S2 Inescapable

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-Intense violence

-sexual abuse

If either of these themes make you uncomfortable in any way then I suggest skipping to the end of this chapter.

Y/n POV:

It was time, no more putting off or overthinking. Your mind at peace and your courage mustered you readied yourself as the cruise ship began to land. The rules of the ship stated that you were allowed to explore and even grab souvenirs, you would try your best to use that to your advantage.

Attendant:lady's and gentlemen the use of your air filtration units is highly recommended.

Valk:the wha-?

Newcastle:talking about the rebreather they gave you. Atmospheres to toxic for regular people.

Y/n:if the scenery didn't give you enough of a hint.

You were referring to the city ruins you and your allies were currently about to walk into. Which state and city it was specifically was lost to history and humanity as most landmarks were destroyed and most statues or other marks were either sold or melted down for resources.

Y/n:alright, as far as anyone else knows we're human traffickers from the frontier. Jackson you can keep the standard hired muscle routine, Kairi you're gonna be our expert.

Valk:expert? What's that supposed to mean?

Y/n:it means you'll have to play your part.

Valk:i signed up to be muscle not some low life trafficker-

Newcastle:just cool it alright? Sooner we get this done sooner we can get off this godforsaken rock.

She groaned in frustration and slight discomfort. Nobody wanted to do this, so it was important that you wrapped this up quick. You all approached the same gate you slipped past in order to escape before.



You quickly handed him three forged IDs courtesy of the syndicate.

Guard:good. May your business prosper.

Past the gate wasn't much different, besides the odd merchant who would turf at your shoulders to get you to have even a glance at their stand, the planet looked dull and grey. The buildings either overgrown with mold or made of stainless steel by the few corporations that remained here.

Newcastle:never understood why people would wanna come down here.

Y/n:the people on that ship with us had more money than they knew what to do with. You'd be shocked to see the things they get into for their entertainment and curiosity.

Valk:what are we looking for?

Y/n:an estate just a few miles east of here.

Newcastle:you're sure it aint closed down?

Y/n:no, but if there's one thing I know about Jeremiah its that he always finds a way for his business to survive. Its why some other owners called him "Cockroach".


Even posing as rich traffickers the three of you had to travel to the estate on foot, only getting the odd ride or two from generous traders. The three of you were currently riding in the back of a transport truck, each of you sitting on a different sized crate. Jacksons crate began to give off a loud banging noises along with audible groans of pain, you had to stop him from opening it and making a scene.

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