Further complications

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Y/n POV:

You made a desperate move to protect wattson and shot at the titan which gained its attention.

Y/n:oh boy...

You hopped behind the first wall you could find, the titan fired at you nearly destroying the wall you where hiding behind.

Y/n:it's a strider class titan! Ronin if you want to be specific! It can't take much of a hit but it's mobility is crazy-

Gibraltar:in English!

Wattson:it moves fast! But it can barley take any damage!

Y/n:anyone got heavy ordinance?!

Gibraltar:right here!

Y/n:will it give a big explosion?

Gibraltar laughed.

Gibraltar:it'll shake the earth!

You then looked at the titan to see that it was still staring at the wall you were hiding behind waiting for you to move.

Y/n:alright here's the plan, wattson you shoot at it and gain its attention, after that I'm gonna mount the titan to take its battery-

Wattson:your going to what?!

Y/n:just trust me! Gibraltar once I take out the titans battery it's going to stumble a bit.

Gibraltar:giving me an opening.


Wattson:what about me? What will I do?

Y/n:like I said just try to draw it's attention.

Wattson looked at the titan.

Wattson:it's massive... (I know what your thinking readers don't try it)

Y/n:you don't have to take it head on! Just get it to face you.

Wattson:right...here goes!

You saw wattson pop around the corner

Wattson: hey! Con!

She shot at the the Robins back causing it to spin around and pull out its sword. The second it turned around you ran from around the wall and double jumped onto the robins back. Once you did the ronin violently tried to shake you off, but you still had a good grip and yanked out its battery. Just as predicted the ronin stumbled for a few seconds giving Gibraltar his opening.

Gibraltar:heads up! I'm opening the skies!

You heard a loud amp before looking up and seeing massive amounts of artillery coming from the skies.


You jumped off and ran for dear life with the bombardment going off all around you. Once the bombardment finally stopped You were caught in the smoke and couldn't see two feet in front of you, you then heard Gibraltar over the coms.

Gibraltar:come here you little shit!

???:get off me!

You ran towards Gibraltar location, when the smoke cleared you saw him standing on top of the titan...holding its pilot by the collar.

Gibraltar:good plan bolt, nice mount to.

Gibraltar trust +5

You saw wattson run up from the other side of the titan.

Wattson:oh my...so this is what it looks like up close!

???:let go of me!

The pilot kept hitting Gibraltar who was barely flinching. He then slammed the pilot on the chassis of the titan causing him to stop squirming.

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