Difficult times

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Y/n POV:

With a heavy heart you slowly pulled out your pistol, jackson saw this and smiled. Bangalore looked confused until she turned around and saw you aiming at him.

Bangalore:what are y-

Before she could finish you fired killing him instantly.


Bangalore trust -30

She tackled you to the ground and began to beat you to a pulp. She had predictable movements of a grunt which gave you the opportunity to throw her off.

Y/n:we need to leave now!

Bangalore:I'll kill you!

The ground started to erupt beneath the two of you, Anita turned around and grabbed Jackson dog tags before pushing past you and running towards the dropship.

Crypto:we've got 30 seconds move!!!

You stumbled your way to the dropship and threw yourself in. Crypto quickly closed the door and activated the warp drive, in a matter of seconds the ship was in space as you watch the planet fall apart. None of you said anything as you watched, the silence was broken by Anita once again punch my you, before she could continue crypto ran up and pulled her off.

Crypto:what's going on? What happened down there?!

Bangalore:this song of a bitch he...he-

She tried to charge at you again but crypto caught her and held her back.

Y/n:he told me to do it!

Bangalore:bullshit!!! you killed my brother! My family!!! You even know what that's like?! You know how hard I worked just to see him again?!

She was going berserk until you finally had enough and yelled.

Y/n: of course I know what that's like!!! My goddamn mom was killed by IMC right in front of me!!! You think that dint hurt?!

Bangalore:so this is you you get back at em?! I had nothing to do with that!!!

Y/n:I TOLD you your brother told me to do it!!! You think I'd just kill a man in cold blood?!

You were both starting to lose your cool so crypto decided to jump in.

Crypto:enough!!! We have to focus! Especially after what we just found!

Bangalore started to calm and looked at him.

Bangalore:what the hell was it?

Y/n:the syndicates trying to start snatcher war with the militia and IMC.

She looked at you shocked.

Bangalore:what?! Why?

Crypto:profit, it's all they ever have or will care about.

Bangalore:how the hell would they even do that?

Crypto:my guess? I recently did some digging and found out that the syndicate was making a partnership with Hammond robotics, that's how they've returned. They've struck some sort of deal to change the map.

Y/n:they're bringing them straight to the games...

Bangalore:I don't get it we lost! why would Hammond try to fight back now?

Crypto:they're not, they're just trying to make a little profit.

Bangalore:then why are they trying to bring the militia fleet?

Y/n:because the militia doesn't care if you don't want a fight.

They both turned to you.

Y/n:all they care about is wiping every trace of the IMC from the frontier and the outlands. Weather your a civilian or not. If they see Hammond robotics they're gonna attack them on sight!

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