S2 First Day

760 27 53

Y/n POV:

Revenant:get on the platform before I kill you myself! You looked up to the screen to see your squad.




The three of you stepped onto your separate platform. You stood in the middle of the two legends, who right now didn't look even remotely happy to see each other.

Revenant:guess you're stuck with me one last time huh girlie?

Loba:hush! I have enough to be upset about today, your shockingly irritating voice does NOT need to be one of them!

Revenant:(laughs) don't be so upset cause your little scheme failed!

Loba:one more word from you and I'll-

Y/n:guys! Can we PLEASE focus on the match? Just one more lousy match and you two never have tos we each other again.

Loba:can't come soon enough...

Y/n:suck. it. up.

Revenant:I'm landing there! Stay outta my way!

He pointed towards a small set of houses on a beach, then shoved past you as he jumped down.

Y/n:we're really starting off like this you guys?

Loba completely ignored you, jumping down off the platform and making her way towards the houses. You quickly followed shortly after, just barley managing to stay on your feet once you hit the ground.

Loba:that landing needs some work.

Y/n:no shit. Now where can I find a weapon?

Revenant:right there!

Y/n:I don't see a weapon?

Revenant:no you idiot! Enemies! The hell are they standing on?

It looked like a some sort of old IMC armory had appeared out of nowhere. You quickly went inside the building, threw together a flatline with the guns laying inside and ran back out.

Y/n:take the guns, shoot the bad guys!

You opened fire on Bangalore's squad, they quickly took cover whole Newcastle threw down his shield.

Y/n:that's actually REALLY annoying to go against.

Loba:they're moving inside the armory!

Suddenly the armory door slammed shut behind them, the last thing you saw being Bangalore picking up a havoc from the gun rack.

Y/n:uh oh...

Revenant:well! They're dead. Let's get some gear and get moving. Get that market down now!

Loba:you don't get to throw me around like a toy you-

Y/n:just put it down! We don't have time for this!

The scoffed and reluctantly threw down her black market. You managed to find a spitfire as well as a CAR smg with some ammo to go with it.

Y/n:everyone looking good?

Loba:I always look good sweetie.

Revenant:good to go.

YoI we're about to put a new mag into your CAR, but a violent shake on the ground threw you off causing you to drop it.

Y/n:what is going on with all this shaking today?!

Loba:that wasn't normal! Somethings happening!

The three of you quickly ran outside and looked around to see what was going on, you noticed that almost every other legend was there as well and raised your weapon to begin an attack. However Loba forced you to lower your weapon before you could fire.

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