S2 Drinking Buddy

604 20 13

Y/n POV:

The opportunity was to good to pass up.



Bloodhound:we will assist your exit if you humiliate yourself.

Y/n:oh thanks hound...

You got up from your seat and walked back to the bar where a frustrated looking Valkyrie sat.

Y/n:need a medic?

She turned her head only slightly.

Valkyrie:I really look that bad?

Y/n:you look...distracted to put it lightly.

You sat down next to her, ordering a drink in the process.

Valkyrie:look usually I'm all for friendly banter and all but...right now I'd prefer to be alone.

Y/n:I understand that, I'll respect it if you want. But if you want my advice? Talking usually helps you move on from whatever's stuck inside that big brain of yours.

Valkyrie:you wouldn't understand...

Y/n:try me.

She gave a short chuckle.

Valkyrie:I hardly know you.

Y/n:then ask.

Valkyrie:ask what?

Y/n:anything you want, I'll answer to the best of my ability. It might even get your mind off of whatever your thinking about.

She paused to think for a moment, then she smirked when an idea popped into her head.

Valkyrie:I got a better idea...

She asked the bartender (I.E. mirage) to bring an entire bottle of hard whiskey to the both of you as well as two shot glasses.

Valkyrie:now I usually use this trick on beautiful women...but you'll have to do.

You gave a sarcastic offended look.

Y/n:you don't think I'm pretty?

She rolled her eyes.

Valkyrie:alright smart ass the game works like this. We take turns asking questions and however many questions we ask is how many shots he have to take. Easy as that.

Y/n:how long to we go for?

Valkyrie:til someone passes out usually...or until they get so drunk that they forget where they are. Usually it's the ladder.

You grabbed a glass.

Y/n:ladies first.

She scoffed.

Valkyrie:lady? Whatever. Alright new guy why are you here?

Y/n:saving up money to transport my family to the outlands.

Her eyes widened as she took a drink.

Valkyrie:you're shitting me? You're from the core worlds?!

Y/n:not as glamorous as you'd think but yeah. Also that's two.

Valkyrie:wha- oh dammit...

She took yet another drink.

Y/n:oh! You did it actually have to do that!

You laughed. It...surprised you, that was the first genuine laugh you've had in years.

Valkyrie:rules are rules, right you next.

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