulder lightly,

"That's great dude! He must be serious about you guys, what's your ma said about it?"

"I haven't asked her yet, I'm going to do it at dinner. What do you think? I trust your opinion." He ran his fingers across his chin, stroking his mousey brown stubble.

"In all honesty, I'd do it. Mark loves you, you love him. When we were in college you always spoke about how much you wanted to go to America, now's your chance to live there! But, I'd still suggest talking to your parents first, they know what's best." I nodded,

"They do, but I'm scared my ma will cry or something. She cried when I walked through the door," He laughed and shook his head.

"She's an emotional lady, she can't help it. Anyway, I need to get back to work. Let me know what happens and when you're need down here, we can go for a pint." I hugged him goodbye before heading back to the cabins with Gizmo, maybe America seemed like the best decision.

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