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(A/n don't play the song yet)

Y/n POV:

Mirage had two spare rooms in his bar, he used one for himself but let you take the other. You were working on some sort of gadget you'd been thinking about when mirage barged in.

Mirage:uh, hey.


There was a bit of an awkward silence.

Mirage:hey look, about wraith joining the games I-

Y/n:there's no point dwelling on it now. You've already signed me up which means I'm going in one way or another. The question is how do I make it through?

Mirage put his hands on his hips and sighed

Mirage:alright well listen close, your gonna have to remember all of this for tomorrow...

3rd person POV:

Mirage:The only thing your allowed to bring with you to the dropship is either your gadgets, a map, an adrenaline syringe, a hud and MAYBE a knife.

Y/n:well where the hell am I gonna get all those? The game is tomorrow!

Mirage:calm down! Now I can probably get the map and adrenaline syringe by tomorrow, but the hud and gadget? Eh...

Y/n:I have a gadget in the works but it won't be ready for at least another couple of days.

Mirage:then you'll have to go in with the bare minimum...

Y/n:so all I'll have when I go down there is an adrenaline syringe and a map? Are you shitting me?!

Mirage:what do you mean that's all you'll have? There's TONS of equipment down there.


Mirage:honestly have you EVER watched the games? Yeah when you go down there's gonna be tons of stuff down there. Guns, ammo, shields, grenades.

Y/n:thank god!

Mirage:yeah your telling me. Anyways the number one thing you want to do when you get down there is AVOID wraith. She dint get the name "legend" for nothing. She almost never misses and is even deadlier up close, she's one of the arenas greatest champions come to think of it...

Y/n:her of all people...

Mirage:yeah...her of all people.

Y/n:so what do I do once it just me and her? And that's assuming IF I make it to the end?

Mirage:you will! And as for your other question...

Mirage reached into his pocket and pulled out a small button.

Mirage:whenever you eventually have to fight her use this.

You reached out for it but he snatched it back.

Mirage:and for the love of god and everything that's good DO NOT press it beforehand.

Y/n:why what dose it do?

Mirage:just be sure to cover your ears. I know it's gonna sound strange, but she has a voice in her head that warns her of incoming threats.

Y/n:meaning she'll see me coming?!

Mirage:but she won't see THIS coming.

He handed you the button, and you reluctantly took it.

Mirage:one more thing, if you beat her...don't kill her.

Y/n:why? Isn't that the point of the game?

Mirage:there's certain honor system in the games, when there's two people left and the winner of the fight spares the loser, they both get to walk away and live. BUT the winner gets the reward AND whoever the winner spared will owe them big time.

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