S2 First Things First

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Y/n POV:

You spent a good portion of the night packing what you could, there was a lot of high grade equipment that you simply couldn't fit in your duffel bag, but that want the case when it came to small items such as tools, your drones, clothes, a small amount of money and even your wingman you brought from home. These could fit inside pretty easily with proper organization. You managed to only get a couple of hours of sleep due to this, but it was worth it. You were going to need all the help you could get when it came to your mission. You felt someone begin to shake you around as a means to wake you up.

Y/n:oh come on guys...

Guard:it's time to leave.



Y/n:at least let me get my ba- HEY!

You were dragged from your bed to your door and thrown out of your room.

Guard:sorry mate, we gotta treat you like any other prisoner here.


That must've been their excuse for having you here for anyone that caught a glimpse of you leaving the building.

Y/n:alright, alright! let me get my bag at least.

Guard:sorry if we're a bit rough...gotta make this look as real as we can.

Y/n:I understand, just business right?

You put your duffle bag strap around your shoulder and stood up, on of the guards put handcuffs on you hand held you by your left arm while the other two stood on both of your sides armed with r-301s. The guard holding your arm seemed to whisper in you ear while taking you to the main floor.

Guard:you seem nervous.

Y/n:I'm trying to get into one of the deadliest games in the outlands, half the legends there are gonna want to kill me the moment they find out who I am, god knows how many agents have died on this and to top it all off? I've essentially lost my job unless I win...so yeah...little stressed out.

Guard:you even get any sleep?

Y/n:couple hours...helped a little. Till you shook me awake like we were getting bombed.

The elevator doors swung open and the guard behind you shoved you forward.

Guard:the process is pretty simple you know that right?

Y/n:sure I might be able to win on my own in the first solos match...but the qualifiers? I've never been much of a team player.

Guard:well your going to have to expand a little IF you wanna survive.

The moment you walked out the front door and into the streets of apex city he un-cuffed you and shoved you forward extremely hard causing you to fall down.

Guard:you try steeling from us again and it'll be a YEAR in the hole next time!!! Get lost!

You got up and dusted yourself off.

Y/n:that's some good acting...maybe a little to good. Sheesh!

You began to walk through the streets and tried to find where the signups would be, most likely at popular tourist places like fight clubs, restaurants or-

Y/n:huh, guess this ain't a bad place to start.

A bar. The paradise lounge to be specific, this place had all kinds of people flowing through it from mercs to tourists to just your regular person. There had to be someone giving signups in there, you walked in and were immediately greeted by blasting music as well as massive crowds of slightly drunk people. You cling to your bag as tight as you could, god knows that this was a pickpockets wet dream. As if on cue someone had bumped into you without making any eye contact, as if in instinct you grabbed the mans arm and forced him to face you.

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