The last resort

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Y/n POV:

The ship landed in angel city with wraith piloting and you, wattson, mirage and an unconscious guard in the back.

Wraith:landed us in the most discrete spot I could find.

The four of you were wearing your casual clothes, the guys had hats and glasses on while the girls wore hoodies over there head.

Wattson:is this really necessary?

Y/n:don't want anyone to make us yet, we're just going in and out straight to droz and Davis's bar.

Mirage:they own a bar?! At least they got good taste.

Wraith:if the maps right it should be at the center of town just a few blocks from here.

Wraith opened the hatch and put her hood up. She then walked over to wattson and patter her shoulder, then put her hood up.

Wraith:keep your head down.

Y/n:that goes for all of us, don't look or speak to anyone.

They all nodded as you walked out of the ship.


You were getting closer to the bar but you still had a few blocks to go.

Wattson:my there must be thousands of people here!

Y/n:millions, angel city is one of the most infamous cities in the frontier.

Wraith:also one of the worst spots during the frontier war.

Y/n:that to...Militia and IMC but heads here all the time.

Wattson:I never understood war...why can't people just live in peace?

Mirage:awww that's cute.

Wattson looked genuinely confused a


Y/n:it is the way of the world, Natalie one day your gonna learn that there's always gonna be some dickhead who wants to kill some other dickhead because he wants more money or more land or more this or more that. You can't completely get rid of war...but you can make a few nice years of peace to get through it.

She looked down.

Wattson:I don't believe that...

Wraith:one day you will.

She sighed.

Wattson:there has to be a way...

Mirage:well if you find it be sure to give us a shout.


You finally reached the center of the town and looked around.

Wraith:you guys see the bar?

Mirage:impossible to miss it.

He pointed towards the giant neon sign that read "the last resort" with a drunk pilot on the side which caused you to facepalm.

Y/n:seriously guys?

Wattson:I thought you grew wiser form old age? These guys seem like there still pretty dumb.

Y/n:eh maybe it's a family trait, but there some of the best pilots I know. Right next to gates...before she bit the dust.

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