Worlds edge

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Y/n POV:

You continued to lean until you finally touched her lips, the second you did you both shot back...and kissed again, and again, and again until you finally separated.

Y/n:alright...what just happened?

Wattson:that was...exiting!

You raised an eyebrow and smiled.


Wattson:yes I mean...that's the first time I've ever kissed anyone so I guess I don't have much experience.

Y/n:well it was pretty good.

You both laughed then stayed silent for a few seconds not really knowing what to say.

Wattson:what dose this mean?

Y/n:it means I do love you Natalie it just...

You looked down.

Wattson:your scared.

Y/n:for you yah.

She grabbed your Hand and made you look at her.

Wattson:I'm not.

Y/n:but you saw how much blisk hates me!

Wattson:I did.

Y/n:Plus with all this crap going on trying to figure out what happened to the arena its...gonna draw some unwanted attention.

Wattson:it will.

She leaned in closer to you.

Wattson:And I'm going to be standing right beside you when it dose.

Y/n:I don't want you to get hurt.

She giggled

Wattson:I can handle myself y/n, don't mistake my kindness for weakness...

You looked out at the stars again.

Y/n:should we tell the others?

Wattson:no, not right now. There's going to be a time for that later.

You payed down on your bed, Natalie quickly joined you as she snuggled next to you. You heard her still giggling to herself.

Y/n:something funny?

Wattson:nothing it's just...I usually keep my relationships professional, or as friends nothing more. I dint think I would get this far with a guy.

Y/n:well if it's any comfort I dint think I'd ever be doing this again with a girl.

Wattson:it is.

She snuggled even closer to you as the two of you drifted off to sleep.

Wattson trust +10 max trust achieved (fully romanced)


You woke up to hear some chatter coming from outside your room, you were about to move but you noticed that Natalie was on top of you. You gently and quietly slipped out of the bed, before you left you gave her a kiss on the head then went out the door. You saw wraith talking to caustic and decided to join in.

Y/n:what's going on over here?

The both went quiet as you approached.

Y/n:look if your putting dirt on someone I could care less...unless it's me. Y'all talking about me?

Wraith:no, it's about the new guy.

Y/n:eh y'all got a feeling about him to?

The both looked at you.

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