The legends

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Y/n POV:

You slapped pathfinders hand, he couldn't see it but you were smiling through your helmet.

Path:oh boy!

Pathfinder trust +10

Once the three of you hoped on the ship you couldn't stop pacing, what would the legends be like? What would your room look like? But then you realized that wasn't the question you should be asking....

Y/n:the did it get destroyed in the first place? I mean wasn't it supposed to be secure.

Wraith:path scanned it awhile back.


Path:it would appear that someone had infiltrated the towers systems.

Y/n:but that's impossible! Last I heard the software on that tower was state of the art! Being checked 24/7!

Wraith:why do you care anyway? What's it to you?

Y/n:what mirage dint tell you? It's why I'm here. I'm trying to figure out who the hell took down that tower...and why.

Wraith:and getting into the games was your first step?

Y/n:yah, well that and trying to obtain as much info as possible.


You rubbed your chin and continued to pace.

Y/n:do you know anyone that might've had access to the tower? Maybe know it's systems?

Wraith leaned back in her seat and nodded.

Wraith:you remember when we told you about Natalie Paquette?

Y/n:yah she made the ring why?

Path:she was also apart of the construction of the tower!

Wraith:if anyone knows about the tower it's her.

Y/n:geez she must've took this hole tower collapse thing pretty hard.

Path:Mrs Paquette has not slept for 3 days straight!

Wraith hit path on the side of the shoulder which caused his screen to show a question mark.

Y/n:3 days?

Wraith:this ring is her practically her home at this point, she grew up watching the games to.


Suddenly pathfinder spoke up.

Path:Mr. l/n I'm quite confused...

You both looked at path.

Y/n:how do you know my last name?

You sounded a tad bit concerned.

Path:It's in my programming to Record data on all my battles, including new legends added to the arena!

Y/n:wait so you SCANNED me?!

Path:correct, it's again why I'm quite says that you were involved in the frontier war...which would make you at least at the age of 32 by now if my math is correct.


Path:scans say you are only at the age of 23. Making you younger than even mirage

Wraith:the 2nd youngest in the games. Thought you said that you two grew up together?

They both looked at you a bit confused. You couldn't really come up with a good excuse...

Y/n:it's...complicated ok?

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