S2 At the push of a button (crypto favor)

776 21 39

Y/n POV:

You sprocket crypto who essentially even acknowledging your presence until you were directly behind him.

Crypto:did Witt send you?

Time to play dumb


Crypto:mirage did he- (sigh) forget it. You just answered my question.

He still refused to look at you, only bringing his attention to his seemingly overwhelmed computer screen.

Y/n:that hardware can't take much more of that.

Crypto:you don't know crypto knowledge.

Y/n:no but I know hardware and if you keep messing around that things gonna-

As if on cue, the screen began to glitch and spark out of control.

Crypto:oh come on! Just a little longer!

Y/n:dude get back!

Crypto:just give me a moment!


You yanked him out of his chair and away from the screen as it exploded, some of the plastic and metal bits went into his chair meaning if he stayed there any longer he most likely would've had to get some stitches.

Crypto:I had that!


You pointed to his seat, once he saw the damage and realized what could've possibly happened to him his stance seemed to relax a bit.

Y/n:don't mention it.

Crypto:I wasn't- (sigh) I'm sorry.

He cleaned of his chair and sat back down, you did your best to try and clean up the rest of his room as well. You tried to lighten the mood a bit by joking about his stuff.

Y/n:got lots of weird stuff here. You a hoarder?

Crypto:I am not a "hoarder".

Y/n:you sure? What kinda guy just keeps random stuff on his floor? We've got hangers, old tech parts, a weird looking drone, a cassette player- A CASSETTE PLAYER! You have one of these things?!

Crypto:you actually know about them?

Y/n:for the most part yeah, man these used to play the best stuff around...

You hit the play button since there was already a tape loaded in. Music did play...but not the type you wanted to hear. EVER.

(Imagine only the first few notes but externally echoed and distorted.)

You grabbed your head in pain as the memories vaguely popped back into your head. The memories of your time on earth...that. damn. song. It was the stuff of nightmares for you.


Crypto:what's wrong?


He quickly scrambled to grab the cassette and slam his finger on the pause button. You were now heavily breathing trying to regain your composure.

Crypto:are you alright?

Y/:just give me a minute...god that hasn't happened in years.

Crypto:what WAS that?

He gave you a curious look.

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