S2 Even MORE Problems

812 21 12

Y/n POV:


You threw the wingman to the side and shook your head.

Y/n:no more killing.

🔹karma gained


Red:and the money?

Y/n:if things go according to plan I'll have plenty of money by the time I become a legend.

The man laughed.

Red:I ain't one to say thank you so I'll just go with...I owe you one.

He then collapsed to the ground, unconscious but alive.

Y/n:that's odd...Victory ship Should be here by now-

Right on cue a dropship jumped into the stomp sphere from above, it slowly began to lower itself down to the hill you were standing on. You heard red begin to groan in pain. You knelt down to him and put pressure on a couple of his bullet wounds, multiple troops began to exit the dropship behind you two of which were carrying a stretcher.

Y/n:he's banged up pretty bad! He just passed out I front of me a couple of seconds ago.

Soldier:we got this! Get outta here!

He shoved you away only briefly glimpsing at you before returning to his work. You slowly moved your way through the crowd of soldiers and onto the dropship still thinking about what just happened. Everything went by so fast...you didn't really have time to even process it. Your ENTIRE life almost went down the toilet and the only reason you were still breathing was because of LUCK! If that last guy hadn't been there to draw reds attention-

Y/n:oh my god...

You had to lean back to keep yourself from puking, death still terrified you. Well PERMANENT death anyways, but now that was over...now if you died in the qualifiers they would bring you back to life regardless, still you'd most likely have to face a legend there and you just couldn't put your finger in how you'd do it-

Guard:hey! Strap in, we're taking off.

Multiple guards entered the ship along with the stretcher red was now being carried on.

Y/n:is he gonna be alright?

Guard:he'll make it back to the hospital...but you should've killed him.

Y/n:I've killed plenty today, plus with him unconscious I'm sure you can send him to jail without a fight.

Guard:hmph, softie.

You figured it was best to ignore that comment.

Y/n:so are we heading to apex city ooor?

Guard:you ain't that big yet rookie, we're taking you back to Harris valley. But you'll be able to enter the qualifier matches now if you want, after that? THEN you get to head to the big city.

Y/n:that's a pretty fancy way of calling me a nobody.

Guard:just giving it to you straight.

Pilot:initiating jump!

The guard slapped red on the shoulder a few times.

Guard:hang on tight shithead!

Red gave a weak middle finger before the ship jumped into hyperspace. After only a few seconds you were back at Harris valley, almost as if you never left. What surprised you the most was the fact that you could hear the crowd cheering for you louder and louder the lower you got to the ground. It was dark out by the time you got back so the town was lit up by beautiful shop lights and lamps.

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