S2 The little guy

599 18 15

Y/n POV:

You had just finished up a game and we're stepping off of the winners ship in the hanger of the dropship. Next to you stood Gibraltar and pathfinder who were enthusiastic about their win as per usual.

Pathfinder:did you see me? Did you see me fly? Did you see me-

Y/n:yeah ok! Geez your one helluva talker huh buddy?

Pathfinder:I apologize! I can hardly contain any excitement I usually gain after a win!

He was still practically screaming while saying this.

Y/n:path we've GOT to work on tone...

A felt a vibration coming from your pocket.

Y/n:(oh boy)

Gibraltar:you alright?

Y/n:yeah! Just got a phone call to take.

The three of you went back to the center of the drop ship where your rooms resided, luckily no one was there but you and your team for now on the count everyone else being...you know...DED.

Y/n:thanks for the save again makoa!

Gibraltar:you got it brudah! Just try and keep your head down next time.

You gave a fake laugh before quickly entering your room.  You then quickly pulled out your device and sat down on your bed.

Y/n:that was hardly the best time sir.

Duardo:I'm aware, however I haven't found the time to tell you the good news until now.

Y/n:what good news?

Duardo:you've held up your end of the bargain and MORE Mr l/n. Only a few days in and you've already given me like suspects to keep my eyes on.

Y/n:I'm glad I could be of service to you sir.

Duardo:I'm glad to hear that, but that wasn't the good news.


Duardo:as I said you held up your end of the bargain, it's high time I held up mine. I've gotten you tickets abroad the U.S.S graves, an old milita starship that's been transformed into a luxury cruise from the outlands to earth. Your family will be living in luxury on the way here as well as when they arrive.

You sat up from your bed in excitement.

Y/n:wait what?! Seriously?!?! I never thought-

You began to pace around in excitement.

Duardo:On top of that the ticket I gave you was corporate class, in other words you're allowed to bring TWO representatives with you as your personal bodyguards. I was told from one of my paid operatives that you wished to bring a few legends their for security? Might I ask why?

Shit...you couldn't tell him about your past.

Y/n:even though I have the money to pay sir some corporate captains are...less than willing to release their associates.

Duardo:quite understandable, very well. If you can convince two legends to take the daring journey then by all means.

Y/n:you won't mind losing three legends for a few months?

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